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The CIA, the NSA, the Russians, and the shadowy Third Echelon are involved in a complicated plot--and only Sam Fisher can straighten it out.

The first game of phenomenal action sneaking series Splinter Cell creeps onto the catalog today for just $9.99!

Something is up in Russia, and it doesn’t look good. Rumors of shadowy deals, illicit collusion, and dark plans abound, so the US government turns to their secret “wet ops” specialists: the Third Echelon. You’re Sam Fisher, former retired SEAL and new member of a Splinter Cell, a secret government-backed team that exists in no book, has no paper trail, and is completely disavowed if you’re ever caught. You’re sent in to investigate some ominous rumors in Georgia, Russia, and you must succeed in uncovering the plot and saving the nation--or die trying. No pressure, right?

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell was an incredible arrival in the action-sneaker genre when it showed up in 2002: it had a fantastic plot that read like a techno-thriller from genre master Tom Clancy, the gameplay’s emphasis on light and shadow, high-tech toys, and careful planning interspersed with bursts of lethal action, and the impressive Unreal Engine 2 graphics all made this game a blockbuster success. Winner of multiple awards across a number of platforms, this initial entry in the series has all of the great gameplay elements that fans of the genre will love: Fisher’s acrobatic abilities to jump, mantle, and split jump; his assortment of lethal and non-lethal weapons, and the story that feels like it was ripped from today’s headlines--which isn’t bad given that the game is a decade old!

Save the America today for just $9.99 on!
TParis: Overpriced (you can get SC 1-4 all-in-one DRM free for less money over here - incl. English, German, French voice overs) and no bonus content. That's bad.
What kind of copy protection does the "all in one" retail bundle contain, or none? At least some of the Splinter Cell games (retail) used originally e.g. Starforce, which is a no-no to me.

If the 1-4 combo is truly DRM- _and_ copy-protection free, then I might get that pack instead.
It's not a bad game. Although not of the same caliber as other $9.99 games like Deus Ex or Planescape Torment.
A manual and a reference card... That's it? Where are the extras? ;(
billy13: Sorry for another moan, but....

Its already available (and cheaper £4.99 vs $9.99) on Steam, so what's the point ?
The point is that GOG wants people who are buying Splinter Cell to buy it from them instead of Steam. I mean, I get where you're coming from, but clearly a business can't refuse to sell a product because the competitors already carry it.

(Costs $10 on Steam where I'm at, fyi)

edit: Grimrock is also on Steam; is it just the price thing that makes this different?
Post edited May 01, 2012 by gm192206
Did manage to finish this one back in the day. A good game, though $9.99 is too much. Will consider it when it goes on sale in the future. Now, Chaos Theory without Starforce protection would be nice.
billy13: Sorry for another moan, but....

Its already available (and cheaper £4.99 vs $9.99) on Steam, so what's the point ?

When GoG gives us releases like WC4 and Grimrock, they impress me so much that releases like this can't help but disappoint a little. I'm sure Ubisoft feel otherwise, but this is a $5.99 game.
You can view it as other games in the series coming to GoG, they had to start with the first one, right? The drm free versions of SC are hard to get or non existent(Pandora tomorrow comes to mind). We now have a new, fresh way to achieve that.
Pay a pound more to get a drm free version? Why not.
gm192206: The point is that GOG wants people who are buying Splinter Cell to buy it from them instead of Steam. I mean, I get where you're coming from, but clearly a business can't refuse to sell a product because the competitors already carry it.

(Costs $10 on Steam where I'm at, fyi)

edit: Grimrock is also on Steam; is it just the price thing that makes this different?
billy13: Grimrock represented a new direction for GoG - releasing brand new games ! There was a clear choice there and I chose to support GoG as a: They are the underdog and b: I wanted to support their new direction. They were also cheaper at $11.99 pre-order. A no brainer.

Now coming to market with a "new" release that is already available cheaper elsewhere, just makes them look out of touch. Anyone who wants Splinter Cell has probably already bought it for less elsewhere. Not the case with WC4 or Grimrock.
I've heard "Everyone who wants this already has it" before, and I'm not convinced that that's how it works. I mean, yeh, by now all the people who passionately need the game in order to be happy have presumably already bought it; but there's space between "Want it enough to have looked for it on Steam" and "totally not interested"; I suspect that GOG makes a lot of its sales to people who haven't really thought about it that much one way or the other\--didn't like the latest one enough to hunt down the rest of the series, but hey, here one is on GOG, why not give it a try? Or, never bothered to play any of these games, but GOG has it on sale, and I do like stealth... Things like that.
Waiting other games of this series too.
Great game, will definitely think about a future purchase.

Kinda weird that no soundtrack is available for download though. Would very much like that.
uhh call me irrational but I refuse to play this game along with pandora tomorrow and chaos theory anywhere but xbox and/or xbox 360 it just feels like a xbox exclusive I can't see myself playing this game with a Playstaition controller or mouse and keyboard
Post edited May 01, 2012 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: uhh call me irrational but I refuse to play this game along with pandora tomorrow and chaos theory anywhere but xbox and/or xbox 360 it just feels like a xbox exclusive I can't see myself playing this game with a Playstaition controller or mouse and keyboard
that's pretty damn irrational
Elmofongo: uhh call me irrational but I refuse to play this game along with pandora tomorrow and chaos theory anywhere but xbox and/or xbox 360 it just feels like a xbox exclusive I can't see myself playing this game with a Playstaition controller or mouse and keyboard
As you wish then: you are irrational :-D
billy13: Grimrock represented a new direction for GoG - releasing brand new games ! There was a clear choice there and I chose to support GoG as a: They are the underdog and b: I wanted to support their new direction. They were also cheaper at $11.99 pre-order. A no brainer.

Now coming to market with a "new" release that is already available cheaper elsewhere, just makes them look out of touch. Anyone who wants Splinter Cell has probably already bought it for less elsewhere. Not the case with WC4 or Grimrock.
gm192206: I've heard "Everyone who wants this already has it" before, and I'm not convinced that that's how it works. I mean, yeh, by now all the people who passionately need the game in order to be happy have presumably already bought it; but there's space between "Want it enough to have looked for it on Steam" and "totally not interested"; I suspect that GOG makes a lot of its sales to people who haven't really thought about it that much one way or the other\--didn't like the latest one enough to hunt down the rest of the series, but hey, here one is on GOG, why not give it a try? Or, never bothered to play any of these games, but GOG has it on sale, and I do like stealth... Things like that.
GOG also makes sales to people who prefer to buy, or exclusively buy, DRM free titles (which rules out Steam completely). As far as I know, this is the first DRM free release of Splinter Cell.
Elmofongo: uhh call me irrational but I refuse to play this game along with pandora tomorrow and chaos theory anywhere but xbox and/or xbox 360 it just feels like a xbox exclusive I can't see myself playing this game with a Playstaition controller or mouse and keyboard
Not only is it irrational, it's downright silly.

With an xbox 360 controller and a little work, you can make an xpadder profile for the game. Bypassing KB/M controls.
Elmofongo: uhh call me irrational but I refuse to play this game along with pandora tomorrow and chaos theory anywhere but xbox and/or xbox 360 it just feels like a xbox exclusive I can't see myself playing this game with a Playstaition controller or mouse and keyboard
mushy101: Not only is it irrational, it's downright silly.

With an xbox 360 controller and a little work, you can make an xpadder profile for the game. Bypassing KB/M controls.
yeah but I would rather play specifically chaos theory on the xbox especially playing splitscreen Co-op with my brother and I don't want to worry about the game crashing the computer