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The CIA, the NSA, the Russians, and the shadowy Third Echelon are involved in a complicated plot--and only Sam Fisher can straighten it out.

The first game of phenomenal action sneaking series Splinter Cell creeps onto the catalog today for just $9.99!

Something is up in Russia, and it doesn’t look good. Rumors of shadowy deals, illicit collusion, and dark plans abound, so the US government turns to their secret “wet ops” specialists: the Third Echelon. You’re Sam Fisher, former retired SEAL and new member of a Splinter Cell, a secret government-backed team that exists in no book, has no paper trail, and is completely disavowed if you’re ever caught. You’re sent in to investigate some ominous rumors in Georgia, Russia, and you must succeed in uncovering the plot and saving the nation--or die trying. No pressure, right?

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell was an incredible arrival in the action-sneaker genre when it showed up in 2002: it had a fantastic plot that read like a techno-thriller from genre master Tom Clancy, the gameplay’s emphasis on light and shadow, high-tech toys, and careful planning interspersed with bursts of lethal action, and the impressive Unreal Engine 2 graphics all made this game a blockbuster success. Winner of multiple awards across a number of platforms, this initial entry in the series has all of the great gameplay elements that fans of the genre will love: Fisher’s acrobatic abilities to jump, mantle, and split jump; his assortment of lethal and non-lethal weapons, and the story that feels like it was ripped from today’s headlines--which isn’t bad given that the game is a decade old!

Save the America today for just $9.99 on!
Well, it's a good idea to release this great game and we need more Ubisoft games... however I already got it from Amazon for a few bucks AND this version doesn't add anything to it like multiple languages or interesting bonus (ost, artworks...).
If the screenshots are any indication, it contains the Kola Cell and Vselka missions, which are not in the original release (I think only some special edition has them).

Can anyone confirm if this version has the Kola Cell, Vselka Infiltration and Vselka Submarine missions?

EDIT: Just saw on the forum that they are included. GOG should mention this more explicitly, this is a clear advantage over the boxed version.
Post edited May 01, 2012 by Malleus
Nice release, but sorry GOG, $9.99 is too pricey when there are no extras (not even avatars!?) and I can already get it much cheaper elsewhere ($5 on the discount rack in local "mega mart" stores). You really need to re-negotiate with Ubi over these prices, they are very unrealistic in their expectations and perception of the value of these games.
Another classic franchise on GOG. I never played this one, but I'm glad the franchise is on the site now.

cogadh: Nice release, but sorry GOG, $9.99 is too pricey when there are no extras (not even avatars!?) and I can already get it much cheaper elsewhere ($5 on the discount rack in local "mega mart" stores). You really need to re-negotiate with Ubi over these prices, they are very unrealistic in their expectations and perception of the value of these games.
So you pay extra dollars for avatars? I roll eyes every time I see GOG publicizing the extras on all games, because besides the manual and some in-game map, nothing is useful to actually playing the game.
Post edited May 01, 2012 by RafaelLopez
One of my favorite game series and one of my favorite games!

Sadly I own it in a box for PC, in a box for Xbox and digitally DRM free from amazon, so not getting again just yet.

Amazing game though. I should write a review.
Good game, but I bought this from Amazon for $2.50 a little while ago.
Already have this on Steam, love it a lot - but call me when Pandora Tomorrow shows up. That's the only one in the series not available digitally.

It should be pointed out that the PC version of the first two games are notably superior to the console versions for two reasons - controls (the mouse wheel acceleration was a WONDERFUL innovation) and being able to save whenever you want.
I could probably get this game for like a dollar on Steam the next time they have a big sale.
Alright, so the common complaints so far seem to be:

The Price, set by the publisher
The fact that this version does not offer other languages, only English
Little value in the release, does not include Wallpapers, Artwork or Bonus Videos

Also: What The hell is up with the Ugly shelf Boxart? Couldn't they have used the "3 Green sphere" artwork or something more simple/artistic?
Malleus: EDIT: Just saw on the forum that they are included. GOG should mention this more explicitly, this is a clear advantage over the boxed version.
Gotta love GOG. Just two or three months ago I was pissed because I noticed that the Steam release was missing the bonus missions. I was almost sure that they won't be featured in the GOG release either but DANG! Well, that's just GOG for ya.

On a different note: I was actually shocked by how incredibly dated SC is. For some reason it aged a lot worse than Thief, Hitman or even Metal Gear Solid did, if you ask me. Especially the gameplay is just trivial. It's mostly about finding the right way mixed with a little trial and error action. I'm wondering why I still enjoyed this game a lot when I played it in like 2005 or 2006.
F4LL0UT: I'm wondering why I still enjoyed this game a lot when I played it in like 2005 or 2006.
Maybe it has to do something with being older and stuff.
Fantastic release. Way better than Metal Gear Solid and Thief, and on par with the Hitman series. Hopefully we get all SC games on GOG.

I think you should play them in order, and not jump straight to Chaos Theory or Pandora Tomorrow, because the missions are actually quite fun in the first game, and, after all, it's the beginning of Sam Fisher's story.

I agree that the price is a bit too steep though.
great release gog!!
wasn't this a console game?
Malleus: EDIT: Just saw on the forum that they are included. GOG should mention this more explicitly, this is a clear advantage over the boxed version.
F4LL0UT: Gotta love GOG. Just two or three months ago I was pissed because I noticed that the Steam release was missing the bonus missions. I was almost sure that they won't be featured in the GOG release either but DANG! Well, that's just GOG for ya.
Glad I didn't buy it on steam. I never knew there were bonus missions. There's something like 11 missions in the game I own. So does that make it 13 ?