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low rated
i bet the devs are also causacian people aka evil fiends of the patriarchy... long live the color "white" and our master Saruman!
Post edited October 21, 2014 by NWN_babayaga
NWN_babayaga: i bet the devs are also causacian people aka evil fiends of the patriarchy... long live the color "white" and our master Saruman!
Hey, fancy seeing you here! And completely off-topic: Do you still create NWN fiends for our master Saruman's army? I absolutely love your old models. :)
KasperHviid: Are developers of Hatred racist extremists or are they not? A site called has actually asked them about it. Read the developers response HERE!
It's nice to hear it directly from them! Thanks.
KasperHviid: Are developers of Hatred racist extremists or are they not? A site called has actually asked them about it. Read the developers response HERE!
Did it change your mind I wonder? Post #385 right here has even more details.
KasperHviid: Are developers of Hatred racist extremists or are they not? A site called has actually asked them about it. Read the developers response HERE!
Brasas: Did it change your mind I wonder? Post #385 right here has even more details.
Next we'll learn that the programmer has a heavy metal CD IN HIS HOUSE!!!!
Well after seeing the trailer for the game i have a few impressions..

1) Take zombie survival and reverse it to mass genocide

2) Total Psychopath, likely someone at the end of their rope or having a bad case of PTSD

3) I'm never EVER going to play this.
rtcvb32: 3) I'm never EVER going to play this.
No co-op with your northern buddy? :S
Brasas: Did it change your mind I wonder? Post #385 right here has even more details.
realkman666: Next we'll learn that the programmer has a heavy metal CD IN HIS HOUSE!!!!
Well, I'm not going to put my hands on the fire for any of those guys, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, as I do for anyone really.

The way it was immediately assumed they were neo-nazis was just hateful and intolerant. I'm using this word so often lately I'm becoming desensitivized really...

What I find interesting is to see what is the reaction to the Holocaust card. Logically it proves nothing one way or another about their character, but for the usual suspects who couldn't care less for rational argumentation... Well, I'm curious how fast the fact they are cis white will bring out the double standards.

Oh wait, it already happened... I saw several people saying that because they have somewhat contradictory intent (because obviously human desires are so neat and black and white universally) they must be dishonest. You noticed that one?
I wonder why the black metal faction doesn't start an outcry, because the antagonist looks like a perfect black metal avatar. Are really so many of those psychos or are they just thankful for getting this image reinforced? ;)
Post edited October 21, 2014 by Klumpen0815
rtcvb32: 3) I'm never EVER going to play this.
realkman666: No co-op with your northern buddy? :S
I don't play COD or MoH either... So... No.
Brasas: The way it was immediately assumed they were neo-nazis was just hateful and intolerant.
I don't think it was assumed, it was just a tactic to dismiss them quicker. We can thank that creep Kasper for spreading that kind of thing. Don't like what they do? Call them Nazis, child molestors or something like that.
Klumpen0815: I wonder why the black metal faction doesn't start an outcry, because the antagonist looks like a perfect black metal avatar. Are really so many of those psychos or are they just thankful for getting this image strengthened? ;)
Engrish ist hier.
Post edited October 21, 2014 by realkman666
realkman666: snip
I also give Kasper the benefit of the doubt. I'm all for equal opportunity.
realkman666: snip
Brasas: I also give Kasper the benefit of the doubt. I'm all for equal opportunity.
He has been very active and enthusiastic about outing the evildoers.
low rated
NWN_babayaga: i bet the devs are also causacian people aka evil fiends of the patriarchy... long live the color "white" and our master Saruman!
Leroux: Hey, fancy seeing you here! And completely off-topic: Do you still create NWN fiends for our master Saruman's army? I absolutely love your old models. :)
Yes i do. I never quit modding. Just more focused on tilesets again ;)

And Hail Saruman the great "white" prophet.. we are all guilty :D ... by being born... told me a preacher.... once in a previous life..... and then he wanted to burn me.... cuz i thought different.... and now here again..... same shit repeats itself..... just from another angle....
Post edited October 22, 2014 by NWN_babayaga
monkeydelarge: Okay one more time. Why not. I'm sure debating with someone like you is good exercise for my brain.
Indeed, and I guess you need the exercise. Happy to oblige

monkeydelarge: "I do apologise for ignoring a large quote and a repetitive passage"
You ignored a lot more than that. I already proved you wrong but you ignored that part too. I will copy and paste that part here, hoping maybe you wont ignore it again.

"Hostile? How? If GOG doesn't sell the game then a lot of people A) wont be able to play the game because they have zero tolerance for DRM or B) be forced to buy the Steam version which is inferior in every way compared to a GOG. Both A) and B) = denying innocent people some happiness and money(for the developers and the publisher). Both A) and B) = being hostile to innocent people. "
Already addressed this point earlier, but you ignored my reply, so.... I am not sure what this proves.

monkeydelarge: So...

If someone prevents you from making money from your hard work then that is an hostile act. Because then you will be making less money. And no money, no honey. The less money you make, the lower quality your life will be... and a low quality life makes people unhappy. :(
and your solution is? all stores should sell everything? I do not recollect you calling gOg hostile in for example the Winter Wolves thread for rejecting them? Or all the other times they have rejected a game. Or does this 'hostility' only apply to games you like?

monkeydelarge: If someone prevents you from getting a GOG version of a game you want then that is a hostile act. Because nothing beats a GOG version. People want the most for their money. If people have to settle for less, it makes them unhappy... :( And GOG allows refunds so if someone is unable to buy a GOG version then there is a chance they will lose money for nothing(if Hatred doesn't work on their machine). And losing money for nothing makes people unhappy. :(
No, it is not a 'hostile act'. Whether or not something beats a gOg version is subjective (you fanboi, you). I do know for a developer buying games direct is superior (as they get a larger cut, but it depends off course who you want to support...). The point you are trying to make here is extremely subjective at best.

If your point is that the developer loose monies, then you should really be campaigning to get the this game on Steam (good luck) as it has been shown that Steam tends to account for 50-80% of total sales when a game is released in multiple stores.

monkeydelarge: This most recent post of yours does finally try to explain one of your points but failed.
Ah, goody - lets see.

monkeydelarge: You wrote two short letters. Both letters are informing people behind a game about a hostile action taken towards them. This just proves you can be hostile towards a group of people and be two faced polite to them at the same time. But the politeness does not cancel out the hostility so the store is still hostile to the people behind the game. Not one of those letters are friendly. A friendly letter from a store does not inform people of a hostile action taken towards them. Just like a declaration of war is not a friendly letter but could be a polite letter if the person who wrote it, wanted it to be civil. So just to make things clear, polite words do not turn a hostile action into a friendly action. If you are still not convinced, read this letter.
So.... all acts of rejection are per definition a hostile act?

monkeydelarge: "Dear Mr. ______,
I regret to inform you that an African American employee unfortunately does not fit in with our store profile. I must admit I have nothing against you and if you do wish to work at our store in the future you would need to change your skin color and apply again. We do wish you a lot of luck in your endeavors, and we are looking forward to see working here one day after meeting our requirements. Again, we are sorry that an African American employee unfortunately does not fit in with our store profile.
Kindest regards,
Your racist store"
you do so love your little analogies, don't you?

monkeydelarge: " see above. As far as I know, the only thing that fits here is that I said they need to take responsibility of their own actions. I think? is that it?"
No you said a lot more than that. You said this in a previous post. "This is not a group of innocent people, they are making a controversial game, they know they are making a controversial game, and therefore need to face the consequences for it."
If you say these people are not innocent then you are saying they are evil or are guilty of doing something evil. Explain why making a controversial game is an evil act? And your words "therefore need to face the consequences for it" means you think these people should be punished too. Changing the words around to fool me is not going to work. If you can not explain why you think these people are evil or guilty of committing an evil act. Then that means, you have no good reason to want them punished. So if you have no good reason, then it means, you have a bad reason you don't want to share or you just want to win this debate, just to win.
Again, you are the one equating guilty = evil. I have done any such thing. I have never said they are evil (in fact I think they are rather sad....) I said they are guilty (opposite of innocent....) of creating a controversial game, even intending to create a controversial game. This is guilt and intent :)

That means the developers are knowingly doing this act, and should therefore not be surprised about the reaction they get - including not getting on the major retail sites. It has been the developers choice from day one. Taking responsibility for their own action, is accepting the positive and negative sides for taking just such an action. One big positive is that they get a lot of free PR, one big negative is that they will struggle getting into mainstream stores.

monkeydelarge: If you can explain to me, why creating a controversial game like Hatred is bad for the world,
yeah, it is disgusting and its addition to our cultural heritage do not bring anything at all (yes, this is subjective again :)).

Nah, it is not bad for the world at all, its existence will neither rise nor lower violence in the world. Still, it is a disgusting game, and while the it do not make the world worse, it sure do not make the world any better either. I have never said it will do either, and it has never been a point of mine. I just think it is a pointless and disgusting game, and if a store thinks so to, I think they should be free to not sell it.

monkeydelarge: then that means if a store refuses to sell such a game, they have a good reason to not sell such a game.
there are many good reasons not to sell this game, it do not just have to be 'bad for the world'. Do you think it is on this criteria gOg rejects game? They think they are 'bad for the world'?

monkeydelarge: And that means, you have the moral high ground for pressuring GOG into not selling Hatred and every store that refuses to sell Hatred has the moral high ground too.
and your moral high-ground for pressuring a store to sell games they do not want is?

monkeydelarge: If your next post does not contain such an explanation(an explanation that should of been put forth in an earlier post), then I will ignore all your posts in this thread after your next one.
More than a store should have the freedom to reject items they do not like to sell, or do not want to be associated with? That a store should not be forced to sell material they think would be damaging for them? I think this has been my point in all my replies to you.

monkeydelarge: Because if your next post does not contain any explanations but more useless words, then this debate has reached a dead end.
no more brain exercise? Speaking of pointless words, I am waiting breathlessly on your next analogy :)