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Dead man shooting.

The Suffering & The Suffering: Ties That Bind are now available exclusively on with a 10% launch discount.
All but impossible to find in recent years, the elusive psychological horror games return as gory as you remember them, DRM-free and fully compatible with modern operating systems.

The Suffering puts you in the shoes of death row convict Torque as he fights monstrous enemies to escapes his hellish prison and find the truth behind the heinous crime that put him there.

In the sequel Ties That Bind, Torque is a free man in body if not in mind, as he returns to his hometown seeking redemption and revenge from the criminal kingpin he holds responsible for this nightmare.

Check out our Warner Bros. Sale for deals up to -75% until September 11, 1PM UTC.
There's a lot of cool stuff there including the F.E.A.R series, Bastion, plenty of LEGO goodness and more.
JogsterXL: Indtabought both!! Waited for so long hoping these would come here! Now if we could get Area 51 and Psi-Ops!
+1 to Psi-Ops. Really enjoyed that when it first came out but I never finished it for some reason or another. Would love to give it another go.
Nice to see it here. Really great games. Although the price is a little disappointing (with regional pricing on top of it) considering I've bought a boxed bundle of total of about 10 PLN (that would be less then 3 Euro).
A hint for those playing it for the first time - playing as a good guy (at least in the first game) makes it much easier (less durable enemies and higher limit for health regeneration).
HenitoKisou: I liked supernatural/gore/suffering/mystery and new antagonist, music, choices, Torque origins etc. It's more gloomy, nihilistic, evil, no more cheap enemy designs or people you don't feel sorry for - in sequel you see really sick twisted stuff and people really suffer or you make them so, no filler sections, no crude boss battles, no jumpscares, no more responsibility put outside of you - in sequel you alone decide why or who. Also again, evil ending is so much more rewarding in the sequel, in general first game feels like experiment, prototype with trying new ideas, second is like finished, completed formula of the first game with redundant junk dropped.

It's the first game that felt Manhunt for me. TTB is where all started to make sense with supernatural. It's just more... black, dark spirited. ;-)
I think that TTB was a better thought out game but I have to disagree with some of your points.
TTB was just as limiting as the original. Exact same scheme - meet random person. Choose:
1) good - escort
2) neutral - ignore
3) bad - kill
And I found the evil ending to be really underwhelming (and I wasn't the only one, I actually remember reading a review at that time in CDA where the reviewer had the same impression). From the game play perspective I really didn't like a few things. The 2 weapon limit was horrible. The game was also much more restrictive (first one, while also very linear at least offered much more exploration options). Plus too many normal human enemies and the dreaded, mandatory turret sections.
On a plus side, it had much better pacing and narration (at the noticeable cost of the game length). I liked that Torque stopped being mute (I hate silent protagonists in settings where they don't make sense). More varied environments were also welcome and Michael Clarke Duncan did a great job as Blackmore.
Very nice releases...Ties That Bind is not that good as the original but still worth playing.
Does this series allow the user to save at any time? Is windowed mode available for both games?
F4LL0UT: You can actually import your final saved game from Prison is Hell (that's the one simply called "The Suffering" here) into Ties that Bind because there are multiple endings in the games.
tinyE: I may hit you up on how to do than whence I finish the 1st game. :D
It "should" be automatic (read from the saves folder). However, if I remember correctly completing TTB for the first time unlocks alternative (good and bad) beginnings. So, if you plan multiple play-throughs, you may just aim for a neutral ending in your first game. TBB is also a much shorter game.
tinyE: I may hit you up on how to do than whence I finish the 1st game. :D
Paradoks: It "should" be automatic (read from the saves folder). However, if I remember correctly completing TTB for the first time unlocks alternative (good and bad) beginnings. So, if you plan multiple play-throughs, you may just aim for a neutral ending in your first game. TBB is also a much shorter game.
How does tying your finish from the first into the start of the 2nd work? If there are multiple endings to the 1st, shouldn't that mean multiple beginnings to the 2nd?
IronArcturus: Does this series allow the user to save at any time?
THIS is the question.
Paradoks: It "should" be automatic (read from the saves folder). However, if I remember correctly completing TTB for the first time unlocks alternative (good and bad) beginnings. So, if you plan multiple play-throughs, you may just aim for a neutral ending in your first game. TBB is also a much shorter game.
tinyE: How does tying your finish from the first into the start of the 2nd work? If there are multiple endings to the 1st, shouldn't that mean multiple beginnings to the 2nd?
I worded it badly. By saying "in your first game" I meant "your first play-through of the second game".
So yes - there are 3 endings (good, bad, neutral) to the first game and 3 corresponding beginnings to the second.
The default beginning to the second game is neutral.
I was trying to say the you can just play TTB as neutral from the beginning and then have a full-good and full-bad play-throughs of TBB without importing your saves from PiH (the first game).
Also - completing TTB 3 times will likely take you less time than completing PiH once.
IronArcturus: Does this series allow the user to save at any time?
Dogmaus: THIS is the question.
I haven't played it in years, but I'm 99.99 % sure that it does. I'll check my disc version later to confirm.
Edit: the boxed version for both games does have "classic" saving. Although quick saving appears to be bugged on my Win 7 machine. I don't know if GOG version has the same problem. Saving from menu works without properly though.
Post edited September 07, 2017 by Paradoks
Excellent addtion to library of GOG...but very expensive rigth now.
+1 Psi -ops
tinyE: How does tying your finish from the first into the start of the 2nd work? If there are multiple endings to the 1st, shouldn't that mean multiple beginnings to the 2nd?
That's exactly what it means.
Geri11: Will you be bringing Area 51 as well? :3
I hope so and think it will happen eventually. This and Psi-Ops seemed to be joined at the hip, I guess because they were released by Midway around the same time and both eventually were free on Fileplanet, maybe.

Hopefully other WB/Midway games show up too of course. Mortal Kombat 4 + nGlide or another emulator, Captain Claw (for Grargar), Batman games, etc. EDIT: Claw was Monolith-made.

MK4 discussed on VOGONS:
Post edited September 08, 2017 by tfishell
Oh very nice, wishlisted for now. I tried it once but couldn't get into it at the time.
Interesting release, but 9% off?
No thanks, I'll wait.
Smannesman: Interesting release, but 9% off?
No thanks, I'll wait.
I don't understand this discount either . Gauntlet ( new release ) 75% off , Lego Batman 2 ( new release ) 75% off , but the Suffering series aren't .
Smannesman: Interesting release, but 9% off?
No thanks, I'll wait.
I guess it was a bug.Now it is 10% off ;).Cheers