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Warcraft: Orcs and Humans & Warcraft 2 Edition are now available DRM-free.

In anticipation of the upcoming 25th anniversary of Warcraft, we brought you the real-time strategy classics that started it all, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and Warcraft II Edition, including both the original Tides of Darkness and the Beyond the Dark Portal expansion. Starting today, you can once again explore these universe-defining games as they become available digitally and DRM-free for the first time ever!

The first part of the legendary series plays and feels just like the original from 1994, it’s just updated to run flawlessly on modern operating systems. Warcraft II Edition, similarly to the release of first Diablo on GOG.COM, comes in two versions, which you can choose from the launcher. The classic one allows for the authentic experience and a fully functional multiplayer with Blizzard’s online gaming service. The updated version comes with a number of fixes to provide full compatibility with modern machines as well as hi-resolution support and upscaling.
Thank you Blizzard and GOG for bringing them here. Time to revisit Warcraft 2 for the first time since 1999/2000 and play Warcraft 1 for the first time ever! :-)
Darktronik: What diablo 2 needs is the full treatment: a remaster!
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ;)
I still have the big boxes and played through both of the games last year, they hold up nicely. In my opinion Warcraft 1&2 are the greatest RTS games ever next to Dune 2 and Command & Conquer.

Bought them instantly just to show my support.
Spektro1791: Blackthorne is already available from Blizzard for free

Download it here:
Thanks for the link. Do you know if this will run on modern PCs (e.g. windows 10) out of the box or does it need DosBox tinkering?
Not bad GOG, not bad at all.Thank you ;).Cheers
...and purchased. THANX, GOG!
Thx GOG!
high rated
Nice, now give us Diablo 2, Warcraft 3 and 1st Starcraft!
Awesome. Bought it instantly. Keep these classics coming, it's the reason I started buying on GoG in the first place.
I still have my CDs but i will be buying these before the day is over.

Much appreciated. Thanks!
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Soundtrack missing from Warcraft 2... WHY people? Just, WHY???
low rated
JKeift: The Warcraft 2 soundtrack is sold on iTunes, so I suspect Blizzard wasn't willing to let GOG include it as a free bonus here.
Thanks. This does it, then. Diablo missing expansion and soundtrack, Warcraft 2 missing original version and Soundtrack. Will buy Grim Dawn new expansion instead, then and wait for a big, large discount, on half, incomplete, Blizzard products.
goldragon: Starcraft/Insurrection/Brood War is coming?
I wouldn't hold my breath, as they're available directly from the Blizzard Store.
I almost wish we didn't know it was coming. It's not quite as "holy shit" moment as Diablo, but still it's awesome to see it here.

Still, I'm busy with Diablo and I already spent so much money on books this month, Warcraft will have to wait its turn*.

*Even though it's a RTS.
Darktronik: About Diablo 2...I don't believe it will ever come to GoG nor it needs to come.
Well, it doesn't need to come if they don't want my and other people's money.