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Ariod: Of course I'm always happy to see people trying to find the truth on things, especially it cases where it is obscured by people in powerful positions. But I've just been around too long, and trying to always understand the truth myself, to think there is any truth to be found from a source like Infowars.
That's what makes it so frustrating. It's one thing to want to find out "the truth" behind things like NSA warrantless surveillance, or the TPP or the PATRIOT's another thing entirely to buy into things like the Birthers, 9/11 Truthers, or Anti-Vax.
low rated
Ariod: Of course I'm always happy to see people trying to find the truth on things, especially it cases where it is obscured by people in powerful positions. But I've just been around too long, and trying to always understand the truth myself, to think there is any truth to be found from a source like Infowars.
rampancy: That's what makes it so frustrating. It's one thing to want to find out "the truth" behind things like NSA warrantless surveillance, or the TPP or the PATRIOT's another thing entirely to buy into things like the Birthers, 9/11 Truthers, or Anti-Vax.
Let's be honest here, you don't know if 9/11 was or wasn't an inside job, and there are legitimate reasons to be suspicious of gov't approved vaccinations when the FDA refuses to publish the data that it ostensibly bases it's decisions on.
Ariod: Agreed - I hear you on that, it is normally a lost cause. Most of the time when I come across stuff like this it's more just like a palm-to-forehead, "you gotta be kidding me" moment, and then I move on. But yeah, every once in a while I just can't help myself...

Of course I'm always happy to see people trying to find the truth on things, especially it cases where it is obscured by people in powerful positions. But I've just been around too long, and trying to always understand the truth myself, to think there is any truth to be found from a source like Infowars.
I understand your feeling. Personally I find conspiracy theories to be hilarious, which is why I started this discussion just having a laugh, but sometimes I see it go a bit further, and when it starts being actively prejudicial to people, or someone uses made up conspiracy theories to attack others, or to drive political policy, it stops being funny.

I do agree that we'll never know everything, but my personal rule is: never attribute to malice what can be just as easily blamed on incompetence.

But these people can't handle it. They are angry and frustrated, maybe they feel they were lied to by people who promised them happiness and prosperity, now they can't believe maybe it was something they did that caused it, or even more likely, that it was just chance that put them in this situation. It's hard to cope with a chaotic and uncaring world, so they come to the conclusion that it was somebody's fault. Someone planned all this. "I am not just a random person in a crowd. I am special. Someone in power is actively working against me and my people, and now that I know the truth everyone else ignores, I am even more special."

"A handful of terrorists could sneak into the country, carry out a plan without the knowledge of the authorities and kill thousands of people? Is our safety merely a fragile illusion? That depite all our show of security and power, a single person could put an end to my life or my family's in an instant, if they so chose? No. There is order in the world. The government is competent and can take care of everything. In fact, the government is hyper-competent, and the only reason this tragedy could have happened is if they had done it themselves."

How do you even argue against that? It's not just a matter of having the correct facts, it's their entire worldview and personality.
There ain't enough +1 to give you. That's pretty much the conspiracy theorist's mind in a nutshell. Well that, and two more things- conspiracy theories provide simple, black and white, good and evil answers to complex problems. Instead of complex matters of economy, politics or science, you get a "hollywood action movie" version that everyone can understand. And with that comes the second thing- easy solutions. Complex problems of the real world usuallyc an't be solved without compromise and sacrifice of some sort. But in the world of conspiracy theories, all you need to do is defeat the evil conspiracy, and the world will flow with milk and honey.
low rated
Ariod: Agreed - I hear you on that, it is normally a lost cause. Most of the time when I come across stuff like this it's more just like a palm-to-forehead, "you gotta be kidding me" moment, and then I move on. But yeah, every once in a while I just can't help myself...

Of course I'm always happy to see people trying to find the truth on things, especially it cases where it is obscured by people in powerful positions. But I've just been around too long, and trying to always understand the truth myself, to think there is any truth to be found from a source like Infowars.
DaCostaBR: I understand your feeling. Personally I find conspiracy theories to be hilarious, which is why I started this discussion just having a laugh, but sometimes I see it go a bit further, and when it starts being actively prejudicial to people, or someone uses made up conspiracy theories to attack others, or to drive political policy, it stops being funny.

I do agree that we'll never know everything, but my personal rule is: never attribute to malice what can be just as easily blamed on incompetence...
That statement is incompatible with scientific methodology. If there is insufficient evidence to make a valid conclusion then you do not make one.
DaCostaBR: I understand your feeling. Personally I find conspiracy theories to be hilarious, which is why I started this discussion just having a laugh, but sometimes I see it go a bit further, and when it starts being actively prejudicial to people, or someone uses made up conspiracy theories to attack others, or to drive political policy, it stops being funny.

I do agree that we'll never know everything, but my personal rule is: never attribute to malice what can be just as easily blamed on incompetence...
richlind33: That statement is incompatible with scientific methodology. If there is insufficient evidence to make a valid conclusion then you do not make one.
On the contrary, the scientific method is predicated upon creating hypotheses which may then be tested.

Just like when you hear hooves you should think horses and not zebras, applying Occam's Razor to human beings' behaviour tells me that incompetence is much more prevalent than malice, and as such should be the first hypothesis taken.
low rated
richlind33: That statement is incompatible with scientific methodology. If there is insufficient evidence to make a valid conclusion then you do not make one.
DaCostaBR: On the contrary, the scientific method is predicated upon creating hypotheses which may then be tested.

Just like when you hear hooves you should think horses and not zebras, applying Occam's Razor to human beings' behaviour tells me that incompetence is much more prevalent than malice, and as such should be the first hypothesis taken.
There's nothing contrary about what you're saying, because it has nothing to do with what I said.

Fine, make and test some hypotheses, but if you form conclusions that lack a factual basis, you have deviated from scientific methodology, and are doing the very same thing you are accusing others of.
Post edited October 05, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
noncompliantgame: Thanks man. Glad I could help. I do what I can. I post on a few forums, try to implant I few seed thoughts in people I know, people I meet, random strangers even. I’d almost forgotten all about those gamergate thread posts. I’ve moved on a somewhat since then. I’m a bit more aware of (((who))), amongst many others of course - they couldn’t do it without a lot of help, is behind at least some of the mess we’re all forced to live in today.

And I’m still an advocate for freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of association (something we definitely don’t have today - example: the baker in the U.S. who was sued because he didn’t want to bake a wedding cake for a gay “marriage”) and many other freedoms, ethics, principles and values myself and growing numbers of people around the world hold dear. Such as Family and the whole idea of the sacredness of the family, my tribe (those I’m descended from), and by extension of that my people (and by that I do mean my “race” which is European/White/Caucasian - ooh I know we can’t have that) and the rights of every “race”, every group of people to live peacefully, prosperously and autonomously as they choose.

That means if you want to mix it up with people of different groups other than your own in large cosmopolitan cites, as I have done for a part of my life that’s great. But if you want to live in a community or nation that is practically all of one people, be that African, Asian, European, Middle Eastern or any of the ethnic sub-groups within or besides those very broad categories, we the people need to have the right to do that - it’s vital to the survival of the entire human race!

You see what these haters, harassers, bullies and all the other government and corporate sponsered clowns don’t get is, and I know eyes are going to be rolling and heads shaking. What the hater -the politically correct sjw - doesn’t get is ultimately it’s about love - that’s right, like someone said, the stupid f*cking hippies were right, it’s about love. Love is not all you need but love is the one thing almost everyone needs.

By Love I mean universal love, including love for oneself - I don’t mean dysfunctional narcissism promoted in the (((corporate global media))) today - I mean self-respect, self-esteem. The kind of self-esteem and respect that inspires you to do what’s right for yourself, be kind to people, to love, care about those around you - your family and/or your close friends - inspires you in your own small way towards improving your world. It’s about love of where you come from - the land you come from, your ancestry - your flesh and blood. Which means it’s also about love of your people or what many today call “race”. It’s about love of all people, of all mankind (ooh, I know that’s gone triggered a few ninnies!).

And this is where we hit a snag, because as I’m sure many of you are aware it is OK for most groups to have pride and express love for whatever group people feel they are a part of, a particular “race” if you like, except one group and who is that? Well, it’s that terror of the universe that is responsible for all the evils of the world, at least according to (((some folks))), the white man, the European. And because that’s the flesh, blood, skin, muscle, nerves, bones and DNA my soul was born to this world in, that will be the people, aside of course from my immediate family and relatives and a very small cirlce of friends, I prioritise.

I love and care about all peoples, all humanity, all “races” - as everyone should. But ultimately you have to look after your own first and I won’t back down no matter how many (((nazi))) trolls and bullies come after me and spout vile hatred. I will always stand in integrity, peace and love, speak truth to power, and do what I believe to be right.
Gnostic: The truth cannot change, propaganda only can cover it.

Government, elites and the majority of media will not help us, we just find a way to save ourselves without depending on them.
MGTOW save lives, men feeling suicidal losing everything in divorce have a place to rant and be guided how to improve their lives.
Government and a large segment of society keep telling men there is something wrong with us not being a happy slave. People in MGTOW show us how it is natural not wanting to be a slave and how to avoid being one.

It is best to continue this conversation in private, but I cannot due to your privacy settings.
I hear you brother. You may find this helpful. Roosh V talks about some of these matters in his new podcast. You take care now.

To those who attacked me. You achieved nothing. My carelessness gave you the most minimal minor "victory". The Gog forums are barely a blip on the radar and one person's activity even less so. Just one amoungst many billions of "goyim". :)

EDIT - @budejovice
In a way I should thank you, altho I won't. This forum has a very limited audience and prolly isn't worth the effort. There are several other forums where I'm putting the world to rights ;^) and there ain't nothin' you can do about it. X^D

So come on ... " NAZI! RACIST! WHITESUPREMIST! ANTI-SEMETIC! THOUGHT CRIMINAL! KILL WHITEY! " Blah! Blah! Blah! Same tired old crap! Everyone is so over that rubbish.

Post edited October 06, 2016 by noncompliantgame
low rated
Today: 5 Oct 2016 - 33 days out
First hour - VP Debate, Pence did great, Kaine was more a weasel. Army threatenes war with Russia. Agenda 21 will take effect with a war. The NeoCons history. Clinton threatens war. No-fly zone warning. Assange scared from NY Lawyer warning him not to release leaks; Real leak to happen soon. VP Debate talk. '<i>Deplorables</i>'. Criminal Aliens. Birth of a nation. General Flynn 'Deplorables'.
Second hour - Scary Scull of Mathew, Trump trip to Haiti? UN power play against trump. Jerome Corsi politics, banking, and other things. Libya peace deal. Gadhafi wanted to step down/surrender. Obama and Muslim Brotherhood. Islam is an evil Satanic Cult (disturbing videos). Conflict/war likely October surprise. Kaine was atrocious during debate. Americans don't want war with Russia. Clinton/Russia money laundering. Huma Abedin genital mutilation supporter. Clinton Foundation and Germany, back-channels for money laundering (<i>WJC LLC</i>), [url=]and Russian deals. Comey lawfirm does taxes for Clintons. HSBC is a compromised bank. Goodnight Obama (book).
Third Hour - Every day more voting/election fraud showing up. If hillary gets in: First two amendments go away, more debt, more lost jobs. Scaring people into war. A million bumper stickers at cost. Trump emergency trip to Haiti? Threatening war with Russia. Roger Stone: Assange will release documents in the next 10 weeks specifically on War, arms, oil, immigration, Google, surveillance, and US election. Sexual charges was consensual and framed. Neocons are committed for war. Witchhunts. Brock is a mercenary, switched for money. Newsmax and FoxNews no longer run by conservatives. VP Debate. Pence did fantastic. Kaine is a 'rude arrogant jerk'. Pence's model vs Kaine is striking. Pence was best choice as VP.
Fourth Hour - Stone: Trump to counterpunch more aggressively. Don't defend madeup stuff, attack their faults instead. Kennedy/Nixon race for presidential 4th debate. Federalizing Debate, stop the steal. Paul Watson: Within 6 months of office Hillary will be in Syria. Russia 40 million doing drills and building bunkers. Aide trucks never attacked by Russia. Excellent idea for Trump to help Haiti. VP Kaine's used 'Mexican card'. Kaine is Hillary's 'Right hand person'?? Terror attack, stabbing police officer in Europe/Belgium, EU press orders <span class="podkreslenie">NOT</span> to report when terrorists are Muslims. Political Correctness kills. The Rape Game . Merkal losing support for Refugees. Elon Musk is supposedly sexist for '<i>following more men than women</i>', completely absurd. Young Americans for Freedom meeting [url=]SJWs invade. The truth about Alicia Machado Body shaming extending to people who are in shape?? Leonardo DiCaprio is a Hypocrite on climate change. Hillary killed peace deal in Syria.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - only 40% of Americans know the names of our VP's. Russia ColdWar restarted. Dr. StrangeLove, mutual assured destruction. Hillary says 'A cyber attack good enough to go to war with Russia'. Second Snowden? FBI two-faced with Clintons. Golden rule vs Hillary's warmongering rule: Do onto others whatever you wish, but if they do unto you it's war! NSA going through customer's emails. NSA planning to add spyware to phones. Clinton talked of using Drone to take out Assange. UN Peace-Day, Agenda 21/2030. Clinton Steve Harvey interview, pre-scripted.
Post edited October 06, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
This is great stuff! Keep up the good work!
He's back from the rally in Coeur D'Alene!

My victory is that Nazis will not rule the United States for the next 4 years at least. You fuckin' Nazi. :)
DaCostaBR: On the contrary, the scientific method is predicated upon creating hypotheses which may then be tested.

Just like when you hear hooves you should think horses and not zebras, applying Occam's Razor to human beings' behaviour tells me that incompetence is much more prevalent than malice, and as such should be the first hypothesis taken.
richlind33: There's nothing contrary about what you're saying, because it has nothing to do with what I said.

Fine, make and test some hypotheses, but if you form conclusions that lack a factual basis, you have deviated from scientific methodology, and are doing the very same thing you are accusing others of.
The factual basis is the same: something has happened, either because someone has failed to prevent it or because someone, or a group of people, maliciously and meticulously planned for it to happen. I am claiming that the former is just the simplest and most likely answer.

You seem to think that the scientific way is to leave it at that, and simply say "we cannot answer", but it is not. Scientists work with the best knowledge at hand, the one that is most likely and requires the fewest assumptions to be true, often that knowledge is merely theoretical, but we must still work with it until that theory is outright proven or a better alternative presents itself. Scientists then proceed to try and disprove that theory, like I expect people to try to prove malice when making an accusation of conspiracy, in the absence of that proof the most probable answer stands. It may stand for a long time, such as gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein but only proven a century later.

To ignore that is the argument behind teaching Creationism in school right alongside Evolutionism, to say that because they are both merely theories therefore they're equally likely.

Besides, inaction is an action onto itself. When someone claims that we can't conclude whether or not vaccines cause autism (which to my knowledge it has been proven they do not), and decides not to vaccinate their child a choice has been made just the same as if they had categorically afirmed that they do. Times like those you can't wash your hands of the situation.
richlind33: There's nothing contrary about what you're saying, because it has nothing to do with what I said.

Fine, make and test some hypotheses, but if you form conclusions that lack a factual basis, you have deviated from scientific methodology, and are doing the very same thing you are accusing others of.
I just formed the hypotheses that you're not very smart, and I have your posts to prove it. How's that for scientific method :D
low rated
richlind33: There's nothing contrary about what you're saying, because it has nothing to do with what I said.

Fine, make and test some hypotheses, but if you form conclusions that lack a factual basis, you have deviated from scientific methodology, and are doing the very same thing you are accusing others of.
Breja: I just formed the hypotheses that you're not very smart, and I have your posts to prove it. How's that for scientific method :D
Polish logic should be oxymoron. ;p