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*Throws an energy drink.*
Throws caution to the wind, because passing wind isn't always a good idea...
^ ** throws a reminder, "It's burp now or 'toot' later."**
^ Throws note asking for you to pass the beans.
^ Throws a can of beans.
^ **throws a group of cowboys eating beans**
low rated
<---Throws a PC disclaimer remover(in case you had the misfortune of having bought a "wokeified" copy)----^
Throws a personal computer with a disclaimer sticker on its case.
^ **throws an impersonal computer that you may claim, or not, it really doesn't care**
low rated
I toss a neutral badger to Hooyah-----^
(note: It may either act and look cute or try to cling to yer face...depending on the world's moral alignment at the current time....I do hope it is the former and not the latter :))
Post edited November 25, 2020 by GamesRater
From now on, I'm throwing up-votes to all of your posts to offset the creepy stalkers.
Throws an UNO deck consisting of only Reverse card.
Having only experienced throwing cards from Gambit, I reflexively throw them away and duck for cover.
^ **throws a deck of OhNo cards**
Hit the deck!
Throws the last and final pie, as they have eaten all the previous ones I have thrown...