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low rated
rtcvb32: Hillary is directly involved with the rapes
It really is enough if Trump himself sounds like a raving madman with puke inducing arguments. I don't need that crap on here as well, thank you very much. You're getting pretty damn creepy here. Rape allegations against Bill and rape allegations about Donald, take your pick about whose you desperately want to believe and disbelieve, I don't give a shit, but when you try to drag an alleged rapist's wife into the whole thing just because it fits your politics, Melania or Hillary, I don't care, fuck you.

Your healthcare bills will always fail miserably because you put your economy at the top of all concerns whatsoever. Even your so called leftist TV hosts aren't beyond invoking Steve Jobs as the hero of American economy, the Trump-like arrogant bastard who ran his business into the ground twice, routinely outsourced production to just about anywhere and fostered non-hiring agreements with competitors to keep the workforce in check.

The health of your citizens is, far more than in other countries, just an iPhone 7, assembled at 12.50$ and sold to the end consumer for thousands as a luxury product, because it's the most sought after good which naturally drives up prices. Now that's effective economy. So your healthcare plans aren't going anywhere sensible, ever. Kudos to Clinton and Obama that they at least tried! The outcome yields, of course, no more than a sad forced laugh, surely.

Trump goes the safe route, promises the greatest "affordable" health care but no idea whatsoever how he's going to achieve that. The secret is of course that you'd have to dare more socialism to fix this utter shit. None of your candidates is telling you that, of course. :)
Post edited October 09, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
richlind33: NEWS FLASH!!! Both candidates are their own worst enemy, and neither of them is fit to hold high office. End of.
rtcvb32: Not really... Considering the upcoming rape allegations are fake.
Of course they are -- because it's probably Trump's ham-handed attempt to unfuck himself after having once again screwed the pooch. lol
low rated
richlind33: BTW, is it true that Germans are now being taxed for committing the horrible crime of saving money?
Vainamoinen: No idea what you mean here. Last instance of wealth tax was in 1996 to my research, but alas, just like Hillary Clinton's taxation plans, those are the concerns of the rich, not mine. The universal problem in Europe however is a fucked up banking system and in particular the ECB's decision to lower the key interest rate every single year. The scarecrow now is that banks could, instead of offering any interest at all, ask for a percentage of the parked money. Which would be REALLY fucked up. Inflation, as low as it may be (and my groceries tell me, it isn't), grows much faster than the 0.25% or less that I still get on saved money.
That's precisely what I mean -- herp-a-derpity-doo! ;p

I'd heard that there is one consumer bank that has already decided to do this. For your sake I hope I'm mistaken.

We have a fucked-up central banking system, also, but don't have to worry about being charged interest on savings accounts -- because we don't save any money. o.O
It's like these conspiracy believers live in an alternate universe. Seriously. What the hell went wrong? What path have you walked to end up in such a dark place?

As for healthcare, the US system is the worst in the industrialised world. And that is backed by facts. Both in costs and outcome. I'm thankful I live in a country where I can have heart surgery or anything you fancy essentially for free, instead of being in a situation where I can't afford to go to hospital when I desperately need it.

Sanders would have been very good news for the American people. He supported a more people-focused health care system. Unfortunately he lost the primaries. And you only have to look at the media war on Jeremy Corbyn in the UK to see how much hatred they have for people centred policies and politicians. It's quite frankly staggering he hasn't been removed by the Blairites and the media yet. Now they're actually so desperate they're trying to turn to Tony Blair himself, the war criminal that he is.

Speaking of justice, there is precious little of it until the day Tony Blair and George W Bush is locked up in a dark cell somewhere.

Going back to the conspiracy nutters, given their background and social status, it's more than a little ironic that instead of turning to politicians that could actually do something for them, to improve their situation, they instead turn to Dark Lords like Donald Trump. If you think a billionaire like him is going to do anything for the "working man"... He has become rich by screwing people like that, and he's not going to change if you give him yet more power.
What's wrong with all you people, everyone is going full retard?
Post edited October 10, 2016 by Kleetus
low rated
Today: 9 Oct 2016 - 29 days out
First hour - Hillary selling out 1/5th US weapons. Bill has been on Lolita Express many times. Tape/Recording of Trump (very Yankee), not perfect but never claimed to be. Still the best candidate. Hillary has gotten a pedophile off from justice, Victims still terrified of Hillary. Hillary's sensitive transcripts, 8-9 months ago fake rape charges started being registered in Texas and all over US, so a book can be written/published (tomorrow). Next week's broadcast 'not to be missed'. StopRape 14 instances so far. Accusing rape, judge sets date, was suppose to break monday.
Second hour - Epstein (<i>convicted pedophile</i>) and Jane Does given diplomatic immunity so they can lie. Fake names and coverage, for 22 years ago. Clintons and Sultan of <i>Brunei</i> have a history. Pin it on Trump. Perception to steal. 'We're going to shut down alt media in 2017'. Executive order to ban guns. : Sexual history and deflection. Starting debate Hillary refuses shaking hand, then asked why so she refers to the tape. [url=]Things veteran says Trump has to do, and is wrong on all of them. Clinton's skilled at diversionary non-issues; Keep on policies and war issues. No-fly zone is madness. Trump is the peace candidate.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>1.5 hours</i>)
Full (<i>1.5 hours</i>)

Pre-Show (<i>2hrs</i>) - Stone: Media hoaxing everything, on Clinton's side for the false narritive. Plausibility only so they can steal it. 'Officially' Russia is hacking the election (without proof). StopRape 'don't say pussy'. Fox under Clinton's control, not a fair objective outlet anymore. Gary Johnson. Hillary will not shake hand in cooper setup. Wikileaks and Monday. Attack or drop out. First debate was so staged this debate will be bigger. Edited trump tape. Shelton (12 yearold rape victim) in front row. Accusations of rape. Pussygate lost half a point. Judge appointed by obama in district under Clintons in NY. A book to be published tomorrow, with 'interviews' with 3 anonymous/nonexistent people. with staged townhall (<i>child actors</i>). [url=]Trump attacks first with Bill &amp; Hillary's victims. StopRape guest. Witness as a national delegate. 'Watch his hands'. The real Hillary 'bipolar maniac bitch'. Hollywood and Hypocrisy. Clinton 'Bias against people who have lived successful and complicated lives'. Public/Private policies. Clinton Cattle . [url=]'<i>My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders</i>', agenda 21/2030, TPP. Handheld devices, stupid criminals. Kaine &amp; Wikileaks. The 'Friendly press'. Encounters with the brainwashed.
Debate (<i>2nd</i>) - including live analysis
- Half as bad as with Holt. Stone: Confrontation to Hillary, debunks Russian connections, integrity issues. Trump gets an A. [url=]Michelle hates Hillary. Hillary is unstable and psychotic, 'claire underwood' only worse. Smear tactics. Taxes. No handshake. Everything Hillary touches turns to crap. This is not a political election, this is an insurgency, a revolt against the duopoly. Hillary constantly sitting. Hillary Spokesman badmouths Trump. Honest Abe. Tax donations/reforms, trickle down poverty. Leaked emails. Lockerroom Talk. . Private/Public policies. [url=]Fly landing on Hillary. Hillary claims she wouldn't let unsafe terrorists into the country. Fact checking won't be done by media. Celebrity and GOP sellouts. Songbird McKaine. The Trump crowds are huge! No-fly zone, Russia has one up. NWO weird emails with aliens? Elections are rigged by banks. Epstein, upcoming attacks, Clinton's ties to KKK leader. Alex is so tired. Good second debate. Tweets. We cannot give up. Vote early (before it can get rigged)? 'The republican wall'. Undecideds choosing Trump, Hillary calling African Americans as 'colored people'. $1M for Clinton's Trolls. '<i>It was the Russians!</i>' states Hillary. Canadians love America. The economy, steel mill, coal, lower taxes. Progression with the debates. All Cubans are voting for Trump. Accountability, bodies, Haiti, money. Military industrial complex. Trump's supporters aren't looking for a handout. HealthCare system is a fiasco! Heads in the sand. Pearl Harbor. Tape was ridiculous and a non-issue.
Post edited October 10, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
What if we all pitch in and buy you a soapbox? Will go away then? Find yourself a nice street corner to bother some other people?
rtcvb32: .
Thanks for keeping us safe and informed, RT.

Thanks heaps, I'd feel far more vulnerable if it weren't for you.
low rated
rtcvb32: .
Kleetus: Thanks for keeping us safe and informed, RT.

Thanks heaps, I'd feel far more vulnerable if it weren't for you.
If it weren't for him I never would have known that Bill Clinton is running for a 3rd term. o.O
low rated
rtcvb32: Fox under Clinton's control, not a fair objective outlet anymore.
My vote for best conspiracy nonsense from this batch of crap! It's like "Völkischer Beobachter under Jewish control, not a fair objective newspaper any more!".;t=4m48s
Post edited October 10, 2016 by Vainamoinen
rtcvb32: Fox under Clinton's control, not a fair objective outlet anymore.
Vainamoinen: My vote for best conspiracy nonsense from this batch of crap! It's like "Völkischer Beobachter under Jewish control, not a fair objective newspaper any more!".;t=4m48s
My favorite is the "Media hoaxing everything" narrative. EVERYTHING IS A HOAX!!! Well, except what my sources say

Still come on here for laughs. Till I realize so many people are thinking these things all over the country
Breja: What if we all pitch in and buy you a soapbox? Will go away then? Find yourself a nice street corner to bother some other people?
Please make sure it's wet, so he may fall on his arse and injure his thinking organ.

(Screw the box, use a soap)

(PS: Nutters, don't actually screw the box, it won't get pregnant. Or will it?!? :o)
low rated
Pangaea666: his thinking organ.
I don't think he has one, and if he does, I shudder to think what it is.
low rated
Today: 10 Oct 2016 - 28 days out
First hour - The real crime. The (general) plan, for Jihadis. Fake arrogance. Wikileaks: Bill's sex life could sink Hillary. Heavy tape editing. Hillary's potty mouth, she is a monster. Don't buy into the media fraud. These are creepy people. Upcoming fake rape cases/hoax. Everyone hates Hillary. Hillary for prison meme. Wikileaks redemption, crew did the best radio on politics last night. Howard Stern show. There's a takeover in the media. , [url=]Hillary and flies, they smell like sulfur. 23,000 calls last night! Callers were on target and awesome. Jane Does accusers to come in coming weeks.
Second hour - The way of the Samurai is in desperateness. Debate Clips: Special Prosecutors, Lockerroom talk vs Clintons, , [url=]Honest Abe. Obama, Hillary and the Elite, they hate you! New StopRape with posters. Media 'the little man behind the curtain'. CNN Coaching the focus group pre-debate. Hillary did not defend Bill. Guest talk: actors, double sampling polls.
Third Hour - Positive mentality. Racism, Trump, Russia, WW3, George Soros. Biblical vision, and Isaiah 45. Had visions of 9/11 in July. Wikileaks: Bill's sex life could sink Hillary. Steve Pieczenik: Debate was a surgical Strike, the voice for our revolution, unseen since 1776. Democratic history of sex. Trump understand psychological warfare. The end of CIA's ability to insert created candidates. [url=]Eisenhower warning of the '[i]Military Industrial Complex[/url]'. Nixon is a brilliant man. Citizens in CIA/FBI/Military to step out and refuse the establishment.
Fourth Hour - Pieczenik: George Washington's Vision, Political concerns, disaster foreign policies. Removal of the Democratic party, Clintons, revolution, 1973 DARPA Internet and Social media, science fiction writers predicted issues, coddling is freedom to create a stagnant system, facism of the left. They will try to steal the election, 'everything to lose' and degenerate Trump, Jones and others. The media has lost their audiance. Singapore, highly repressive area. Ignorance is prevalent in our academia, media and candidates. Debate 'Radical Islamic Terror' while Clinton says 'Jihadist terrorism', attack on language, reducing language and mind control. No knowledge, history of WW2. Profiles. Revolution/revolt, Trump stood up for the women (rape victims). Geraldo Rivera, red herrings. Schieffer '<i>some relationship</i>' remember it's about rape. Citizens United, the rich will find a way to give money. Challenge to spend her own money. a classic [url=]sting moment. money laundering, Hillary's Dream (agenda 21), EU and TPP. EU to ban internal combustion engines, driving, 200ft cells, the control grid. Jefferson 'Cities are a threat to the health, wealth and liberty of man', road to zero.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Hillary calls for intervention. Locker-Talk, merely words, and 33,000 emails. Body language. Schieffer '<i>some relationship</i>', Geraldo Rivera to find tapes, Paul Ryan. Illegal border crossings far higher, Pedesta emails '<i>can't vet all the refugees</i>'. Saudi, critical mass, changing the system, Shariah Law incompatible with the US. Gun control by executive order. Banning guns via executive order. Trump is a sexist for calling Hillary a '<i>she</i>'??? Bill's victims never got justice, still demonized. Rape is not infidelity, anyone else would be in jail! Wikileaks: Bill's sexual past could damage her campaign, 'the less Bill the better', She enabled bill; Yet is a champion for women's rights?. Trump's sneak attack before debate. Totalitarianism, Orwell, unaccounted funds in 2001 $2.1Trillion, perpetual wars. R. Jarrett with 1996 Democrat convention: Clinton instantly raging, abuse at everyone, sexual predator gone wild in public view, closed event, Aug 30th, 'watch his hands', media covering it all up. Reverend Jesse Jackson calling out.

other links: Next News Network Paul Joseph Watson Mark Dice The Savage Nation Podcast
Post edited October 11, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: Today: 10 Oct 2016 - 28 days out
First hour
Second hour
Third Hour
Fourth Hour

"Full Audio Podcast (3 hours)"= (Coming Soon)
"Full (3 hours)"= (Coming Soon)
"Daily Headlines"= (Coming Soon)

"Nightly News"= (Coming Soon)
You are a registered voter, right?

Question must have been too tough. :D
Post edited October 11, 2016 by tinyE