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In Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous you can create any character imaginable with the flexibility, richness, and depth of the Pathfinder First Edition ruleset. You can choose from 25 classes and 12 races, but what if you could come up with your own character, apart from those that already exist?

Share your idea for a new Pathfinder class or race in the comments and get a chance to win one of 20 keys for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous!

The contest ends on September 13th, 6 PM UTC.
I would like a race of sentient constructs and explore what it means to be alive and free-willed. It would be interesting to see how their morality and outlook would change as they explored and encountered others.
New class: Duat Hekau
from ancient egyptian; lit.: underworld magician

The Duat Hekau hail from Osirion. It is as much a profession as it is a curse. These powerful magic users are skilled morticians and practice their art freely there. They embalm the dead, remove inner organs and wrap the corpses in linen. A practice that requires a lot of skill and knowledge, yet their art is frowned upon. The people generally mistrust them deeply as they are said to create undead. And indeed some of them do. Their magic allows them to raise powerful undead to do their bidding, although only the mightiest of them are able to do so. The Duat Hekau have much more tools at their disposal however: They can call upon the souls of the deceased to interrogate them even in death as long as they have a mostly intact corpse or personal belonging of the deceased. They can also hinder or turn undead against their masters and are capable of manipulating corpses nearby to explode, thus spreading disease and disgust among their foes.
In battle, the Duat Hekau become more powerful the more corpses there are to raise or manipulate. Outside of combat they are often capable of taking a shortcut in murder mystery cases by simply asking the deceased who killed them. Finding more solid proof is more difficult however. Their immense knowledge about corpse preparation and autopsy is of much use though. Some Duat Hekau are called to investigate such cases and all of them are needed when a beloved one dies and needs preparation and preservation. Yet the mistrust (and in lots of places outside of Osirion even hatred) is deep in the peoples mind. A Duat hekau can never hope to be as charming as a Bard and his ability to deal damage is of no comparison to those of a full-fledged Wizard but their crowd-control is formidable and the most powerful of them are capable to turn the tide once enough combatants have fallen, no matter if friend or foe...
A treant or something similar to that - a guardian of nature awakened by gods/fey/etc and given sentience & purpose to protect its home/nature in general
I really want a playable taurid race.

Centaur may already have been suggested, but what I'd like is a series of plug'n'play taurid options, with "lower half" options including:
lion/other big cat
I think Pathfinder could use a class that leans in heavily on the darker side of things but all for the right cause. Something that is dark and maybe even evil, but what could be a damnation of one soul, when there are hundreds at stake. Something that might tie in with the ward stones could also be very fun.

I think a class who's powers would constantly put you on an edge with npcs, who are trying to help you, could make room for an interesting plot and dialogue options. Imagine the confusion of the cosmic alignment arbiters.

And if that's not it, then give us the pug people!
SKELETON! Or Lich type being. And so the skeleton wars begin Bwahahaha!
Always liked the original 3.5 alternate sorcerer class , the battle sorcerer. You give up 1 spell known and casted per level up to a minimum of 1 each for d8 hp/15 bab/light armor/1 martial weapon. Considered bland by most people but it was the easiest way to play a full level 9 spellcasting gish from level 1 during those days. I would actually do an extra -1 spell known/casted to add an animal companion at -4 like a ranger to make this a woodsman who cast limited arcane spells rather than shoot arrows.
Kanyshin. this is a race created by an old council of mages which experienced trying to find the perfect race, this race was enslaved for centuries until they fought for their freedom, killing the council and creating their own basic society. They are taller than a normal human, their skin is violet and their eyes with no pupil are totally black, slightly stronger than normal beings.

Rune warrior, this class is trained in the use of weapons but cannot use armor, their body is covered with tatooed runes, each rune gives them a little magical advantage, since children they choose a path based on the place they put their first rune, after training and leveling they can add more runes attached to the old ones, giving more powerful features
New race: incarnate

You play as an Incarnate of the elements or planes of Magic, either summoned by a magic user or by it's own volition, of course motives are up to either campaign's story, or the player's own story. Its main perk is of course its attunement to magic or the elements, making it stronger or immune to certain spells AMD effects, while more vulnerable to others; this will also manifest as an easier time casting spells of its element, and giving a bonus to their rolls.

Because their nature and complexity, most equipment would be unfit to them, requiring either specialized craftsmen or they would develop by leveling up, for example an Incarnate of Earth would develop a harder shells, effectively increasing their armor.
I’d like to see the Kobold as a playable race. Or a race combo for all races which would be an Undead Subtype race that would fully have the rotten looking body or skeleton as a choice at character creation. Maybe record some dialogue for it with guttural speech. Also maybe a new companion that is also a sentient undead that always tactfully tries to sway the player into becoming evil and doing evil choices while seeming like a friend with their best undead interests and preservation in mind.
I would go with a shadow cleric that would channel the power of the slain to heal their allies. would also be a bit debuff/control heavy.
Yuan Ti Abomination with a brawler style class. Something that specializes in constricting enemies with the tail to keep them stationary, then pummels them with unarmed strikes.
New race: Formid
Seemingly mindless and mechanical in nature, these insectoid ants are believed to have created cave systems so vast and complex that one could feasibly travel between continents through one given the time and resources. Nobody knows whether they have any greater goals beyond expanding their numbers and colonizing the underground domain.

Physical Description
While appearance varies slightly between different types of formids, there are attributes common amongst all of them.

Their bodies are segmented into three, each covered by a chitinous shell forming their exoskeleton. A slight, unevenly distributed layer of fuzz coats their exoskeleton. Occasionally, fungus can be seen growing off of their exoskeleton as well.

Formids have a set of antennae that protrudes from between their eyes around 2.5 times the length of their heads, actting as their sense of smell and taste. Their eyes are compound and glow in the dark granting exceptional darkvision but inhibiting overall visual acuity. The mandibles extends approximately 5 inches from their face and are exceptionally strong, with a single bite capable of breaking bones. However, they lack proper facial muscles preventing them from speaking (but not incapable of learning) other languages aside from their own.

Each formid has six limbs: two pairs of arms and a pair of legs. All limbs are separated into into three sections and can slight expand or contract. At the end of every arm is a four digit hand consisting of three fingers and a thumb covered in a layer of chitin. As such, they cannot flex their fingers, preventing finer item manipulation. The legs, while distinctly grasshopper-like, are mostly for supporting their weight, and end in a three digit foot: two in the front, one in the back.

Formid colonies consists of many tight tunnels that could go anywhere. To other races, these tunnels are borderline claustrophobic, cramped, and are generally unpleasent to travel through. The only exception being areas housing the fungus farms, which are cavernous.

The population of each colony is comprised of three types of formids: workers, soldiers, and explorers. Workers are responsible for digging and maintaining tunnels, as well as growing and collecting fungus. They aren’t seen outside of their colony unless with other formids to found a new one. Soldiers protect the other formids as they carry out their roles. They are typically seen guarding the entrance of a colony and occasionally acting as bodyguards for explorers. Explorers travel outside of their colonies to scout lands for areas to colonize, hunt, or scavenage. They are also responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations with other races.

Unlike their tiny breatheren, they lack a queen. With the exception of explorers, formids tend to isolate themselves from other races, prefering to expand their underground colonies instead. They strongly dislike tresspassers travelling through their colonies, and will often dispatch them in gory fashion.

Nearly everyone will have a different opinion about the formids, depending on their values. Both good and evil-aligned folk enjoy their willingness to follow orders. Some loathe the effort it takes to teach them to think for themselves, while others think of them as no more intelligent than animals. Cave-dwelling races, in particular, have been in conflict with formids. Some colonies will house these cave dwellers, but most colonies treat them as tresspassers.

Besides explorers, formids have no concept of individuality outside of their colony. As far as they’re concern, every race is the same as their own: a neutral, apathetic, hard-working mass of organisms with no purpose other than expansion. Explorers, who have a better grasp of foreign relations, prefer industrial races and will avoid contact with barbaric races.

Alignment and Religion
A formid mindlessly focuses on any task given to them, regardless of how dangerous or unfeasable it may be, or of its intent. Outside of a colony, they’ll serve anyone regardless if they’re a saint or morally bankrupt. As such, their alignment is true neutral. The alignment of an explorer vary, yet still leans towards some form of neutrality, such as neutral good or chaotic neutral.

Outside of colonies, formids rarely choose a god to worship, with no preferences as to what god they worship. Unfortunately, due to their ties to the earth, they can’t gain any benefits from doing so.

Any formid that gets a chance to explore the land outside of their colony may abandon it in search for a greater goal beyond mindless expansion. Explorers are the most common since most of their work happens outside of their colony.

Playable insectoid races are something I've never seen in RPGs outside of TRPGs. It'd be nice to see some.
EDIT: massive rewrite, focusing more on providing a concept rather than their mechanics as well as significantly better formatting.
Post edited September 12, 2021 by MisterIchor
A creature my group ran into during the quiet year. Sentient wheat striders, which when combines create a Whent (Wheat Ent).
Or one of the specialist Whent trappers as a class
Classes like the monk but actually good.

Monks are a little lame. Their special abilities pretty much just cancel out their equipment limitations and they play like a fairly standard fighter.

They could use activated abilities, not so much to do damage, but to achieve tactical advantage - grab your opponent and push or pull them. Use their strength against them. Monks just getting an ac bonus is boring