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Finely ground aliens to take-out.

Shadowgrounds Survivor, a dynamic top-down shooter with swarms of alien horrors to spray with bullets, suggestive visuals, spiffy weapon upgrade system, and four player co-op mode, is now available on for only $5.99. With that, its predecessor: Shadowgrounds, receives a Mac version and a permanent price drop to $5.99 as well.

In this indirect continuation of Frozenbyte's exciting alien shooter you'll follow a parallel story of the human commando facing the invasion on the Ganymede colony. The horror creeping in the dark corners of the Universe finally caught up with Terran colonists and the massacre that followed was only survived by a handful of the best trained, bravest, and quickest soldiers. Now it is up to them to put a stop to the extraterrestrial menace that threatens our existence.

Shadowgrounds Survivor delivers non-stop alien-shooting action over the course of 20 diverse missions, and it does so in perfect form. The old-school gameplay concept is paired with very modern visuals. You'll feel the heat of the combat and alien blood splatters as your guns rattle and spit a rain of bullets on your monstrous foes. Are you crazy enough to face the endless waves of beast in the timed survival mode? You can even share the fun with up to three more friends, in the fun and challenging co-op mode. Fun times! Dark and dangerous, but fun.

Humanity needs you again, so grab your upgradeable guns, and seriously kick some alien behind in Shadowgrounds Survivor, for only $5.99.
JinseiNGC224: Instead of giving names or even insinuating dates, the best course of action in this finger-pointing thread would be to simply say "we have lots of old classics on the way in the coming months, some of which will blow your mind"

C'mon say it :D

But seeing that old games are up to agreements and legal rights, sometimes filling in the gap with newer games and spreading out releases is how you keep folks coming back over time. I welcome newer releases. And a good new game today, is a good old game tomorrow. People just don't want their prized classics abandoned (which I know GOG will never abandon, as long as they can obtain rights).

It is, however, important to keep it 50/50 (or 60/40) in more favor of classics.
JudasIscariot: Do you remember Mind Blowing May? We tried that, I'll let you be the judge of the results :D

All I can honestly say that won't leave people frustrated, hurt, or angry:

We never gave up on the classics, no matter what it looks like on your side of the fence. I wish I could share more info but, as I mention over and over, I can't break my NDA. Sorry.
Please tell me you're not planning a notoriously bad GOG PR trick and that's because you can't say more.
Very nice post. Hopefully you don't get called out as "complaining", because you are NOT.

scooney: I am in agreement with those very unhappy about the current state of GOG. I joined GOG and have supported the site because it was doing something that no one else really was: releasing classic games legally, DRM free, and with most of the issues of running them resolved.

Somewhere along the way, however, GOG seemed to lose track of its stated purpose (it even says it right in the name: Good *OLD* Games). Somewhere in the past two years GOG decided that they really wanted to be Steam. They wanted to be a big dog and have all the latest releases and all that Steam money.
Well, technically GOG doesn't stand for Good Old Games anymore; it's just GOG now.

Except GOG will never be Steam, and if the company continues down that path it will likely end in disaster. Steam has a near invincible lead in terms of branding, user base, catalog, and infrastructure. Look, if Electronic Arts, with it's vastly superior resources, branding, and above all exclusives compared to GOG can't take on Steam then how does GOG plan to do so? This is similar to the state of internet search: Google has such a dominant lead that even companies like Microsoft can't compete with them. How could a small time player even hope to compete unless they are doing something that no one else is? You must have a unique niche and that niche is OLD, classic games.
Basic marketing/advertising (at least, from the one advertising class I took; it made sense to me): generally the person that gets to some place first will have a hard time being budged from that spot. Google is THE search engine that everyone uses because it essentially got there first and because it stuck to a strong focus and design: A name and a search box. (unlike Yahoo and others, I believe)

There are just SO many classic games that can not be bought anywhere. The late 80s and early 90s were a golden age of PC gaming. There are at least 300 classic games that GOG could release from that time and GOG doesn't have to do anything more than to acquire the rights! All of the technical work has already been done! DOSBox is one of the best pieces of software ever written. It works extremely well and most games work nearly perfectly. Why is GOG not leveraging this for all it is worth?! I just can't understand why GOG is throwing away the one thing that made it worth existing to begin with: resurrecting old games.
Again, fantastic position in the games market, and NOT something to be just tossed to the side, in my opinion. GOG has certainly become the champion of DRM-free now, certainly a good position and one they can kind of call "first" in, at least when it comes to what people remember about them. But I wonder if it will make the same impression on others as Good Old Games made.

I hope that this is read and taken to heart by the GOG team. I want the site to succeed. I want to have tons and tons of classic games available for everyone to enjoy for all time. But, I think the GOG team needs to realize that the current situation isn't working. Please, GOG, return to your roots.

I actually do think GOG can succeed on their current path of just releasing new and popular games, but I don't think they will not be able to conjure up such a strong image or opinion as Good Old Games did. I could be wrong, but I don't think they will have such a strong fanbase rallying around them, and I'd worry that things would get a bit "tepid" around here, because there wouldn't feel like any significant victories, if you will. New games can be nice, but for me at least they don't evoke any strong emotions nor appreciation for what the GOG team might have needed to do (the hard work, compatibility testing, etc.) to bring them here.
JudasIscariot: Do you remember Mind Blowing May? We tried that, I'll let you be the judge of the results :D

All I can honestly say that won't leave people frustrated, hurt, or angry:

We never gave up on the classics, no matter what it looks like on your side of the fence. I wish I could share more info but, as I mention over and over, I can't break my NDA. Sorry.
Tarm: Please tell me you're not planning a notoriously bad GOG PR trick and that's because you can't say more.
I think we learned our lesson on that one :D.
Tarm: Please tell me you're not planning a notoriously bad GOG PR trick and that's because you can't say more.
JudasIscariot: I think we learned our lesson on that one :D.
That's a relief to hear. One thing I was afraid of gone. :)
undeadcow: I purchased Shadowgrounds Survivor just to spite this thread.
then you haven't undertood a single word of it! I'm glad you bought a good game deserving to be on gog!
So I saw the frontpage of GOG, saw the new release with 180+ posts.
Thought "Wow so much comments about this game, interesting, gonna read."
Came in and see that 80% of the post ain't even remotely about the game at all.

Why can't you guys just create a new topic and post there instead of spamming up an entire release announcement topic with your issues?
k1bell: So I saw the frontpage of GOG, saw the new release with 180+ posts.
Thought "Wow so much comments about this game, interesting, gonna read."
Came in and see that 80% of the post ain't even remotely about the game at all.

Why can't you guys just create a new topic and post there instead of spamming up an entire release announcement topic with your issues?
It's tradition. Threads in GOGs general forum have had a hard time staying on topic for as long as I can remember.
Post edited August 20, 2013 by Tarm
I should also give props out for the compatibility-specific details.
k1bell: So I saw the frontpage of GOG, saw the new release with 180+ posts.
Thought "Wow so much comments about this game, interesting, gonna read."
Came in and see that 80% of the post ain't even remotely about the game at all.

Why can't you guys just create a new topic and post there instead of spamming up an entire release announcement topic with your issues?
Tarm: It's tradition. Threads in GOGs general forum have had a hard time staying on topic for as long as I can remember.
What he said...
I gave up and rather joined the ranks
If you cant win, just follow the masses, at least when its comes to talking because it`s cheap.
Post edited August 20, 2013 by Lodium
k1bell: Came in and see that 80% of the post ain't even remotely about the game at all.
The game was released a while ago, widely available, discussed, discussed again when it was in sales and bundles, now gog did the hard labour of putting their banners into an installer and people suddenly should talk about the game again? The moment I saw the then seven pages of the discussion here, I knew it had nothing to do with the game.
Wasn't there a game for the Amiga called Shadowgrounds out around 92'? It was like a party-based rpg, but it had this anime kinda art style...
amok: I like top-down shooters, but I never liked Shadowgrounds, not sure why. I just have a feeling that it was eternally spawning enemies. I might try it again at some point, but last time I quit at level 4 or 5, getting very bored by it.

I much prefer the shooter series.
tinyE: Ever play "Take No Prisoners"? Not great and the graphics are VERY dated but it seems to fit your interest in 'top down shooters' to a T.

Sorry if that's a derail there.
Oh how I remember the lightsaber in Take No Prisoners ..... Well now Disney owns the rights to those we can say bye-bye to any chance of getting that here
I wonder what will happen when World of Eden: Thunderscape is released this Thursday, that's a bona fide minor DOS based RPG classic from 1995 that seems to fit right into GOG's mission (both new and old). Maybe then there will only be triumphant rejoicing.
Wow, this certainly took a while to be added. Almost like Cannon Fodder 2 came ages after CF1 to GOG. :P Might pick it up eventually although the base game was kinda disappointing (I love simple arcade action like the Alien Shooter games but Shadowgrounds actually bored me a few hours in, much faster than Alien Shooter - I actually tried it three times and always cancelled after two or three missions).
Crosmando: Wasn't there a game for the Amiga called Shadowgrounds out around 92'? It was like a party-based rpg, but it had this anime kinda art style...
There was a isometric party-based RPG named Shadowlands on Atari ST, Amiga and MSDOS by Teque (edited by Domark) in 92, it was about a spirit of a great warrior who called 4 living servants to defeat the evil wizard who killed him in a battlefield.

A "sequel" but not in a fantasy world was released in 93, and made by Teque too (no joke with an existent company :D) but edited by Krysalis, about 4 survivors in a spaceship, it was named Shadoworlds.
Post edited August 20, 2013 by Huinehtar