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you put F3 on shelf? shame on you :) F3 is somewhere around me on the ground, and on the shelf is lunchbox.
Summit: lotr-sam0711 <high five> exactly my point of view.
You could say that Fallout 1&2 are like good thrillers, or dramas, and 3 is like an action flick. I have always been a thirller and drama fan :)
Fallout 3 is like Terminator 2 for me. Not about dialogue, story is just an excuse to show tons of cool explosions and Arni shooting some big guns, unfortunate humor (hasta la vista baby). Terminator 2 was all about fun. Just like Fallout 3 with flying legs and exploding heads, mini nukes and all that stuff. And they both serve their purpose well.
Fallout 1&2 will always be like Blade Runner for me.

I think Blade Runner is waaay over rated :P hehe BTW There were plenty of exploding stuff in Fallout 1 and 2..unless you played a different one then I did. I am sure if the devs of fo1 and 2 had the access to graphics of today, it would've been much much bloodier.
I mean..seriously FO1 and 2 were the bloodiest games I owned forever.
One thing I wish more games had that fo1 and 2 had were violence and profanity toggles/filters. I tell you want, GTA IV would've been a much better game with a profanity toggle on it...heh.
I do love all the fallout games (excepting the first console game, which I haven't played) about the same, but for different reasons. SO I can see the terminator 2 versus blade runner analogy very well; it is fitting I think.
Summit: lotr-sam0711 <high five> exactly my point of view.
You could say that Fallout 1&2 are like good thrillers, or dramas, and 3 is like an action flick. I have always been a thirller and drama fan :)
Fallout 3 is like Terminator 2 for me. Not about dialogue, story is just an excuse to show tons of cool explosions and Arni shooting some big guns, unfortunate humor (hasta la vista baby). Terminator 2 was all about fun. Just like Fallout 3 with flying legs and exploding heads, mini nukes and all that stuff. And they both serve their purpose well.
Fallout 1&2 will always be like Blade Runner for me.
Great comparison. Wish I had thought of it.
By funny coincidence I just watched Terminator 2 again today. And Blade Runner is one of those films I end up watching about every month.
But I digress. Essentially what it boils down to is totally different sensibilities and totally different schools of game design. Neither is inferior to the other, they just result in different experiences.
lotr-sam0711: But I digress. Essentially what it boils down to is totally different sensibilities and totally different schools of game design. Neither is inferior to the other, they just result in different experiences.

Agree'd. It'll be interesting to see how interplay handles a Fallout MMO.
lotr-sam0711: By funny coincidence I just watched Terminator 2 again today. And Blade Runner is one of those films I end up watching about every month.

I just bought this 5 DVD Special Edition of Blade Runner. This film never gets old.
One more thing. In 10 years time nobody will remember Fallout 3. But Fallout 1 & 2 will still be considered the milestones of cRPG genre.
When it comes down to Fallout MMO I'm not sure i want to see that kind of game. There is this saying "A chain is as strong as its weakest link". Well the weakest link here are gamers themselves. I love Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games but when i think of those 10000 jedi knights running around the world map screaming: OMG L00l I totalY pWnZoR i just don't wanna see this SW MMO thing. And MMO games have no story. It's all like Diablo: let's check out the next dungeon and kill some radscorpions for exp and loot.
Post edited March 23, 2009 by Summit
lotr-sam0711: By funny coincidence I just watched Terminator 2 again today. And Blade Runner is one of those films I end up watching about every month.
Summit: I just bought this 5 DVD Special Edition of Blade Runner. This film never gets old.
One more thing. In 10 years time nobody will remember Fallout 3. But Fallout 1 & 2 will still be considered the milestones of cRPG genre.
People still remember Alien3 and it's been over 15 years. Fallout 3 will probably be like that, the odd stepchild of a great series.
lotr-sam0711: One more thing. In 10 years time nobody will remember Fallout 3. But Fallout 1 & 2 will still be considered the milestones of cRPG genre.
People still remember Alien3 and it's been over 15 years. Fallout 3 will probably be like that, the odd stepchild of a great series.
Actually I'll bet both of you that more people remember fallout 3 then fallout 1 and 2. *puts a hundred on the table* We'll meet back in this forum in 10 years. March 23, 2019. Probably in a virtual graphic based holographic forum..heh.
Hey I liked Alien 3. Even more then I liked Aliens. I like all Fincher movies.
Deejrandom i take the bet. I still got hope in humanity ;)
Summit: Hey I liked Alien 3. Even more then I liked Aliens. I like all Fincher movies.
Deejrandom i take the bet. I still got hope in humanity ;)

Well for one, Fallout 3 is selling way more then 1 or 2 ever did. And for 2, it is a very good game. So a lot of people will have memories of Fallout 3 and not of one or two. I know people that love 3 and hated 1 and I'm just sayin' I bet that fallout 3 will be remembered well in 10 years.
no it is not :)
but you are right, more people will remember it, console kids as uber game, and real gamers as Fallout raping.
Summit: Hey I liked Alien 3.
So do I, but it is the weird stepchild of the franchise.
Summit: Hey I liked Alien 3.
lotr-sam0711: So do I, but it is the weird stepchild of the franchise.

It's far closer to the original than the second.
Surely Resurrection is the stepchild? I do like this fourth effort though.
Part of me thinks of Fallout 3 as Alien vs Predator... but perhaps I'm being overly harsh.
lotr-sam0711: So do I, but it is the weird stepchild of the franchise.
Andy_Panthro: It's far closer to the original than the second.
Surely Resurrection is the stepchild? I do like this fourth effort though.
Part of me thinks of Fallout 3 as Alien vs Predator... but perhaps I'm being overly harsh.

Yeah I think you are, but that is the same sentiment that a lot of people share...yet, at the same time, alot of people don't.
As for me I hated Aliens 3 and 4 with a passion. I did like the Alien 3 game, for the SNES, though. It was a cool Metroid like game where you hd to hunt down the eggs of the alien and take them out. Slide scrolling maze
Makes me want a new HD Metroid game that is 2d and created in the older style of metroid (Not that I have anything against the Prime series..I don't...but I love me some 2d action.)
moonfear: no it is not :)
but you are right, more people will remember it, console kids as uber game, and real gamers as Fallout raping.

Heh I don't agree. Lot of real gamers I know love the game.
Post edited March 23, 2009 by deejrandom
Summit: Hey I liked Alien 3. Even more then I liked Aliens. I like all Fincher movies.
Deejrandom i take the bet. I still got hope in humanity ;)
deejrandom: Well for one, Fallout 3 is selling way more then 1 or 2 ever did. And for 2, it is a very good game. So a lot of people will have memories of Fallout 3 and not of one or two. I know people that love 3 and hated 1 and I'm just sayin' I bet that fallout 3 will be remembered well in 10 years.

It doesn't matter how it sells right now. Statistically a lot more people play these days. The fourth instalemnt of Indiana Jones made a lot more money then the previous ones, but it is already forgotten, unlike it's predecessors, which will have a place in history as classics forever.
Fallout 3 will be long forgotten as soon as Bethesda realase another one. Or any other project with better graphics, bigger world and more explosions. Deal with it. Fallout 3 is all about visuals, not story. F1&2 are like good books, they'll never die, beacause they stimulate imagination. They require thinking, unlike F3. And i believe people will remember that kind of games. As long as our generation lives they will always be the best PC games of all times.
Post edited March 24, 2009 by Summit
deejrandom: Heh I don't agree. Lot of real gamers I know love the game.

you live in some F3 fan breeding grounds ? I don't know about anyone around me, who thinks that F3 is good game, except PC magazines, on the other hand, my friends are that old gamers generation, haven't been in kindergarden to ask for their opinion ;)