Posted March 26, 2009

J/K I don't think anyone here is old. I'd bet most of them are in their 30's..which contrary to popular belief isn't old.
i am 19 now. my favorite series is fallout. my 2nd favorite is half-life. i had a nintendo when these games were released, and had no idea what a pc was, so no i didnt play them at their time. actually a lot later. and here are my opinions:
i think far cry 2 is crap compared to duke nukem 3d.
i think fallout 3 is crap and an insult compared to the first two.
i think graphics is just a new marketing technique for the "younger generation"... okay... KIDZ
i think there will never be something like Thief: The Dark Project again
also the first 2d worms games were godlike compard to the new 3d ones.
i could go on but you get my point. you dont need to be old to find the old games better than most of the new ones today.
Post edited March 26, 2009 by razvan252