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low rated
Reever: Bumpity Bump. Still two games to give away people.
NewUser__198444: May I have Consortium: Master Edition? Thanks!
And I would like Expeditions: Conquistador, if it is still available. Thank you!
NewUser__198444: May I have Consortium: Master Edition? Thanks!
Reever: Sorry, just gave it away!
That's ok, but thanks anyway.
nah, changed my mind, i still need to complete the W trilogy :)
Post edited November 13, 2016 by Ian
low rated
Still HAVE System Shock 2
GOT Dex Thanks vanchann :) !
WANT Victor Vran
WANT humanity to collectively evolve so it doesn't use wars and violence, and doesn't oppress anybody based on race, gender, looks, nation, political or religious beliefs... and various subcultural affiliations and that it strives to live in harmony with our Mother Earth while it prepares to colonize and terraform planets uninhabited or inhabited by nothing remotely intelligent and/or dangerous.

Than I wonder ... Getting these games from some good Samaritan is so much more achievable than the achieving latter. But somehow I think it is even harder to get rid of System Shock 2 :) Prove me opposite. :)
Post edited November 13, 2016 by xalegra
high rated
xalegra: Still HAVE System Shock 2
WANT Victor Vran
Just wait a few minutes and check your chat for Dex.
EDIT: Code has been sent, check your chat.
Post edited November 13, 2016 by vanchann
Anyone got a code for the game "DEX" for me? I did not reach the points for getting it free. :(

I would be very happy to get the game "DEX". ;)
low rated
Want Icewind Dale Complete
Want Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga (Classic)
Want Baldur's Gate 2 Complete (Classic)

Don't have anything but can buy an equivalent of 3x 2.50€ (calculating with a 75% discount of the original games).

/edit: Can't gift/trade anything at this point, as I have to wait two more months to be able to use Paypal, credit card or wallet funds. And Webmoney isn't accepted here either (thanks GoG). Meh.
Post edited November 13, 2016 by Lucumo
low rated
oldgameryeah: Please consider giving "Lucius_Malfoy" the next copy of Victor Vran

He has been looking to get this game since November 3rd, the first day of the sale!!
Thanks, and congratulations on getting the game. :)
Post edited November 13, 2016 by Lucius_Malfoy
WANT Victor Vran

If I would have not screwed up with the date and time and waited till the last minute *slapping myself*.
Why did they decide to end on the Sunday, normally it would have ended for Europe Monday around lunch, or? (at least what I remember)
Goodaltgamer: WANT Victor Vran

If I would have not screwed up with the date and time and waited till the last minute *slapping myself*.
Why did they decide to end on the Sunday, normally it would have ended for Europe Monday around lunch, or? (at least what I remember)
What are you talking about? There's still 2 hours left...
low rated
yeah i also will miss out on stuff since it wont last till monday noon :(

still WANT dex
Post edited November 13, 2016 by Gattz
Randalator: What are you talking about? There's still 2 hours left...
As I only use paysafe and I was not to the bank to get some cash and as I do not use ATMs, instead the good old cashier, the sale will be over :(
Hence.....Yes I know, a bit my own fault, but I thought let's wait till the last moment and see what they have up.
Randalator: What are you talking about? There's still 2 hours left...
Goodaltgamer: As I only use paysafe and I was not to the bank to get some cash and as I do not use ATMs, instead the good old cashier, the sale will be over :(
Hence.....Yes I know, a bit my own fault, but I thought let's wait till the last moment and see what they have up.
What's your issue with ATMs?
Over here, the bank teller would not even have any cash to hand over as the banks do not handle cash. You use the cash machines for that. No idea how shops get more change when they need it.