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Warcraft: Orcs and Humans & Warcraft 2 Edition are now available DRM-free.

In anticipation of the upcoming 25th anniversary of Warcraft, we brought you the real-time strategy classics that started it all, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and Warcraft II Edition, including both the original Tides of Darkness and the Beyond the Dark Portal expansion. Starting today, you can once again explore these universe-defining games as they become available digitally and DRM-free for the first time ever!

The first part of the legendary series plays and feels just like the original from 1994, it’s just updated to run flawlessly on modern operating systems. Warcraft II Edition, similarly to the release of first Diablo on GOG.COM, comes in two versions, which you can choose from the launcher. The classic one allows for the authentic experience and a fully functional multiplayer with Blizzard’s online gaming service. The updated version comes with a number of fixes to provide full compatibility with modern machines as well as hi-resolution support and upscaling.
I have DRM-Free Blizzard installers, from putting in my CD keys on and downloading them, for MOST of the games I want from them.

Pretty much the only thing I need from them is a FUNCTIONAL release of Diablo III that isn't on a console.

That is what I would REALLY like to see come to GOG. They may refuse to fix it on the Blizzard Launcher, but GOG wouldn't allow that level of nonsense here, and while you might have to connect it to the official for multiplayer (even local co-op might be server locked) we'd actually be able to play the single-player campaign without being booted back to town every hour or so do to connectivity issues.

It's pretty bad when, despite the atrocious controls on PS4, Diablo III is a better game there than it is on PC (how horribly I still feel ripped off for giving them my money to get a collector's edition of that steaming pile of garbage that was fixed on consoles from day one but still broken on PC all these years later.
I hope this isn't the end, and only the beginning for getting more classic Blizzard games here on - would be a shame to only have Diablo and Warcraft1+2 come here...
Anyone tried it yet?
Silly question, but black
bars on the screen or stretched?
Kelefane: I wonder what could be next from Blizzards catalog? Diablo 2?!
Starcraft(!!!), Lost Vikings, ... :)
Kunovski: work work
h.e.X.e.n.: Please, STOP adding game without multilanguage support!!! WC2 was Dubbed in Italian(and more languages), where is this multilanguage support in the gog version?

Do you realize that you put us in a position to NOT buy these games and keep the old CD version with multi-language support?
borsook: Don't be so entitled, practice your English instead of that Italian gibberish. This is your chance to experience those games as they truely were made.
On the other hand, I would love to experience Italian orcs.
to see what i missed as i said, I want to get warcraft 1 and 2 to see what i missed
Breja: *Even though it's a RTS.
Matewis: Philistine! ;)
Pretty sure they were making a joke about "wait it's turn" which doesn't make sense in an RTS rather than judging the genre :)
Kelefane: I wonder what could be next from Blizzards catalog? Diablo 2?!
The Lost Vikings 2 is not digitally available so maybe that one has a chance. Perhaps Diablo: Hellfire if Blizzard is satisfied with sales of Diablo.
Thank you, GOG. We love you. :) I hope Hellfire and Diablo II are coming too.
Post edited March 28, 2019 by DoomSooth
Noishkel: Neat... but I'm still hoping for StarCraft. :3
Starcraft original and HD (one package) is on the Blizzard store - works fantastic and they are still updating it through there so I doubt we will see it here.
We need more g̶o̶l̶d̶ games!
1. D2+LoD
2. SC1
3. WC3
And ofc. (may be as free bonus just like Arena + Daggerfall in Betesda's case): The Lost Vikings + Blackthorne + Rock N' Roll Racing
swr2048: Instabought, but it would be great to have the Russian version of WCII by СПК (Слово Палитра Код) included because it was amazing and perfect and funny and OMG so many fond memories.
I have that install disk still. I'll see if I can extract the barks into this installation over the weekend.
Kelefane: I wonder what could be next from Blizzards catalog? Diablo 2?!
And The Lost Vikings!
And Starcraft!
Instabought! Thank you!!