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zeogold: *****AVAILABLE KEYS #-M*****
Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Bad Mojo Redux
Bio Menace (†) (Note: Key comes with a free autographed copy of Zeogold's last will and testament.)
Dragonsphere (†)
Eschalon: Book 1 (†) (Note: Key comes with a free copy of Bio Menace.)
Grim Fandango Remastered (x3) (†)
Little Big Adventure 2 (Twinsen's Odyssey) (x3) (†)
MDK (†)

Neverwinter Nights Diamond (x...look, there's a LOT of these things, ok?) (†)
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (x4) (†)
Oxenfree (†)
Saint's Row 2 (†)
Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves (†)
Shadow Warrior 2
Simon the Sorcerer
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (x4)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
System Shock 2 (x3)
Tales of Maj'Eyal
Tales of Maj'Eyal: Ashes of Urh'Rok
Unreal Gold (†)
Witcher: Enhanced Edition, The (x3) (†)
WARSOW (x2) (†)
Worms Forts: Under Siege (x5) (†)
Judging by the rules, does that mean I can enter for 3 games if the other two have the (†) symbol? If yes, I would like to go for Deponia, Saints Row 2, and Worms Forts: Under Siege. Thank you.
Post edited May 25, 2018 by Vingry
I'd like to nominate ikrananka for Shadow Warrior 2.
May I request Shadow Warrior 2 (if still available) please ?

(I missed giveaway for Shadow Warrior.SE on HumbleBundle about 1 year ago...)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Post edited May 26, 2018 by bigboss-62
May I request "Noctropolis" please ? :)
I am tempted to ask for Unreal Gold, but it is my own foolishness that cost me that opportunity. XD
Tcharr: I am tempted to ask for Unreal Gold, but it is my own foolishness that cost me that opportunity. XD
If you're saying that because you missed the free giveaway, just keep in mind that nobody would ask for that game unless they missed it, so just go ahead and ask. :)
Tcharr: I am tempted to ask for Unreal Gold, but it is my own foolishness that cost me that opportunity. XD
ChainsawGenie is giving away a key for Unreal Gold here:
Post edited May 26, 2018 by Makotolia
Tcharr: I am tempted to ask for Unreal Gold, but it is my own foolishness that cost me that opportunity. XD
I can give you mine, if you'd like.
May I ask for Aqua Kitty? I can't find it, but it never hurts to ask anyway... as my grand-mother said :-)

(BTW: there's still code for SW2 and Unreal Gold, but zeogold haven't picked them up yet)
aqua kitty is a great little game, lovely amiga styles ..

too bad i dont see it here ;)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky is in the list. I have it. I have all three Stalker games, plus lots of expansions I find on the web. I would like to recommend it to someone else.

If you do not know, Stalker is cheeki breeki. I think in the steam GA zeo says we are allowed to recommend games, or at least people do, so i assume i can here too!

I would recommend any stalker game as it is very intense, atmospheric, and chernobylic. It is based after the problems in Chernobyl, there are lots of mutants, and scary underground bits. It, in my opinion, the best game series. With Stalker 2 announced for 2021, i am very excited again about this relic of a game. If you havent played stalker before, here's your chance!
low rated
hi man may i have that S.T.A.L.K.E.R thank you
I have the 2nd and 3rd stalker games but I habe been waiting for the first one to begin
May I request Tales of Maj'Eyal? It looks interesting.
If possible, I'd like to request an Unreal Gold code for Kalash, please.