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The CIA, the NSA, the Russians, and the shadowy Third Echelon are involved in a complicated plot--and only Sam Fisher can straighten it out.

The first game of phenomenal action sneaking series Splinter Cell creeps onto the catalog today for just $9.99!

Something is up in Russia, and it doesn’t look good. Rumors of shadowy deals, illicit collusion, and dark plans abound, so the US government turns to their secret “wet ops” specialists: the Third Echelon. You’re Sam Fisher, former retired SEAL and new member of a Splinter Cell, a secret government-backed team that exists in no book, has no paper trail, and is completely disavowed if you’re ever caught. You’re sent in to investigate some ominous rumors in Georgia, Russia, and you must succeed in uncovering the plot and saving the nation--or die trying. No pressure, right?

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell was an incredible arrival in the action-sneaker genre when it showed up in 2002: it had a fantastic plot that read like a techno-thriller from genre master Tom Clancy, the gameplay’s emphasis on light and shadow, high-tech toys, and careful planning interspersed with bursts of lethal action, and the impressive Unreal Engine 2 graphics all made this game a blockbuster success. Winner of multiple awards across a number of platforms, this initial entry in the series has all of the great gameplay elements that fans of the genre will love: Fisher’s acrobatic abilities to jump, mantle, and split jump; his assortment of lethal and non-lethal weapons, and the story that feels like it was ripped from today’s headlines--which isn’t bad given that the game is a decade old!

Save the America today for just $9.99 on!
Intellectually, I'm glad to see the Splinter Cell series come to GOG, and I waited and waited for it to get here. Unfortunately, the wait was so long that I ended up buying the entire series during a Steam sale for something like $10. So, while it's nice to see GOG expanding its catalog (I'm a GOG fanboi), it feels like "too little, too late." (

timppu: What kind of copy protection does the "all in one" retail bundle contain, or none? At least some of the Splinter Cell games (retail) used originally e.g. Starforce, which is a no-no to me.

If the 1-4 combo is truly DRM- _and_ copy-protection free, then I might get that pack instead.
64 Bit compatible DVD check, no activation. I don't think they used Starforce again but I'm not really sure.
TParis: 64 Bit compatible DVD check, no activation. I don't think they used Starforce again but I'm not really sure.
Ok thanks for the info. Then the GOG version is definitely preferable and worth more money to me, but I might get that retail bundle anyway for a couple of euros, just in case GOG is unable to release e.g. Pandora Tomorrow, as other digital publishers apparently are.
Post edited May 04, 2012 by timppu
Have it on disc. Have it on Steam (have Chaos Theory as well but havent really played either hardly). Happy to buy it DRM free from Gog (the big selling point imho).
Uh guys I need some help I am going to buy The splinter cell hd trilogy for the PS3 but I need some clarifications: Does chaos theory still have splintscreen local co-op in the hd trilogy version or not
because if it does not than I will get the Xbox classic download for xbox 360 which does have it.
Post edited May 04, 2012 by Elmofongo
Should one buy this or the HD remake on 360?
rjspring: Should one buy this or the HD remake on 360?
360 does not have the HD trilogy only PS3 but 360 has only Chaos Theory in their xbox classics list. yeah it's not 1080p but at least you can play offline splintscreen co-op
rjspring: Should one buy this or the HD remake on 360?
360 does not have the 'HD' collection. They are technically poor anyway.

Buy this game, you get better GFX, better framerate, DRM free, ana possibly a cheaper price.
rjspring: Should one buy this or the HD remake on 360?
mushy101: 360 does not have the 'HD' collection. They are technically poor anyway.

Buy this game, you get better GFX, better framerate, DRM free, ana possibly a cheaper price.
hey does the chaos theory downloadable game on the xbox 360 still has splitscreen co-op
mushy101: 360 does not have the 'HD' collection. They are technically poor anyway.

Buy this game, you get better GFX, better framerate, DRM free, ana possibly a cheaper price.
Elmofongo: hey does the chaos theory downloadable game on the xbox 360 still has splitscreen co-op
If it's a straight up no cd crack copy put on to the service, then sure, coop away. However the best info would be sought on the splinter cell forums or the xbox ones. I have a ps3 only.
Elmofongo: hey does the chaos theory downloadable game on the xbox 360 still has splitscreen co-op
mushy101: If it's a straight up no cd crack copy put on to the service, then sure, coop away. However the best info would be sought on the splinter cell forums or the xbox ones. I have a ps3 only.
.........that still does not answer my question :(
mushy101: If it's a straight up no cd crack copy put on to the service, then sure, coop away. However the best info would be sought on the splinter cell forums or the xbox ones. I have a ps3 only.
Elmofongo: .........that still does not answer my question :(
It's made clear by my language that I have no experience of the version IN the store. I gave you suggestions that can aid you.
Elmofongo: .........that still does not answer my question :(
mushy101: It's made clear by my language that I have no experience of the version IN the store. I gave you suggestions that can aid you.
well looks like I'm going to risk downloading Chaos Theory from Xbox Classic on my Xbox 360 and hope it still has local offline splitscreen co-op
Post edited May 04, 2012 by Elmofongo
mushy101: It's made clear by my language that I have no experience of the version IN the store. I gave you suggestions that can aid you.
Elmofongo: well looks like I'm going to risk downloading Chaos Theory from Xbox Classic on my Xbox 360 and hope it still has local offline splitscreen co-op
Best of luck dude, the WORST that can happen is you have an excellent game to play, again. ;)
Elmofongo: well looks like I'm going to risk downloading Chaos Theory from Xbox Classic on my Xbox 360 and hope it still has local offline splitscreen co-op
mushy101: Best of luck dude, the WORST that can happen is you have an excellent game to play, again. ;)
lol thanks man :)