Kalanyr: How did you get the new galaxy installers ? I did some brief poking and the galaxy installers aren't available via the API used by gogrepo. At least they weren't last week. I'd happily add support do download either or both to my fork in the meantime.
Sude: Galaxy installers are listed in "galaxyDownloads" node in game details json (/account/gameDetails/{productid}.json)
Thanks. I'll look into this now and see what I can do.
ETA - Yeah , this is trivial to implement. The only annoying bit is that every download is listed in galaxyDownkoads including patches and Linux files that don't contain galaxy. They have the same names, md5 and size as the non-Galsxy files though, whereas Galaxy files have names ending in (g). This should be fine as long as GOG never fails to update any of those files or forgets to add a (g) when updating them.
In order to allow separe downloads without name clashes or doubles I'm going to have to change my duplicate file detection method too. I think I need a shared downloads category. Bully.
ETA2 - Or I could reuse some code I already wrote and use some list comprehensions instead. That also works. That was pretty easy. Now I just need to update the other functions to check galaxuDownloads and sharedDownloads and we're good.