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^ tried making a robot and end up making a bomb. Which blew up and destroy the building they where in. Than was magically saved. They blamed crazy wizards, when in fact it was the sorcerer inquisition guild. For no expects the sorcerer inquisition guild!
^ Tried to raise the undead, but what he got was the unliving.
^he is actually from Slovakia ;)

thespian9099: ^is a close friend of Elvis and every Thursday play chess with him in a nearby park
Nice one. +1 for correct guess (not eexactly of course :) but still)
^ once tried to play chess with Big Blue, but Big Blue won in 3 moves
^did basically the same thing with Mute City
^ Is stuck in a wonderland. For the cost of nothing, will be your deadman with nothing but blood on their hands. All Adzeth really wants to do, is make you bleed just like Adzeth does.
^another guy who failled trials to become one of the uruk-hai
^ Is a sniper named Viper.
Is lucky to have failed Uruk-hai trials since VIPER just received a job to try and make swiss chees by combining Uruk-hai and sniper bullets.
^ is part of an secretive Armageddon group, hell bent on destroying the world
^conquers beautiful women posing as a daring secret agent

thespian9099: ^is a close friend of Elvis and every Thursday play chess with him in a nearby park
VIPERs: Nice one. +1 for correct guess (not eexactly of course :) but still)
Which part? Elvis or chess? :D
^Will not allow Captain Kirk to lecture him.
^can touch his feet with his fingertips... without leaning
^apparently really does this
^Categoricaly denise to himself the fact that Thespian is really an alien, coming from the planet Vulcan.

thespian9099: Which part? Elvis or chess? :D
The fact that I love Elvis. Listened to his music and watched his movies since age of 4-6 :D