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I'm moving to GOG Galaxy as soon as it's ready and I want to say goodbye to steam so bad in the near future.
phaolo: I guess that Valve really wants to win that "worst company" title from EA..
Won't happen. Too many Valve fanboys and Gaben worshipers for that to happen.
catpower1980: As probably everyone who owns Skyrim has downloaded and used it (we're talking about millions here), it's a good example of "should it be free or not"/"does he deserves a compensation?" and yadda yadda....
It's already pirated.

Diztrack: I'm moving to GOG Galaxy as soon as it's ready and I want to say goodbye to steam so bad in the near future.
Is Galaxy some kind of DRM? Or just a download platform?
Post edited April 25, 2015 by Imachuemanch

And so it begun... popup nag screens in skyrim.
low rated
Trilarion: NO NEED TO USE UPPER CASE ... It's not making your arguments stronger any bit. :)
Ye, I know, I just don't see any other way to emphasise something in a text based discussion.
cw8: I made this for Cities Skylines, took about 2 weeks of my precious free time:

Also several buildings for Simcity 4 which have garnered about 60K downloads for the past 10 years.

Maybe I should start charging money for those? Nah, I won't. Kinda put those up for free for people to download, hopefully spice up the game a little. Yet, I'm "whining" about this bullshit.
It is in your full right to not charge anything. That doesn't mean those that want to get money for their work are in the wrong.

It is like open source vs proprietary development all over again. And we all know the retardedly stupid fight that still stupidly continues to this day, because of idiots and their wish to enforce their stupid beliefs on others, from one and from the other side.
Post edited April 25, 2015 by Elenarie
Imachuemanch: Imagine yourself getting an e-mail from VALVE or BETHESDA, with a proposal of paid co-operation. I can see how I would be tempted.
Imagine yourself getting an e-mail from the DEVIL himself, with a proposal of paid co-operation. I can see how I would run like Forrest.
I mean, really? you get a "deal" in which someone else takes 75% of your work and "you could be tempted"?. These are worse conditions than the classic medieval slavery.

Imachuemanch: And it cannot be undone.
Of course it can if people would ditch that platform en-masses. But unfortunately the vast majority of those people are not capable of seeing things more than 1 meter in front of them, aka they lack both vision and rational thinking ability.
So yea, this shit is probably here to stay for good, unfortunately, so their kids will have a tough time gaming in the future when their gaming time will come.

People like these don't care about drm, microtrans, dlcs etc and now paid modding because "I dont care, it doesnt affect me, I just want to eat/play my cookie/game NOW!". It's amazing that most of them have or will have kids and they don't realize that with this attitude they help 100% in screwing the future gaming market for their kids.
Yeah, future kid, you have to thank your parents and their past "I dont care" attitude for seriously helping to create a future gaming market that will screw you over big time when your gaming time will come.
Unbelievable parenting attitude ... I foolishly thought that every parent wants a better future world for their kids to live in.
low rated
The entitlement of everyone is astounding, it really is. Because if something was once free and now it's not, oh we can't have that now can we. If a mod author chooses to charge for a mod that they made, it is entirely in their right to do so because THEY MADE IT. If they choose to make it free, it is entirely in their right because THEY MADE IT. Everyone is bagging on Valve because all Valve did was give the mod author the power to charge for their mod. That's it.

On top of all that, all of this crap is optional. ALL OF IT. Even SkyUI believe it or not. If you don't want to buy it don't. I'm sure there will be plenty of sites where you can get mods for free (Nexus, ModDB, private sites, etc.). But no, PC master race is used to getting shit for free and we can't have little timmy starting to get money for his little sword that he created.

You know, people lost their mind when WoW started selling sparkle ponies for $25, saying the sky was falling and microtransactions in all games (not just MMORPGS) are here to stay. And yet here we are, years later and the sky is still up there.
Post edited April 25, 2015 by synfresh
mobutu: I mean, really? you get a "deal" in which someone else takes 75% of your work and "you could be tempted"?. These are worse conditions than the classic medieval slavery.
Well... If your mod is as popular as SkyUI, even with Valve and Bethesda taking 75%, we're still talking fairly big sum going to the content creator - especially for something he would have created anyway.
synfresh: The entitlement of everyone is astounding, it really is. Because if something was once free and now it's not, oh we can't have that now can we. If a mod author chooses to charge for a mod that they made, it is entirely in their right to do so because THEY MADE IT. If they choose to make it free, it is entirely in their right because THEY MADE IT. Everyone is bagging on Valve because all Valve did was give the mod author the power to charge for their mod. That's it.
due to the collaborative nature of the modding scene it is often quite impossible to determine whose work is this mod exactly. This is not the business world, where every piece of contribution is accompied with a contract which stipulates exactly how and under which terms the end product might be used or be sold.
The modding thrives exactly because people share their discoveries/resources for free.
If you want to introduce money into this, you have to be clear about it from the beginning, so that every contributor knows it and can decide how to handle it.
If you just throw this into a community which has grown for years under the rule that this is all strictly hobby, non-profit work, you will get exactly the mess we have right now.
TVs_Frank: Valve takes it's standard 10% from digital item sales. Companies are allowed to set how much they get from mod sales. Bethesda chose 75%.
Let's repost this again, from what we've heard /read so far it's like this:

Summary of the money split if you pay for a Mod.

Valve - 30% (25% if service provider selected)
If the mod author selects at least one 'Service provider' (like The Nexus) who they feel helped them in creating the mod, then 5% will go to that or those service providers, split evenly between them.

Publisher/Modders - 70% (split between them, %'s decided by the publisher)
In Bethesda's case:
Bethesda 45%
Mod Author 25%
Post edited April 25, 2015 by Pheace
synfresh: You know, people lost their mind when WoW started selling sparkle ponies for $25, saying the sky was falling and microtransactions in all games (not just MMORPGS) are here to stay. And yet here we are, years later and the sky is still up there.
Sure nothing has changed and microtransactions aren't spreading to all types of games like Mass Effect 3, Dead Space 3, Tomb Raider, Forza Motor sport 5, Ryse: Son of Rome, Fifa 15, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Grand Theft Auto V, Resident Evil: Revelations 2 and Mortal Kombat X. It seems you're out of touch with reality if you think microtransactions have had no effect on games other then just MMOs.
Post edited April 25, 2015 by stg83
tinyE: Is anyone talking about this in the Steam forum? Has anyone mentioned all the stuff going on in here with the threads and now it looks like petitions? This is better than Oprah. :D
enigmaxg2: You do it and you get suspended from participating in the community during 1 week.
Are you being sarcastic? :P I know about the other thread but those folks admit that guy was being harsh (not that he deserved being booted) but I find it hard to believe they'd 86 people just for talking about it, or even griping about it in a mild fashion.
Fenixp: If this proves to be a success for Bethesda, wouldn't it prompt more big studios to create their games mod friendly? Just a thought.
Not especially, no. Studios already had plenty of financial incentives to make their games mod-friendly, since it helped maintain interest in the game as well as encourage additional sales. There are plenty of games that have benefited from good mod support and some examples have even been successful enough that the mods became full-fledged games in their own right (Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, DOTA, DayZ, Insurgency etc.).

The studios that don't support modding either don't consider their PC games financially important enough to justify such support (in which case, the chump change they would earn from this wouldn't convince them otherwise) or release games frequently enough that they don't want to encourage continued interest in their older games and want people to buy their shiny new games instead (which is particularly the case with yearly instalment series', like Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed).

I won't say that this extra bit of incentive won't change the minds of one or two fringe examples. But for the most part, the only studios that will seek to benefit from this are the ones who were already benefiting from modding in the first place.
synfresh: The entitlement of everyone is astounding, it really is. Because if something was once free and now it's not, oh we can't have that now can we. If a mod author chooses to charge for a mod that they made, it is entirely in their right to do so because THEY MADE IT. If they choose to make it free, it is entirely in their right because THEY MADE IT. Everyone is bagging on Valve because all Valve did was give the mod author the power to charge for their mod. That's it.

On top of all that, all of this crap is optional. ALL OF IT. Even SkyUI believe it or not. If you don't want to buy it don't. I'm sure there will be plenty of sites where you can get mods for free (Nexus, ModDB, private sites, etc.). But no, PC master race is used to getting shit for free and we can't have little timmy starting to get money for his little sword that he created.

You know, people lost their mind when WoW started selling sparkle ponies for $25, saying the sky was falling and microtransactions in all games (not just MMORPGS) are here to stay. And yet here we are, years later and the sky is still up there.
Hmmmm why people cannot view this micro transaction or paid mods as something optional? Like you don't need to buy a sticker for your car or drinks when you eat out or ribbon to go with your dress?

I think like free to play micro transaction, the game is making people emotionally invested into the game, that if I don't buy this item / DLC I will feel missed out and my experience is incomplete. Even though people dislike it, they feel compelled to purchase it to "complete" their experience. And of course they will make noise about it.

The same thing happen with mods. After getting used to it and suddenly it is put behind a pay wall, they feel upset because they are already emotional invested into it. Of course people are not entitled to others work for it, but it does not makes them feel any better.

If people know this will happen, like crusader 2 with its $200 DLC, people can just go "darn it, I will not even buy and play the based game." For people who already played crusader 2 and emotionally invested in it, it is hard for them to pull out.

I think a huge number will not buy and play skyrim if they know they have to fork out so much to have the best experience with the game.

It is easy for me to say this and remain somewhat objective, because I never fire up Skyrim from my library, so I am not at all emotionally invested it it. If I ever enjoyed Skyrim, I would probably goes warrrrrbrrrrraaaaaarageeeee like a lot of people. I am sure I would not like my experience suddenly diminished unless I pay even more than the base game again.

Sign, next time if I want to buy a game, I have to see tags like Steam Workshop is not supported. Very funny when not long ago people are saying "This game is great because it have Steam Workshop". It is better than dealing with the headache later, because DLC ends when a sequel is released and you can get all the DLC in the Ultimate edition, but modding have a long life.

Then again this will unlikely worries me because I had build my library on GOG, and hardly use mods.
Elenarie: It is in your full right to not charge anything. That doesn't mean those that want to get money for their work are in the wrong.

It is like open source vs proprietary development all over again. And we all know the retardedly stupid fight that still stupidly continues to this day, because of idiots and their wish to enforce their stupid beliefs on others, from one and from the other side.
I'm actually not "whining" about modders wanting to get paid. I'm fully supportive of donations to modders like what Gula, an ex-Maxis staff working on Cities Skylines mod buildings is currently doing. He has a donation option open for his work. 100% of the money for donation goes to him, excluding possible Paypal fees or whatever stuff like that.

I am however "whining" about steam and bethurd's decision to happily exploit the modding scene giving the modder 25% and sharing the 75% of the profits while not involved or doing anything for the mod. If that consolidates to other games, like the stupid statement Paradox has given this morning, I fear for the future of PC gaming. We're already plagued by microtransactions, crappy DLC spam and shitty F2P games, we really do not need additional sources of bullshit.