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The horror continues.

<span class="bold">F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin + Reborn</span>, an action-horror FPS continuation, is available now for Windows, DRM-free on with a 60% launch discount.

Where the original F.E.A.R. succeeded in offering a terrifying, refined first person game - <span class="bold">F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin</span> succeeds even more so. The sequel is more open and varied with less linear environments, new gameplay mechanics like movable cover, and even drivable combat mechs. Still, the basic formula remains unchanged - the slo-mo, refined gunplay, effective AI, and a thick horror atmosphere are back in all their gory. <span class="bold">F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin + Reborn</span> which can still impress graphically and gameplay-wise, is arguably the best in the series. A high-quality shooter even today.

This pack includes the Reborn expansion pack with four new levels, a twisted story, and a brand new perspective from behind the mask of replica soldier Foxtrot 813.

Prepare for your second encounter assault in F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin + Reborn, available DRM-free on! The launch discount will last for one week, until Tuesday, March 24, at 10:59 AM GMT.
I do hate to sort of spam the thread, but I'll ask my question again. I liked the gunplay and AI (and some of the surreal presentation) of F.E.A.R. but couldn't get past the repetitive environments (and repetitive enemies) nor did I find the horror...well...scary in any way. Does F.E.A.R. 2 fix the repetitiveness and is the horror improved in any way?

Edit: As far as leaning in F.E.A.R., I used it really often combined with the slow mo feature, I think it's a big reason why I always had full (or near full) health and always had ten health packs at all time.
Post edited March 18, 2015 by NoNewTaleToTell
NoNewTaleToTell: I do hate to sort of spam the thread, but I'll ask my question again. I liked the gunplay and AI (and some of the surreal presentation) of F.E.A.R. but couldn't get past the repetitive environments (and repetitive enemies) nor did I find the horror...well...scary in any way. Does F.E.A.R. 2 fix the repetitiveness and is the horror improved in any way?

Edit: As far as leaning in F.E.A.R., I used it really often combined with the slow mo feature, I think it's a big reason why I always had full (or near full) health and always had ten health packs at all time.
From what I remember of the demo and some time with the main game, the gunplay and AI are similar, the environments and enemies are at least more varied than the original game, and the horror is more of the same really (though that doesn't mean there weren't parts of the game I played that were disturbing).
NoNewTaleToTell: Edit: As far as leaning in F.E.A.R., I used it really often combined with the slow mo feature, I think it's a big reason why I always had full (or near full) health and always had ten health packs at all time.
I have messed around a little with FEAR 1 but from what I've seen, I'm finding lean totally useless. It seems to me that all lean does is tilt the camera. Sure, I can see a little more around the corner than before but I really mean "just a little". I honestly feel like the PC is just tilting his head rather than lean. Am I missing something here?
MichiGen: Even though FEAR 2 has its flaws, I had a great time with it and I have positive memories of this game. Having it together with the Reborn DLC which is not available at STEAM in my region is just a cheery at the top. Thank you!!!
Niggles: There has been a few games (probably more than a few) which had thei steamworks unintegrated - just that some devs refuse to do it.. claiming reduces functionality blah blah blah....

Have to agree with you. Surprised how much i liked Fear3.. but then im partial to shooters (can understand why people dont think its good as number 1 though...).
MichiGen: FEAR 3 is designed as co-op FPS. It's good for what it is, but playing it in a singleplayer would be rather boring I think.
Played it as a singleplayer game. Quite enjoyed it :)
opeter2: Modern AAA games are min. 40-50 GB and I did read somewhere an article (i think it was on Eurogamer), the next generation AAA games on consoles/PC in the following 2-3 years can be bettween 70-100 GB.
armedready: WHAT imagine them telling you to redownload it & try again.
Which, of course, GOG loves to do :(
I'm so glad this game is here ;)
Many thanks gog and wb!
Another game in my library.
What about soundtrack? Will it be added as a bonus or should i use some special software to extract it?
So FEAR 3 will come to GOG?
armedready: WHAT imagine them telling you to redownload it & try again.
Shadowcat: Which, of course, GOG loves to do :(
Voted as well
opeter2: Modern AAA games are min. 40-50 GB and I did read somewhere an article (i think it was on Eurogamer), the next generation AAA games on consoles/PC in the following 2-3 years can be bettween 70-100 GB.
armedready: WHAT imagine them telling you to redownload it & try again.
Well all the more reason games should be DRM Free.

After the first download all you need is to install it which is much faster than downloading.
logged hoping fear 2 would be at number one but instead its number 7 :(
oceonhorn is at number 3 and was also released yesterday
why is it so difficult for FPSes to sell well at GOG? :(
triple_l: logged hoping fear 2 would be at number one but instead its number 7 :(
oceonhorn is at number 3 and was also released yesterday
why is it so difficult for FPSes to sell well at GOG? :(
Observing this most popular games list, I think GOG takes into consideration a game's price.
It should be something like number of copies sold multiplied by the game's price.

Think about the recent insomnia sale. The most expensive games sold less copies, but got higher in the popularity list, than older games, which sold many more copies at a much lower price.

So I think FEAR 2 is selling pretty well. :-)
Elmofongo: So FEAR 3 will come to GOG?
Probably sometime after the Galaxy Client is released due to FEAR 3 being more multiplayer dependent.
yukiai01: Another game in my library.
What about soundtrack? Will it be added as a bonus or should i use some special software to extract it?
I suggest asking on the game specific forum. The music may just be audio files amongst the other installed files.

And there's always YouTube: