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low rated
Better just change the entire cast of Doctor Who into females from Jersey. :D
They'd get nothing done because they will always be arguing! MUFF CABBAGE.
Some of the gamergate commentaters on Twitter were temporarily suspended recently. Which might have something to do with this
low rated
Spectre: Some of the gamergate commentaters on Twitter were temporarily suspended recently. Which might have something to do with this
Would be better and more equal if it was a measure against the harrasment of "everyone" IMO...
Spectre: Some of the gamergate commentaters on Twitter were temporarily suspended recently. Which might have something to do with this
catpower1980: Would be better and more equal if it was a measure against the harrasment of "everyone" IMO...
I wonder when it will be the time, that you are angry at someone - cursing to yourself, verbally expressing all the evil things you will do to the person. Somebody hears it, calls the police and you will be taken into custody because you threatened someone and intended to harm that person...

This really starts to get ridiculous and we are coincident in opinion, when they introduce measures against the harrasment, it should be not only for women, because that puts the women again in the role of the victim and we all know how badly those feminists are against that.
Post edited November 12, 2014 by MaGo72
Spectre: Some of the gamergate commentaters on Twitter were temporarily suspended recently. Which might have something to do with this
So men are expected to have the maturity to brush off trollish comments and to use the block feature or to contact Twitter and/or the police if the circumstances warrant it.

But according to feminists, women are so fragile, emotional, ignorant of technology, and generally incapable of personal responsibility that they require special considerations to "make Twitter safe" for them.

This must also be why harassment of women is such a major media focus while similar harassment of men is rarely mentioned or considered to be a serious problem.

Perhaps women shouldn't be allowed to use the Internet or engage in public speech. For their own protection. Because they're so delicate. Feeling the sarcasm yet?

Also, this quote from the article is ridiculous:

“We’ll be escalating [harassment reports] even if they don’t fit Twitter’s exact abuse guidelines,” Friedman said. WAM intends to “cast a wider net” and see what Twitter’s moderators address.
In other words... "He called me a name! My feelings are bleeding! Ban his account!"
low rated
Spectre: Some of the gamergate commentaters on Twitter were temporarily suspended recently. Which might have something to do with this
SeduceMePlz: So men are expected to have the maturity to brush off trollish comments and to use the block feature or to contact Twitter and/or the police if the circumstances warrant it.

But according to feminists, women are so fragile, emotional, ignorant of technology, and generally incapable of personal responsibility that they require special considerations to "make Twitter safe" for them.

This must also be why harassment of women is such a major media focus while similar harassment of men is rarely mentioned or considered to be a serious problem.

Perhaps women shouldn't be allowed to use the Internet or engage in public speech. For their own protection. Because they're so delicate. Feeling the sarcasm yet?

Also, this quote from the article is ridiculous:

“We’ll be escalating [harassment reports] even if they don’t fit Twitter’s exact abuse guidelines,” Friedman said. WAM intends to “cast a wider net” and see what Twitter’s moderators address.
SeduceMePlz: In other words... "He called me a name! My feelings are bleeding! Ban his account!"
I don't know where, in an article that cites the targets of abuse as "video game critics and developers" you get the impression that it's saying that women aren't tech savvy but yeah, maybe more should be done to protect victims of on-line abuse of both sexes.
I mean if I was getting stalked on Twitter and myself and my family were being threatened with violence by anonymous parties who were demonstrating that they knew exactly where we lived and then I discovered that some of my most powerful channels of protection were blocked to me because I happen to me a man and not a woman, yeah, I'd probably feel that was a bit 'off' to say the least!
Maybe it WILL take high-profile cases of stalking and harassment directed at men, maybe to the point of treats being carried out, before things are evened out a bit...
Post edited November 13, 2014 by Fever_Discordia
low rated
I thought the guy who got sent a kitchen knife in the mail with a note saying "Go kill yourself" would be worthy of news, but no, not that either.
Post edited November 13, 2014 by RWarehall
low rated
SeduceMePlz: So men are expected to have the maturity to brush off trollish comments and to use the block feature or to contact Twitter and/or the police if the circumstances warrant it.

But according to feminists, women are so fragile, emotional, ignorant of technology, and generally incapable of personal responsibility that they require special considerations to "make Twitter safe" for them.

This must also be why harassment of women is such a major media focus while similar harassment of men is rarely mentioned or considered to be a serious problem.

Perhaps women shouldn't be allowed to use the Internet or engage in public speech. For their own protection. Because they're so delicate. Feeling the sarcasm yet?

Also, this quote from the article is ridiculous:

“We’ll be escalating [harassment reports] even if they don’t fit Twitter’s exact abuse guidelines,” Friedman said. WAM intends to “cast a wider net” and see what Twitter’s moderators address.
SeduceMePlz: In other words... "He called me a name! My feelings are bleeding! Ban his account!"
It's power on the internet, and I'm not sure that people understand it in the same way as power in reality. In this case, if I try sending someone a harassing message, cruel or otherwise, the only way that I have actual power in that conversation is for them to respond to me. That act alone gives me power and lets me know that I've gotten under their skin. Block the harassers, report them, don't talk about them, it's not that hard, we're able to walk away from things that really aggravate us online. I don't understand why people don't see that, these people aren't in our face, and they're not going to put effort into attacking those that they aren't going to get anything out of.

But what do I know? I'm just a person on the internet who uses a book for an avatar.
That stuff about making Twitter safe for women makes me think of one word.


The definition...

verb (used with object), patronized, patronizing.
1. to give (a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.) one's regular patronage; trade with.
2. to behave in an offensively condescending manner toward:
a professor who patronizes his students.
3. to act as a patron toward (an artist, institution, etc.); support.

Believe me, there are some people who you'd rather have as an enemy than as a friend.
low rated
Emob78: That stuff about making Twitter safe for women makes me think of one word.


The definition...

verb (used with object), patronized, patronizing.
1. to give (a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.) one's regular patronage; trade with.
2. to behave in an offensively condescending manner toward:
a professor who patronizes his students.
3. to act as a patron toward (an artist, institution, etc.); support.

Believe me, there are some people who you'd rather have as an enemy than as a friend.
Pretty much. It's the most sexist thing I keep seeing, how areas need to be made SAFE for women. Which is funny, because I don't think I've ever met these terminally fragile women in my life, just people that weren't afraid to use a block button, who weren't afraid of walking away, who weren't scared of people on twitter who have no actual power against them.

It's an ego thing, that's the only thing I can actually think of, they aren't going it for women, they're doing it so they can say they did something special, because in reality, most of us aren't. Oh we all have our good points, but how many stand out people exist in the real world, or even online?
catpower1980: Would be better and more equal if it was a measure against the harrasment of "everyone" IMO...
MaGo72: I wonder when it will be the time, that you are angry at someone - cursing to yourself, verbally expressing all the evil things you will do to the person. Somebody hears it, calls the police and you will be taken into custody because you threatened someone and intended to harm that person...
It works something like this ...
peoplevs.jpg (40 Kb)
Bzzzzz, that's the sound of flies when nothing happens :o)

Joke aside, the only noteworthy late news in the internet drama world is the new teaser video of the documentary "the sarkeesian effect" by Jordan Owen and David Aurini where in an unexpected twist, they went to interview the famous Jack Thompson over his views on his beliefs and sarkeesian/sjw's:
catpower1980: Bzzzzz, that's the sound of flies when nothing happens :o)

Joke aside, the only noteworthy late news in the internet drama world is the new teaser video of the documentary "the sarkeesian effect" by Jordan Owen and David Aurini where in an unexpected twist, they went to interview the famous Jack Thompson over his views on his beliefs and sarkeesian/sjw's:
As an SJW, I can honestly say, I so hope this gets made.
catpower1980: Bzzzzz, that's the sound of flies when nothing happens :o)

Joke aside, the only noteworthy late news in the internet drama world is the new teaser video of the documentary "the sarkeesian effect" by Jordan Owen and David Aurini where in an unexpected twist, they went to interview the famous Jack Thompson over his views on his beliefs and sarkeesian/sjw's:
htown1980: As an SJW, I can honestly say, I so hope this gets made.
Yeah, I'm curious how it will wrap up. I'm wondering if they're gonna talk about the sjw int the "occupy" movement too. I was quiet baffled and facepalming when I discovered the "progressive stack" video:
Those Americans are crazy, real unpriviliged/marginalized people are more like this in Europe:
(could have been filmed in my neighbourhood, it's the same shit)
low rated
Protip: When you willingly have Jack Thompson on your film talking about how Anita Sarkeesian is a censor, you might need a reality check. Anita might criticize things in a way that people disagree with, but she never flat out tried to get the things she has bones to pick with banned; meanwhile, Mr. Thompson did try to ban the sales of violent games to certain age brackets (as well as attempting to flat out ban some games entirely), and conducted himself as an attorney in that endeavor so poorly that he was disbarred.
Post edited November 19, 2014 by Jonesy89