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Embrace your adventurous inner child with The Lion King, Aladdin, and The Jungle Book!

Good stories never fall out of style. And if someone knows how to tell a proper fairytale, that's got to be Disney. Today, three of their most celebrated, charming platformers of yore based on such tales are coming back, exclusively on Disney Aladdin, Disney The Lion King, and Disney The Jungle Book are all household names that still captivate our imagination, decades after we got introduced to their cinematic and videogame worlds.

That's why and Disney heave teamed up to bring these beloved classics of the 16-bit era to a new generation of gamers and Disney fans. All three titles have been meticulously updated to be compatible with modern operating systems while preserving the original graphics, sound, and gameplay.

Developed during the golden age of platformers, Disney Aladdin, Disney The Lion King, and Disney The Jungle Book established themselves as hallmarks of the genre, earning the praise of fans and critics alike for over two decades. That was due in no small part to their groundbreaking visuals. With the advent of Digicel technology, hand-drawn cels from Disney's animation team brought the characters to life with a level of vibrancy that was unparalleled at the time, and remains impressive today. Just look at how adorable little Simba looks when he roars at his enemies!

Return to these beautiful worlds, full of that unmistakable Disney charm and wondrous sense of adventure. <span class="bold">Disney Aladdin</span>, <span class="bold">Disney The Lion King</span>, and <span class="bold">Disney The Jungle Book</span> are available now, DRM-free on and you can get them for 10% off individually, or for 33% off as a <span class="bold">bundle</span> of heartwarming joy until August 8, 12:59 PM UTC!
Post edited August 04, 2016 by maladr0Id
PaterAlf: Nice surprise!

Except for the fact that Disney and GOG decided to put regional pricing (with higher price points than the base price) on the games (which are 22 and 23 years old).

Anyone else remembers "We need regional pricing to bring brand new AAA games here, but we won't do it for our classic catalogue."?
We already know that unfortunately they say what's more convenient for them at the moment, but never stick to it if it cost them money. So usually good news are not to be trusted.

Anyway I believe that other then regional pricing, those games are also a little overpriced.

I hope we'll see other Disney games like Donald Duck in Maui Mallard (also know as Donald Duck in Cold Shadow).
Unfortunately they are the DOS release but that's to be expected as they were 16 bit Windows games that cannot be easly ported to 64bit. Maybe if Disney provides the source code...
ShadowAngel.207: Aladdin is just slightly better and Jungle Book is probably the best of those 3.
Interesting. I love Aladdin and Lion King, and growing up I completed them. If you say Jungle Book is better than both of them, then I'll just have to try it out. Who knows, I might just discover a forgotten gem.
Post edited August 04, 2016 by MadalinStroe
ShadowAngel.207: most-treasured? Lion King is "treasured"? Is that a joke? The game is mediocre at best..
It's all a matter of opinion. Some people may have fond memories of these games simply because they owned and played them a lot, not necessarily because of how they stack up to other games.

As for the other games you mentioned, Castle of Illusion, World of Illusion and The Lucky Dime Caper, none of those had DOS ports originally, so are unlikely to show up on GOG. Castle of Illusion did get remade in 2013 for PC, so the remake may show up eventually.
No, jungle book is a pretty repetitive collectathon/maze style platformer.

These all play better on MD, so I'll pass.
Always nice to see some classics getting released on GOG, definitely games I see at 5,99 thought.
EndlessKnight: No need to. One can simply wait for a sale or get the games on other platforms.
My point is, you may complain to gOg about the price as much as you want, but I doubt Disney is willing to change the base price.
I'm not talking about promos, pretty much every game company lowers (temporarily) their prices, it's a good strategy.
MarkoH01: It seems as if you would need a special DosBox MOD but it is possible:;p=127679
I don't have an account there so I can't read the messages.

I found one which allows you to save/load, it's called DOSBox SVN Daum:

"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."
Post edited September 25, 2016 by almabrds
Interesting release. However, I remember these games as being rather difficult in an annoying way, so my wallet is safe. Still, great to see them here.
tfishell: The DOS versions are probably inferior, but what do you expect GOG to do about that? :-P Feels like a broken record discussion.

Anyway, still hoping Curse of Monkey Island shows!
personally I'm always curious about the superior version because I like to play the games on the platform they play best. not that I'm complaining about GOG releasing PC versions for people who don't mind
I remember playng this when I was a kid... :))
tfishell: The DOS versions are probably inferior, but what do you expect GOG to do about that? :-P Feels like a broken record discussion.

Anyway, still hoping Curse of Monkey Island shows!
damien: personally I'm always curious about the superior version because I like to play the games on the platform they play best. not that I'm complaining about GOG releasing PC versions for people who don't mind
that would be snes and megadrive then
Is this a sign that we might be getting 16 bit games here now? I'd be incredibly happy if that started happening.
Pica-Ludica: My childhood, where hast thou gone...?
"Childhood is a promise that is never kept." (Ken Hill)
MIK0: Unfortunately they are the DOS release but that's to be expected as they were 16 bit Windows games that cannot be easly ported to 64bit. Maybe if Disney provides the source code...
I run my 16bit windows software in Linux through Wine. I have wondered why there hasn't been a port of Wine to 64bit windows, it would solve a lot of problems with older software that doesn't work on the newer versions of Windows.

It's probably too tied into Linux/BSD, and there is the fear that Microsoft will kill it as well. Still, I can dream.

damien: personally I'm always curious about the superior version because I like to play the games on the platform they play best. not that I'm complaining about GOG releasing PC versions for people who don't mind
snowkatt: that would be snes and megadrive then
I have no hope of Nintendo agreeing to releasing any SNES games on PC, but I remember Sega doing a deal with one of the Megadrive/Genesis emulator developers so they could release one of the Sonic games on Windows. This happened about 15 years ago now.

It would be interesting if GOG were allowed to try this.

You want me to pay £14 for three EMULATED Sega Mega Drive games?

Hahahaha, is it April 1st or something?
Very happy and surprised to see these here. Although the price is a joke...