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Post edited September 01, 2017 by GOG_Solostran
Breja: A lame quip. (Or did you think that just because you preemptively call it that, it somehow stops being true?)

Unlike the "yay, wishlisted" that often make up most of release threads. Those are conversational gold-mines. And so unique!

So yeah, either go bother someone about those too, or bite me.
It's a lame joke and untrue, yeah. That you wanted to make it just shows how predictable the discussion is. And the whole point is that the empty excitement posts are the flipside to the pointless complaints, except that at least those are about the actual game and don't endlessly repeat themselves while complimenting each other on how much they enjoy wishlisting, so still an improvement.
Post edited September 02, 2017 by getrdy
Breja: You can't read very well, can you? I said I didn't care about you having a problem with my posts. Not about those games.

Yeah, and I already responded to that. I guess that reading problem of yours is really bad.
I think you are the one with the reading disability. This post was me telling you about the logical consequences of your whining. You caring doesn't matter in the end. You lack the understanding of the causal connection between what you write and what others answer you. Or you do understand, but you are too autistic to actually care. But let me guess: You don't care, right?
Acriz: So stop whining that people tell you off.
Breja: Ok. Stop whining that I express my opinion.
Whining is a vicious circle. It goes on until peak whiny is reached.
low rated
getrdy: It's a lame joke and untrue, yeah. That you wanted to make it just shows how predictable the discussion is.
Don't blame me. You're the one who decided to waste time complaining about my complaints like a letter in a Monty Python sketch.

Acriz: But let me guess: You don't care, right?
Bingo. You're catching on. One of those days you might actually get a thought process going.

Acriz: Whining is a vicious circle. It goes on until peak whiny is reached.
Have I mentioned that pixelated, proceduraly generated roguelikes suck?
Post edited September 02, 2017 by Breja
Breja: Don't blame me. You're the one who decided to waste time complaining about my complaints like a letter in a Monty Python sketch.
Ehm, what? Are you still reading my posts?
Breja: Don't blame me. You're the one who decided to waste time complaining about my complaints like a letter in a Monty Python sketch.
getrdy: Ehm, what? Are you still reading my posts?
Breja: Halibut.
No thank you.
budejovice: Why are you guys at work? Isn't September 1st a holiday for your ilk?

I hope the Holocaust profiteering has been going well, you sick Nazi fucks! :)
well that escalated quickly
Breja: Ha ha ha, yes you do care. You care a lot. Normal people would just avoid things they don't like, because normal people don't like being annoyed, disgusted or appalled. You have a raging hateboner for those games. And you love it.

Ok. Stop whining that I express my opinion.
So someone is name-calling you because you just said that you do not like a certain kind of games? Hello? Has people become crazy or what? Your respectfully expressed preference bothers soneine so much? Maybe this someone needs a hobby? Maybe playing games of personal preference chosen ad libitum? And ocassionally writing about how great tbey find it and accepting that others do not find the same subgenre so great?
nightcraw1er.488: Unity has prefabs and game maker. To likely this flood of shovelware comes from one of those, long live the improvements!
Hey, don't blame Game Maker. It perfectly supports beautiful HD art as seen in games like Cinders. The problem is really that games with lazy retro art still sell well (and at this point I'm not sure that's ever going away, regardless of the occasional anger of some GOGers).

That said, as tired as I am of retro look for retro look's sake, Songbringer looks decent and the concept sounds interesting. Is there any reason why the rating has dropped so quickly other than people being tired of pixel graphics?
F4LL0UT: That said, as tired as I am of retro look for retro look's sake, Songbringer looks decent and the concept sounds interesting. Is there any reason why the rating has dropped so quickly other than people being tired of pixel graphics?
I don't think there is another reason, some people are saying it's just as good as Hyper Light Drifter but with a different take.

Breja: Have I mentioned that pixelated, proceduraly generated roguelikes suck?
It has an option for both "Regular" and "Permadeath" modes when starting a new game meaning regular mode saves your progress when you die, so it's far less punishing and you can continue your world seed on until completion. Also, you procedurally generate the game with a word of up to six letters, so if you only use the same word you can restart the same map anytime and from the game description: World generator is hand-crafted, creating worlds based on human-designed rules, blending the best of both procedural and bespoke game design.

So besides the pixelated graphics it actually does the proceduraly generated roguelike thing somewhat better. I too prefer pre-made hand-crafted levels but from footage I've seen Wizard-fu's done a great job so that the game actually looks like Hyper Light Drifter's pre-made levels.
F4LL0UT: Is there any reason why the rating has dropped so quickly other than people being tired of pixel graphics?
GOG really ought to limit reviews to people who actually bought the games.

Also from reading this thread, what emerges is that people are not really angry at retro looks, but angry at developers who do not care about learning how to use 8-bit graphics properly, with proper palettes, handling of sprites and all. There are examples of retro looks that works. Eador:genesis, Sword & Sorcery a few years ago.
If simpler graphics helps having a game with a good idea behind made, then why not. But at least it is important to get the most of the kind of graphics you do decide to have.
It strikes me that some of these developers probably have not played good old games from that era, else they would have learned a thing or two from them. It is never late...
Post edited September 03, 2017 by Carradice
nightcraw1er.488: Unity has prefabs and game maker. To likely this flood of shovelware comes from one of those, long live the improvements!
F4LL0UT: Hey, don't blame Game Maker. It perfectly supports beautiful HD art as seen in games like Cinders. The problem is really that games with lazy retro art still sell well (and at this point I'm not sure that's ever going away, regardless of the occasional anger of some GOGers).

That said, as tired as I am of retro look for retro look's sake, Songbringer looks decent and the concept sounds interesting. Is there any reason why the rating has dropped so quickly other than people being tired of pixel graphics?
Maybe, unity can also make full good looking games - PoEternity for instance - however with the store they have, the prefabs, the templates etc. There is far more garbage coming out. Same with other engines, game maker is one off the top of my head for which we can thank endless sort of top down jRubbish flood.

Didn't really go through the description when it came out, however it doesn't get any better. Ai controlled second character, I hate ai players and prefer solo anyways, gamepad support so it's and action game then? 7 whole weapons, wow! Achievements, wow. Approx 16h, amazeballs - I spent twice this on one quest on a proper rpg. Procedurally created - couldn't be bothered. Online leaderboards. Rogue like. Crafting and retro pixels, n fact are they missing any crap industry buzzwords?

You can apply the above to more or less every game released here nowadays, it's improved! End rant, am on a packed tram back from beach time!
F4LL0UT: That said, as tired as I am of retro look for retro look's sake, Songbringer looks decent and the concept sounds interesting. Is there any reason why the rating has dropped so quickly other than people being tired of pixel graphics?
The game has some issues.

If you're gonna do pixel art - DON'T make enemies that are a couple pixels big that blend into the background animation. I can't count the number of times I ran around and suddenly took damage because those hopping blobs weren't part of the background.

When changing screens, make sure enemies aren't right next to you so that you automatically take damage before being able to do anything - this is fairly fatal with some enemies and generally means permadeath is useless at this point, you can easily die through no fault of your own regardless how much skill you have.

The dungeons should have been handcrafted. The first dungeon I entered the boss was three screens away from the entrance - there were locked doors and keys but I didn't even use one. Rougelike and Zelda don't mix unless you can somehow create similarly intricate dungeons with procedural generation.

It's fun and there's a lot of potential but the medium and graphics the developers chose to use don't really works as is. I'm not sure if patches can fix any of this either.
Post edited September 04, 2017 by tremere110
tfishell: Yeah this forum doesn't seem to try to emphasize with indie devs; not all of them can afford high-resolution pixel art. (Don't get me wrong, the visuals are hard on my eyes too, but I guess as an (perpetual) amateur artist I can understand somewhat the trials and tribulations involved here.)

That being said, more devs could try Illustrator-built vector graphics scale more easily (and then edited in Photoshop), like in the style of A Night in the Woods. (Then the forum will complain that the graphics look like a mobile game. :P)
I can sympathize with artists or a solo artist doing the best they can on a time crunch. This looks more like artists pumping out junk. A little detail and some attempt at style would be nice is all. I'm not expecting something on the level with Fred Fields, Jeff Easley, Larry Elmore, Jusko, Caldwell, etc.

I think the forums would stay clean as long as we didn't see a dozen like releases popping up in a few month span ;).
Post edited September 05, 2017 by The_Gypsy
tfishell: Yeah this forum doesn't seem to try to emphasize with indie devs; not all of them can afford high-resolution pixel art. (Don't get me wrong, the visuals are hard on my eyes too, but I guess as an (perpetual) amateur artist I can understand somewhat the trials and tribulations involved here.)

That being said, more devs could try Illustrator-built vector graphics scale more easily (and then edited in Photoshop), like in the style of A Night in the Woods. (Then the forum will complain that the graphics look like a mobile game. :P)
The_Gypsy: I can sympathize with artists or a solo artist doing the best they can on a time crunch. This looks more like artists pumping out junk. A little detail and some attempt at style would be nice is all. I'm not expecting something on the level with Fred Fields, Jeff Easley, Larry Elmore, Jusko, Caldwell, etc.

I think the forums would stay clean as long as we didn't see a dozen like releases popping up in a few month span ;).
I assume you mean too many of the same games are released at the same time or are you referring to the pixel art that seems to be used by almost every developer nowadays?

It looks like the steam gamers rather like this game, i noticed another pixel game on steam: Bannerman
its pixels, and they said they used some rotoscoping techniques ( reminds me of the good old classic AMIGA game Flashback ( the flashback remake they made is terrible imho with all the 3d rendered like animations, the classic AMIGA version looked best)

Anyway like i said : bannerman also a pixel art game

Bannerman gameplay: