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aCyborg: "Ayeeee, might be worth looking out from the crows nest to see if the spot we are teleporting too has guards near by first"

*GM what does the area near where I am teleporting to look like?*
bjgamer: Kyp is waiting for BOTH Captain Baldbeard and Gilius to ascend to the Crow's Nest.
What he sees will be revealed in a few hours. ;)
oh I taking 2 people? must have missed that.
Alright cool
Mission 2, Fortress Turn 2
*CurrentTurn will end 10 PM UTC, 15 October*

Cap'n Rummyfangs kept a very discrete profile with his head low, never looking up at any of them. He was supposed to be a harmless low-life, after all. However he listened intently to everything, alert, ready to reach for his rapier if needed ... or to go to rather extraordinary lengths should a distraction be needed.

Count Karnstein had a big smile and opened his arms widely when he saw the officer approaching them. "Ahh, finally the famous fortress!"

(roll dice) However Queen Origi took a good look at the officer's garments and bearing and stepped ahead, cutting off the Count and speaking first in her best royal manner, "Good day, I'm sure you recognize me. No need to bow. You may address me as Your Highness. And your name is? Anyway, to business. I'm sure the paperwork has been sent over, but in case it hasn't yet arrived .... Now then, does anybody have initial questions for this gentleman? What was your name again?"

(roll dice) The Fortress commander in his powdered wig and immaculately tailored uniform stared at Queen Origi for a long moment then inclined his head in a cautiously perfunctory manner and introduced himself in the way of those who consider themselves important but also seek favor and status with those who just might be their betters. "I am Commander Beckett of the DRM Alliance ... Your Highness." He then haughtily regarded Count Karnstein and the others and stated simply. "Your credentials?"

Grog'tial sighed grumpily, appearing for all the world as if this was just one more inconvenience to getting the important business done. Meanwhile he surreptitiously kept an eye on the British Room and Chapel doors, what he could see through the apple grove. (roll dice) Frustratingly there was nothing to give them a clue about what might await them there. Now there was this officer dandy reminding him of the worse sort of stuck-up, full of himself brown-noser that often frequented any court. Never mind that Grog'tial was doing his own best impression of just such a courtier. Maybe that grumpiness wasn't entirely feigned.

Count Karnstein motioned and Bhrigu produced the documents once more. The Count was about to launch into introducing himself when Bellandra stepped forward. (roll dice) Having gauged this commander's formal demeanor and his affectation to nobility, she followed Origi's lead, nodding respectfully and speaking carefully, avoiding her usual pirate accent. "Lord Commander, these affairs of the Captain and Her Highness are above my pay grade. My task is simply to guard the prisoners and deliver them securely to their appointed place. If you permit I'd like to proceed while you discuss further with my superiors. I imagine it will be more pleasant to tour the facilities without these stinking wretches offending your sensibilities."

(roll dice) The Commander nodded in an off-hand manner to Bellandra, giving her a glance of approval before perusing the documents handed to him. Then he regarded Count Karnstein again, tapping the documents on the fingers of his other hand while he considered.

(roll dice) Count Karnstein had also seen this type before, but he had a role to play and had met the Denuvo captain, so instead of his usual suave nobility, he took on the vampirate's gaudy swagger. He introduced himself as Captain of the Denuvo, along with Aylar as first mate, Grog'tial as a bean counter with business to conduct, and Argy as chef, while carrying on about Bhrigu and his biography. In true vampirate form he sought celebration with drink, food and entertainment, just happening to also mention the prisoners did need to be deposited in cells. While the Count was awaiting further developments, he was also prepared to move swiftly with deadly intent if necessary.

(roll dice) The commander took it all in, with a twitch of distaste to his mouth. "Yes, well, your Letters are in order. I have heard of your ... rather abnormal crew, Captain." Pursing his lips, Commander Beckett looked over the Crew again, doing a double take at Monkey, then back to Queen Origi, obviously somewhat impressed by her royal bearing. (roll dice) "But this is most unusual, most unusual. I will have to consult with the, uh, Lord Vrammyr. (roll dice) In the meantime," he nodded to the half-orc guard then gestured to Bellandra, "This guard will show your people to the cells to deposit your prisoners. The back of Red Shell cellblock should be sufficient," he instructed. "Then show Her Highness," he inclined his head to Origi, then looked over Grog'tial's attire and courtier demeanor closely, "and her advisor to the accounting office. (roll dice) If the rest of you will wait here, I will return shortly." He waved the two half-orc guards on patrol over. "These guards will see to your needs in the meantime." With that Commander Beckett prepared to take himself off to the Chapel.

Aylar had stood by Count Karstein's side, watching 'his Captain's' antics and the Commander and guard's reaction at such with a seemingly perfunctory attention, while his eyes occasionally scanned the area for something perhaps more interesting. (roll dice) He made note of the movements of the guards, as another half-orc guard herded two humans carrying powder from the powder magazines (left bottom corner plan) past the Chapel, British Room and cells to the door in the corner by the well near them (upper right), which opened without needing to be unlocked, and they all disappeared within. (roll dice) The door shut behind them, but not before Aylar's sharp eyes caught sight of something big moving in the shadows inside that room.** Aylar leaned a bit closer to Count Karnstein, "Orders, Cap'n?" he asked.

(roll dice) Felinoid ears perked as the corner door opened and Cap'n Rummyfangs heard the shambling of a large creature inside. (roll dice - Felinoid hearing) Strange echoes came from much further, as if bouncing off walls, the very faint crack of a whip, and somewhat closer, what sounded like the whisper of footsteps of a many legged creature. Cap'n Rummyfangs kept his head low but risked raising his eyes for a quick glance into the room. (roll dice - Felinoid night vision) He quickly clamped his mouth shut, hard! For what he saw just as the door closed almost made him barf up a rumball. That, thing, must be the Flesh Golem! **

Bhrigu maintained his guise as scribe/biographer, taking notes with his invisible ink while acting like he was merely noting down the meeting for posterity. (roll dice - observational skill) He also noted the guard and the human thralls entering the corner door with a powder barrel, far from the only viewable stairs and most of the fortress guns. (roll dice) There was also dirty footprints coming from that door, fresh dirt near the apple tree grove, and he remembered seeing a pile of new bricks drying in the sun near the seaward moat's end to his right as they had crossed the bridge to the drawbridge.**

(roll dice) Argy was about to wander around the courtyard with a distracted air when the commander waved over the two half-orc guards to keep an eye on them. (roll dice) She saw Bhrigu looking at the dirt near the apple trees and over at the door the orcish guard had taken the humans with the barrel into. Frustrated that she couldn't very well wander off with the guards right there watching, she pondered how to best make use of her sleep cakes.

Fortress Plans
**NOTE TO THOSE SEEING/HEARING & OBSERVING - Nobody else knows what you have seen or heard unless you say or indicate something. Make a note of who you are near before posting your suppositions or discoveries.

(Continued below)
Post edited October 14, 2023 by bjgamer
(Continued from above)

The first half-orc guard motioned respectfully, (he had never seen a real queen before, he never knew they came so tiny) for Queen Origi, Grog'tial, the 'Guards' and the 'prisoners' to follow him to the cell block door closest to the storage rooms next to 'Accounting' (British Room). (roll dice) Still taken with the idea of a tiny queen, the guard unlocked the door and again gave Bellandra the keys, pointing to the larger cell at the end of the hall which stretched across the back of the cell block. "In there." Then he turned to Queen Origi. "Tiny Queenie follow Urgho. Urgho show to greedy gobbies."

Bellandra and the others saw the cells on both sides were cramped, small and sparse, crowded two to a cell with only straw on the floor and a bucket for necessities. The back cell stretched across the entire back, so was bigger, and currently empty. The stench was palpable, even without Captain Baldbeard's nose. There was brooding silence from the prisoners within the cells, mostly humans, many of whom showed signs of mistreatment, and they refused to look at 'the Guards'. The cell bars were iron, not steel, and while they may hold in hopeless prisoners with nothing but their bare hands and rags, they wouldn't stand a chance against Mighty. Then again, Bellandra did have the keys.

Urgho took Queen Origi and Grog'tial to the British Room and threw open the door. Inside to their right near a window was a desk full of papers that looked like requisition forms and various shipping orders. To their left were stacked some crates, possibly ready for shipment somewhere. Towards the back were stairs going up to a second floor that they had seen in the plans, where they could hear someone pacing and mumbling. Under the stairs a goblin was harassing a gnome dressed in rags operating some sort of machine that looked to be counting and packing coins, or maybe stamping them? The goblin occasionally took a coin, trimmed it, pocketing the trimming and throwing the coin back into the stacks, making the gnome have to reset the machine to counting them again.

The goblin turned and looked at them. "Whaddaya want?"

Aboard Ship -
Kyp had climbed to the Crow's Nest right after the longboat had launched. (roll dice) The only well visible from the Ship was the well by the cells, near where his Crew mates spoke with the officer and the guard. The other one was near the seaward wall of the fort, and thus not at an angle where it could be seen from the Ship. Kyp knew the Crew was trying to get the lay of the land and that Grog'tial planned to try to get to the goblins and possibly the necromancer if he could. Now Kyp looked for a potential path or plan for what to do after getting in the fort. The well was sunk into the cobblestone walkway, but there were some bushes nearby in the grassy corner and he could see vines along the cell block walls. Polly had said something about Gilius using those. (roll dice) As he watched closely Kyp saw a large guard and two people hauling a barrel go into the corner door right by the well he would have to teleport to. Several minutes later none of them had come out yet.

Polly flew upwards with a piece of dangling sailcloth to shield Captain Baldbeard and Gilius from being seen by anyone possibly using a spyglass from the Fortress as they started their climb. The Denuvo's Orb of Shadow also helped to keep any in the fort from observing too closely. One in the Crow's Nest would be normal, three might look suspicious. Polly cautioned Kyp not to be too impetuous as Captain Baldbeard ascended the rigging. The others expected them to wait, ready for when Cracker flew upward to give the signal. (roll dice) To go before the others were ready and the Ship's cannons fired to cover the sound of their splashing in the well would be to risk exposure, losing the Ship's element of surprise and possibly triggering the Fort defenses too soon.

Fortress Plans

Your usual weapons and inventory are assumed with you.
Argy = Fortress Courtyard; 'Chef', 1 Sleep Potion (4 small baked goods), 1 Spiderclimb Oil
Aylar = Fortress Courtyard; 'Officer', Gillyweed, 1 Weapon Oil - Acid
Bellandra = Cell Block Door nearest Storage Rooms; 'Guard Captain', Harbor Watch Leather Armor, Hand Crossbow w/6 bolts, 1 Fire Resistance Potion; Foggy's cutlass; keys to cell block, gate and drawbridge
Cap'n Rummyfangs = Cell Block Door nearest Storage Rooms; 'Prisoner', 1 Fire Resistance, 1 Heal Potion
Bhrigu = Fortress Courtyard; 'Scribe', 1 Spiderclimb Oil, 1 Heal Wounds Bandage
Captain Baldbeard = Ship, ascending the rigging; 1 Sleep Potion, 1 Weapon Oil - Fire
Count Karnstein = Fortress Courtyard; 'Captain', 1 Heal Wounds Bandage, 1 Heal Potion
Durik = Fortress Courtyard?; 'Guard', Harbor Watch Leather armor, 1 Weapon Oil - Acid; *Aylar's Axe
Foggy = Cell Block Door nearest Storage Rooms; 'Prisoner', 1 Gillyweed, 1 Potion of Force Resistance
Gilius = Ship, ascending the rigging?; 1 Scroll of Revivify, Wand of Secrets
Grog'tial = British Room; 'Courtier', Dirk, Remote Viewing Potion
Kyp = Ship, Crow's Nest waiting for Baldbeard, Gilius and the signal to go; pouch of Blinding Powder, Bag of Smoke Marbles
Mighty = Cell Block Door nearest Storage Rooms; 'Guard', Harbor Watch Leather armor, 1 Heal Potion; *Pugwash's Crossbow & Quiver
Pugwash = Cell Block Door nearest Storage Rooms; 'Prisoner', *Quiver of 3 Stun Bomb bolts w/Mighty, 1 Heal Wounds Bandage
Queen Origi = British Room; 'Herself', 1 Mage Hand Scroll, Scroll of Fire Protection

GM Note - Durik does not carry any of the 'prisoner's' weapons, so can choose to go to the cells or to stay with Argy, Aylar, Bhrigu and Count Karnstein. Grog'tial PMed instructions to the GM since he had limited time - "grumpy" featured in them. ;)

Per Request - attached image of positions inside the Fort. You may have to magnify it.
BLACK: b = bhrigu; a = argy; K = Karnstein; A = Aylar
YELLOW: B = Beckett; line = Beckett's path to Chapel; FG = Flesh Golem; gn = gnome; g = goblin
ORANGE: H = Half Orc Guards summoned by Beckett to watch Karnstein group
RED: GO = Grog'tial & Origi; PRF = Pugwash, Rummyfangs, Foggy; M = Mighty; B = Bellandra
GREEN: round = bushes; arrows = apple trees

Durik is not indicated until he selects which group he will go with, or who he may be requested to go with.
The Guard and Humans went thru the door into the room where the FG was seen by Rummyfangs.
Aylar saw a large shadow, but not as clear as Rummyfangs did.
Post edited October 14, 2023 by bjgamer
Kyp after hearing Polly's warning noticed that he was in fact in a grave situation... at the top of the crows next... which, as it happens, is very high up. Fear quickly started it's works, with shaky legs Kyp sat down in the crows nest so he would not have to look at the gound for much longer and wait for the signal/wait for everyone to be ready for the task at hand.
Argy starts a conversation with the half-orc guards: "Damn... Officers and their endless parley... This be takin' soo long" She takes three cakes and shows them: "Hey, ye like to share a snack with me? Kipper cakes. A personal recipe. Tasty but a little dry. Talkin'bout dryness... Me mouth is so dry and salty and my cap'n likes not me boozing. *puppy eyes and lowers her voice* Can ye fetch me a drink in 'xchange? Just a sip pleaaase. Won't tell a soul..."
Count Karnstein watched at walking away commander, then looked around and said loudly to Aylar:

"How 'bout that, Sir Ayelardeonissimo von de la Crinièreroux? Didn't I tell ye our allies are truly savvy bunch? Look what an order, what a discipline. Still though, keepin' us waitin' at the threshold like some beggars seem a bit overzealous to me. Well, but prolly official audience before we start roisterin' might prove beneficial."

Then he turned to the closer half-orc:

"So, tell me, master guardian, how's life treatin' ye 'ere lately, everyone in good health? What are ye occupied wit' these days? I believe I noticed some commotion o'er there. Don't tell me, bringin' grog to the banquet hall mayhaps, eh? Harr, harr!"

Regardless of answer he will follow with asking: "Can I at least go fer a piss under that tree o'er there?"
Post edited October 14, 2023 by ssling
Grog'tial was not a happy half-dwarf. Despite the merits of his plan to dress up as a fop and take out some of the more dangerous enemies here before they even knew there was a reason for them to be dangerous, he wished he'd stayed behind on the ship until everyone else was obviously messing up, to then be teleported in and save the day. And these ridiculous clothes itched like crazy. He was certain that wherever he was at this very moment, his half-brother would not be wearing ridiculous or itchy clothes.

He suffered through the introduction with the fortress commander with barely concealed impatience to be getting on with it. Yet when they finally started to move, a little voice in the back of his head whispered incessantly that the commander was on to them, and this transparent ruse to get this "Lord Vrammyr" (the name of the Necromancer? Or some other power which Polly hadn't known about, who was also was holed up in the Chapel?) was clearly setting the stage for a trap!
Using most of his willpower to push these thoughts aside and focus on what was actually happening (that speech by Origi had clearly been a code, though, hadn't it? Was she on their side??!), he sighed somewhat in relief as they arrived at the British Room, and a goblin called out to them, "Whaddaya want?"

Grog'tial moved several paces into the room, and let his impatience and grumpiness color his voice. "On behalf of her majesty here, I would finally like some semblance of clarity on some rather important financial matters. The figures we've been getting just don't make any sense at all, and I intend to get to the bottom of it all!" He then turned to Origi and Urgho, sketching a bow to the former to invite her inside, and addressing Urgho, "Could you give us a hand with these crates here? And shut the door, please - we are likely to touch upon some delicate matters, and there's no need for the entire fortress to hear about it!"

Once Urgho and Origi are inside, with the door closed, Grog'tial strides forward to the middle of the room while addressing the goblin and frowning most severely. "I wasn't informed about any gnomes working in this office. Is this wretch a prisoner?"

Grog'tial will wait for an answer to the gnome question if he can, given Polly's request for freeing a gnome prisoner, but he well knows how dangerous sneaky types like rogues and thieves can be, so at the first sign of trouble, he'll blow his shell. When he blows his shell, his intent is to mesmerize everyone in the British Room, other than himself, Origi, and possibly the gnome (only if he knows that the gnome is a prisoner). When the targets have been mesmerized, Grog'tial informs Origi that they have 10 minutes to take care of them all, and starts cutting throats with his dirk (being mindful about his positioning so as to not get any blood on himself, and sparing the gnome if he's uncertain as to his status, so he can first be examined more closely). Mindful of the earlier conversation about the Necromancer's abilities, Grog'tial intends to take a second pass (once everyone downstairs and upstairs is dead) using Urgho's weapon to behead them all, and then start a thorough search of the British Room for the artifacts Polly wanted, as well as anything else which might spark his interest (he's particularly interested in the poisons which Polly mentioned, so will search the corpses of the two Goblins and apply some to his crossbow bolts if he finds any). He'll cast frequent looks though the windows of the British Room to see if matters outside warrant his participation.
Post edited October 14, 2023 by gogtrial34987
"Yes, please be sure to give my financial expert your full support. You understand that I'm weighing up whether to replace all the staff here with my own, I'm sure. So it's in your best interest to answer every question as diligently and professionally as possible. In the meantime, I would like to survey the upstairs room. No no, you stay there. I'm sure Mr. Gnome can do guide my little tour." Origi ushers the gnome to lead her upstairs. If she gets upstairs, she scans the area for any sign of the map and chest of lenses. She loudly greets anybody new waiting up there, so Grog'trial can hear it, and demands all chests be opened as part of her property inspection. If she gets a chance, she whispers to the gnome "You look familiar. Do you happen to know someone called Polly, by any chance?" and studies his reaction.
Post edited October 14, 2023 by servobeupstry
Foggy takes some o' his personal belongings, a marlinspike 'n some thread, two doubloons, a deck o' cards, a dice, his bandana, three rings 'n a pinch o' tobacco aft scuttlin' nuts from it, t' exchange 'em among the closer captives fer info about the prison 'n the fortress routines. He wants t' know where all the captives can get weapons. Polly's words "Seek t' free as many as ye can t' add t' the confusion" resound his mind. Based on the intel collected, Foggy will charade reasonable excuses t' the fake guards t' strategically relocate 'im 'n other captives, easin' the diversion. He wonders how the rest o' the crew be doin'. He hears spaced caws around, "Crow, keep vigilant. We both will crush the Flesh Golem!", he grins.
Pugwash, "prisoner" , cell block door

Until now, Pugwash played the meek prisoner, taking no action in the last turn and passively submitting to being taken to the prison.

Now faced with the prison bars, Pugwash begins to regret that decision.

Fortunately it appears the "Guards" and "prisoners" have been left alone, so Pugwash frees himself from his bonds and requests that Mighty return his crossbow.

Upon being given the crossbow Pugwash takes up a position just inside the cell block door, hidden from view of the courtyard. There Pugwash will monitor for approaching enemies and quietly warn the others within the cellblock (Rummyfangs, Foggy, Mighty and Bellandra). Pugwash will also take the opportunity to use his glass eye to locate any enemies on the fort battlements that could be visible from his position

This is an assault, not a stealth run, so Pugwash expects violence to erupt imminently. If it does, Pugwash will use his position overlooking the courtyard to fire at anyone should he have a clear shot.

This may include Beckett it the fight kicks off before the commander has a chance to reach the chapel. The Half Orc guards (labelled H) are probably too close to the Karnstein group to be fired upon.

When firing, Pugwash will use ordinary bolts. The courtyard seems to be too open for the stun bomb bolts to be effective.

Should all of the guard and prisoner party move away from the cell block, Pugwash will follow the group. With no melee weapon, Pugwash lacks self defence ability. and would be vulnerable if cornered by DRM alliance opponents.
Post edited October 15, 2023 by Mortius1
Aylar somewhat lazily scrutinizes the "disciplined" soldiers that have somehow managed to earn such praise, discretely assessingif if they really (be much trouble) deserve it. "As ye say, Cap'n," he drawls. For now he's content to stay where he is and watch how the situation plays out.
[Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs / Cell Block Door]

As Cap'n Rummyfangs was being escorted towards the cells by Bellandra and Mighty, alongside "prisoners" Pugwash and Froggy, he collapsed to the ground, feigning exhaustion and pretending not to be able to take another step. Although the half orc guards and humans were no longer by their side, Cap'n Rummyfangs cautiously played his prisoner role, maintaining discretiion in case the walls had eyes and ears. That's the funny thing about being a Felinoid: you assume that because you can hear a pin drop or spot a rat in the dark, so can everyone else.

He collapsed to the ground in order to get the others to momentarily stop in their tracks. Cap'n Rummyfangs was hoping that Mighty and Bellandra and, possibly even the other "prisoners", would bend over towards him to help him get back on his feet, so that he could seize that moment to whisper to them what his senses observed:

"Blimey... I spied the ugliest Flesh Golem I 'ad e'er laid me eyes in that there room where the others jus' boarded," Cap'n Rummyfangs informed his crewmates, keeping his voice hushed. "But beware me hearties, thar may be a greater danger but a breath away whence we stand. I 'earrr the footsteps o' a many legged creature in our midst..."

As soon as he'd be helped back to his feet, Cap'n Rummyfangs would continue to be normally escorted toward their cells, keeping his head low, as a prisoner would, but observing his surroundings in search for the source of this many legged creature.

His concealed Rapier was on steady standby.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs: Felinoid pirate / +1 agility, stealth / -1 constitution / permanent +1 hit (unless stunned or incapacitated) / Rapier +1 strike chance / 2 x rum concoctions for adrenaline rush / 2 x wooden stakes / 1 x holy water / 1 x rope / 1 x "harmless" disguise / 1 x fire resistance potion / 1 x healing potion / weakness: loud noises (except roar of the sea & ship's cannons)
Mighty silently passes Pugwash his crossbow.

He notices Barfdeck Rummyfangs fainting and pick him up to hear his message.
While helping Barfdeck he hears Argy is trying to give sleeping cakes to half-orcs, so he decides he will wait with sending Cracker as it looks like half orck could be put down without fight, yet in case their disuse is compromised, he will send Cracker immediately.
Post edited October 15, 2023 by Sulibor
Durik decided to follow Origi and Grog, since they were only 2 and could have needed help.
However, he waited in front of the door to check the situation.
In case of questions, he had the excuse that he was following the queen's orders.
If the guard became a problem, he was ready to enter the room and fight.
Post edited October 15, 2023 by phaolo
As Bellandra and her 'guards' Mighty escorted the 'prisoners' Foggy, Cap'n Rummyfangs, and Pugwash towards the cells, she tried to survey the situation and plan a strategy. She their main objective was to secure a golden apple idol and a Book of Rituals from the Chapel, and a rolled map and crystal lenses from the British Room, and preferably also a gnome from among the prisoners. She had seen the half-orc guard 'Urgho' departing with Origi and Grogtial towards direction of the British room, so she surmised they would try to secure the map and the lenses. That left the Chapel, and she remembered the fortress commander had moved in that direction. Presumably, he and this 'Lord Vrammyr' might be there guarding the idol and the book.

Earlier, when the half-orc gate guard had handed Bellandra the gate and drawbridge keys, she had only pretended to lock them behind their party, foreseeing that they might need to make a quick escape. She would not lock the cell block or cell doors either, only pretend to. However, they would still need to get close to their several objectives.

As she saw Cap'n Rummyfangs suddenly stumble, she shouted angrily, "Foul miscreant! Can't you even put one foot in front of the other properly!" She went to pull him to his feet and hissed "So help me I'll..." ... and in a whisper continued "...listen to what ye would say." She heard the felinoid's warning about the nearby golem and an unseen many-legged creature, and tried to keep her own senses alert as well. So, at least two more enemies to watch out for. She quickly whispered to Rummyfangs "Can that door be locked?" while helping him to his feet. Then, while moving away from Rummyfangs, she moved by Foggy and discreetly passed him his cutlass.

Bellandra pondered whether they might not be as alone as seemed. Although the half-orc guard had left, looking over the cells, Bellandra remembered what Polly had said, that 'the humans were enthralled to the Necromancer'. She wondered if that included not just the human workers but the human prisoners too. She inspected the cells, looking for non-humans, especially for a gnome prisoner. She tries to gauge whether the prisoners could be friendly or hostile if freed. "Hail, wretches! I see you have sampled the keep's lodgings. How do you like the lord commander's hospitality?"

She would judge the prisoners' reply and attitude carefully. If the prisoners seemed to have wills of their own and be opposed to the commander, she would try to incorporate freeing them into their plan, as a distraction if nothing else; she would also ask if them there were any hidden passages between the cell blocks and the other rooms. Or if they seemed to be thralls and eyes of the necromancer, then she would free only the gnome prisoner if there was one, pretending that the gnome was needed for questioning by the commander, but remembering Polly's advice, keeping her valuables away from the light-fingered gnome.

The objective would then be to disable as many of the enemies as possible until they could get the loot and make their escape.

She guessed that the other rooms might be converted cell blocks, so her cell block key might work on them too - to lock or unlock. If they could, they should try to lock the flesh golem in its room. Or, they might toss in any explosive into the room while the enemies were inside.

Then, they could try to lure at least one of the patrolling guard and his hellhound into one of the empty cell blocks ("Hey you on patrol duty!", she would say. "Why have you not patrolled the cells properly? There is a clear sign of an escape attempt here, a buried tunnel! Have you even counted the prisoners to make sure you have them all. You had better get in here at once, or it will be on your head!") and knock them out or kill them out of sight of the rest.

And if the prisoners were escaping, that chaos would give them an advantage, distracting the guards and allowing them attacks of opportunity.