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The CIA, the NSA, the Russians, and the shadowy Third Echelon are involved in a complicated plot--and only Sam Fisher can straighten it out.

The first game of phenomenal action sneaking series Splinter Cell creeps onto the catalog today for just $9.99!

Something is up in Russia, and it doesn’t look good. Rumors of shadowy deals, illicit collusion, and dark plans abound, so the US government turns to their secret “wet ops” specialists: the Third Echelon. You’re Sam Fisher, former retired SEAL and new member of a Splinter Cell, a secret government-backed team that exists in no book, has no paper trail, and is completely disavowed if you’re ever caught. You’re sent in to investigate some ominous rumors in Georgia, Russia, and you must succeed in uncovering the plot and saving the nation--or die trying. No pressure, right?

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell was an incredible arrival in the action-sneaker genre when it showed up in 2002: it had a fantastic plot that read like a techno-thriller from genre master Tom Clancy, the gameplay’s emphasis on light and shadow, high-tech toys, and careful planning interspersed with bursts of lethal action, and the impressive Unreal Engine 2 graphics all made this game a blockbuster success. Winner of multiple awards across a number of platforms, this initial entry in the series has all of the great gameplay elements that fans of the genre will love: Fisher’s acrobatic abilities to jump, mantle, and split jump; his assortment of lethal and non-lethal weapons, and the story that feels like it was ripped from today’s headlines--which isn’t bad given that the game is a decade old!

Save the America today for just $9.99 on!
Nice release, but don't necessary need to play this again.
I love having the 2 price brackets but I'd justify this at the $9.99 price well before I'd justify Thief costing the same (It's not really worth that, it's just riding on it's fame and if it had been lesser known it would've been $5.99). However as people have said, you can get most of the whole batch around the same price. This is part of the reason why GOG should try and prioritise games that are hard to get elsewhere.

The 3 green lights in the darkness that guards can't spot thing... I think that was probably just a design decision so you knew exactly where you were in the dark and I like to tell myself it's not really there.
Post edited May 01, 2012 by serpantino
I do have one question about this release.
When I tried the demo version awhile back and turned shadows on in the game settings the game crashed to "Blue Screen of Death" for me. I did some searching and found out that it was a known bug and possibly an ATI graphics problem if i'm not mistaken. Does anyone know if that was ever fixed or if there's a community patch that fixes the crash?
Nergal01: So does this include the 3 extra missions?
gibbeynator: I can't see why not. Didn't the PC version always have them, or were they included in an update with Chaos Theory?
if the game is patched to 1.3 the missions are included, otherwise not.
Post edited May 01, 2012 by Fesh
serpantino: I love having the 2 price brackets but I'd justify this at the $9.99 price well before I'd justify Thief costing the same (It's not really worth that, it's just riding on it's fame and if it had been lesser known it would've been $5.99).
best be joking...
9.99 on GOG... Yes, that Amazon offer for essentially $2.5 was THE time to get it cheap.
Nice! Always could use more steatlh goodness in GOG! Now here's hoping Pandora Tomorrow turns up in some form as it's one of those titles that seem to have disappeared off the PC market like Hitman: Contracts!
I was anticipating this release here for quite a while, so does this mean that May will be Ubisoft release month?

I was gifted the PS3 collection a couple of weeks ago but i'll eventually pick this game up here on GOG someday
The original Splinter Cell is great, but Chaos Theory is better in every way, which sort of makes the first Splinter Cell irrelevant.
I'd say, if you want to play the series from start to finish, then go get Splinter Cell and have fun. If you don't care about playing a series from the start and just want to jump right in, then wait for Chaos Theory to pop up on GoG.
Fred_DM: best be joking...
No I'm not and yes I've played both. It's called an opinion and if I don't share yours then tough.
Fred_DM: best be joking...
serpantino: No I'm not and yes I've played both. It's called an opinion and if I don't share yours then tough.
Looks somebody believes he can think for himself. >:-(
is this version contains the Extra levels?
Too pricey, Ubi should take notes from Square.
The Splinter Cell series doesn't hold a candle to Thief (way too linear for my taste), but Chaos Theory is definitely worth experiencing. SC1 and Pandora Tomorrow are... "OK/good", they're not masterpieces by any stretch of the imagination.
I agree that Chaos Theory is way better. I don't think I would bother playing the first one again.

IIRC it has stupid, frustrating design like having you fail a mission because a guard found a body you didn't hide well enough at the beginning of the map.