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Awesome! Freedom Planet will be a great addition.
Agarest. :O
I hope Durante's fix will work with this version.
omega64: Agarest. :O
I hope Durante's fix will work with this version.
I don't know about Agarest but I know Durante's fixes are usually a couple of DLL files that need to be placed into a particular directory along with some ini files.

I used his fix for the GOG version of Deadly Premonition so if he has the same kind of "fix" for Agarest then everything should work :) No guarantees though as I have no idea what the Agarest fix actually entails :)
omega64: Agarest. :O
I hope Durante's fix will work with this version.
JudasIscariot: I don't know about Agarest but I know Durante's fixes are usually a couple of DLL files that need to be placed into a particular directory along with some ini files.

I used his fix for the GOG version of Deadly Premonition so if he has the same kind of "fix" for Agarest then everything should work :) No guarantees though as I have no idea what the Agarest fix actually entails :)
The following is from memory:
Supersampling and a turbo button for combat.
Which is great as the combat is SO slow.

Any word on the Prequel Agarest Zero?
Post edited November 26, 2014 by omega64
JudasIscariot: I don't know about Agarest but I know Durante's fixes are usually a couple of DLL files that need to be placed into a particular directory along with some ini files.

I used his fix for the GOG version of Deadly Premonition so if he has the same kind of "fix" for Agarest then everything should work :) No guarantees though as I have no idea what the Agarest fix actually entails :)
omega64: The following is from memory:
Supersampling and a turbo button for combat.
Which is great as the combat is SO slow.
Like I said before as long as the fix for Agarest follows Durante's usual pattern you should be good but that will all come out once the game is released here :)
JudasIscariot: I don't know about Agarest but I know Durante's fixes are usually a couple of DLL files that need to be placed into a particular directory along with some ini files.

I used his fix for the GOG version of Deadly Premonition so if he has the same kind of "fix" for Agarest then everything should work :) No guarantees though as I have no idea what the Agarest fix actually entails :)
Durante's work evolved into a powerful downsampling tool (with a wide variety of other interesting options) which can be applied to pretty much every DX9 game out there.
omega64: Any word on the Prequel Agarest Zero?
Isnt the first one the much better game?.
omega64: Any word on the Prequel Agarest Zero?
Niggles: Isnt the first one the much better game?.
I wouldn't know, haven't played Zero myself. :P
Blackguards 2 is coming to GOG January 20:

GOG will also be bringing Gex 2 and 3 here:
Post edited November 26, 2014 by SCPM
It's interesting that the second Blackguards is actually cheaper than the first (Humble lists €30 as the game's price).

SCPM: GOG will also be bringing Gex 2 and 3 here:
Hmmm... the first PC port of Gex 3? Or just a mistake on their part? If it's not a mistake, which of the two versions will be the basis of Gex 3; the PS1 or the N64 version?
Post edited November 26, 2014 by Grargar
Should this be a gogiki page?
SCPM: GOG will also be bringing Gex 2 and 3 here:
Zeus said that Gex 2 works pretty well fine on nGlide, so I don't know what all that entails, but glad to hear it is coming.

3? I'll assume GOG didn't do their research for this tweet as Wikipedia at least doesn't mention a PC version. ;-)
Post edited November 26, 2014 by tfishell
tfishell: 3? I'll assume GOG didn't do their research for this tweet as Wikipedia at least doesn't mention a PC version. ;-)
There is no PC version, which is why I wondered if it was a mistake or an attempt to bring Gex 3 to the PC.
This should make a certain meow- lover happy.
SCPM: GOG will also be bringing Gex 2 and 3 here:
tfishell: Zeus said that Gex 2 works pretty well fine on nGlide, so I don't know what all that entails, but glad to hear it is coming.

3? I'll assume GOG didn't do their research for this tweet as Wikipedia at least doesn't mention a PC version. ;-)
Might be emulated? :P