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Dead man shooting.

The Suffering & The Suffering: Ties That Bind are now available exclusively on with a 10% launch discount.
All but impossible to find in recent years, the elusive psychological horror games return as gory as you remember them, DRM-free and fully compatible with modern operating systems.

The Suffering puts you in the shoes of death row convict Torque as he fights monstrous enemies to escapes his hellish prison and find the truth behind the heinous crime that put him there.

In the sequel Ties That Bind, Torque is a free man in body if not in mind, as he returns to his hometown seeking redemption and revenge from the criminal kingpin he holds responsible for this nightmare.

Check out our Warner Bros. Sale for deals up to -75% until September 11, 1PM UTC.
There's a lot of cool stuff there including the F.E.A.R series, Bastion, plenty of LEGO goodness and more.
HenitoKisou: bug with toilets (if you used one whole game display was shattered to shreds)
That's I call a shitty situation... hum, ok, I'm out !
Awesome to see WB finally return to GOG, and having some exclusive releases here seems like a good sign for the future.
Vythonaut: Never heard of Suffering before but it looks tasty enough and from what i can see in some screenshots, it does have a certain Silent Hill vibe. Nice release! F.E.A.R. is an amazing FPS that i can't recommend enough. Even in 2017 it didn't lose it's charm a bit; it still looks & sounds great, the gameplay is amazing, the story is awesome; overall, a great gaming experience from a timeless classic.
tinyE: is the 2nd one a sequel or an expansion?
I had the first one on PS2 years ago. It is an incredible game with great ambience until the late levels when it becomes very action oriented. The monsters are fairly well done for a game not called Silent Hill and make sense mostly given that you're on Shutter Island-- I mean Carnate Island, which was a WWII internment camp used for experimentation on POWs turned into a prison. The game's plot unfolds beautifully, and depending on your level of violence and assistance rendered to guards and other inmates, you get 1 of 3 endings (no spoilers) that affect Torque's involvement in the crime he committed to be sent to prison. You get a variety of weapons while you explore the island and eventually, you'll get free at the end after a slaughterhouse of last levels (my only complaint is how they dropped the horror focus for action, as previously stated). The second game, IIRC was a bag of dicks compared to the first one with jump scares, bad lighting effects and a ham-fisted story trying to capitalize on the awesomeness of the first game.
The first one had too much cheap jumpscares. The sequel is almost superior in all aspects.
HenitoKisou: Ties That Bind is the best thing that happened to me and I value it above Fight Club movie. It's shorter but superior to first game, true horror atmosphere, not just in the face forced jumpscares like first game. ;p
I'm really surprised to see someone prefer the sequel so much over the first game. I was VERY let down by the second one. The sequel's urban setting wasn't nearly as disturbing to me as the first game's prison setting, it really felt more like Manhunt than The Suffering. And I loathe where the story went in the sequel.
wormholewizards: The first one had too much cheap jumpscares. The sequel is almost superior in all aspects.
Seriously, where are you guys coming from? :D

Oh well, guess I'll have to just replay both games and see if my opinion about the sequel will improve.
Post edited September 07, 2017 by F4LL0UT
HenitoKisou: Ties That Bind is the best thing that happened to me and I value it above Fight Club movie. It's shorter but superior to first game, true horror atmosphere, not just in the face forced jumpscares like first game. ;p

I had both games retail in one of these big cardboard boxes - rare release without Starforce, DRM-Free on top of that. Sadly there was a glitch with performance, some immortal enemy and bug with toilets (if you used one whole game display was shattered to shreds), also you couldn't import completed save to TTB it simply didn't work in some translated editions, namely Polish one. TTB had issues with some cutscenes or triggers (enemies, doors open) not working sometimes and funny object physics when if you dropped guns to a floor they would slightly levitate above ground. One of the bosses could crash the game if battle was too long, TTB liked to corrupt saves in general, first game had that only with autosaves and liked to glitch playing music, TTB less.
Funny how we disagree on that. I didn't dig the second game that much because of the worse atmosphere... But hey, that's what opinions are for.
wormholewizards: The first one had too much cheap jumpscares. The sequel is almost superior in all aspects.
Post edited September 07, 2017 by paladin181
HenitoKisou: Ties That Bind is the best thing that happened to me and I value it above Fight Club movie. It's shorter but superior to first game, true horror atmosphere, not just in the face forced jumpscares like first game. ;p
F4LL0UT: I'm really surprised to see someone prefer the sequel so much over the first game. I was VERY let down by the second one. The sequel's urban setting wasn't nearly as disturbing to me as the first game's prison setting, it really felt more like Manhunt than The Suffering. And I loathe where the story went in the sequel.
wormholewizards: The first one had too much cheap jumpscares. The sequel is almost superior in all aspects.
F4LL0UT: Seriously, where are you guys coming from? :D

Oh well, guess I'll have to just replay both games and see if my opinion about the sequel will improve.
I liked supernatural/gore/suffering/mystery and new antagonist, music, choices, Torque origins etc. It's more gloomy, nihilistic, evil, no more cheap enemy designs or people you don't feel sorry for - in sequel you see really sick twisted stuff and people really suffer or you make them so, no filler sections, no crude boss battles, no jumpscares, no more responsibility put outside of you - in sequel you alone decide why or who. Also again, evil ending is so much more rewarding in the sequel, in general first game feels like experiment, prototype with trying new ideas, second is like finished, completed formula of the first game with redundant junk dropped.

It's the first game that felt Manhunt for me. TTB is where all started to make sense with supernatural. It's just more... black, dark spirited. ;-)
Post edited September 07, 2017 by HenitoKisou
This is a very pleasant surprise. I've played the first game on PC somewhat, but I'll certainly restart it with the GOG version.
high rated
Will you be bringing Area 51 as well? :3
Yay, nice. Just yesterday I thought: What games would I really enjoy being released on GOG, and the Suffering series came to mind.

Instabought, even when a bit pricey :)
Great, awesome games. I voted for them on the wishlist as soon as I joined GOG, as I had played them a while ago (downloaded The Suffering when it was "freeware" via some military US corp, and got Ties That Bind via... "less than legal means", unfortunately).

Bought both of them, I highly recommend them to anyone who likes good action and great horror.

Kudos to GOG and Warner Brothers for releasing these games!
I remember this came out around the same time as Doom 3. It was technically inferior but way more scary. Still have both The Suffering games as retail.
Post edited September 07, 2017 by AHF1349
Didn't know about this game, but going from the comments it seems to be a GoG. Wishlisted, and nice going GOG!
paladin181: I had the first one on PS2 (.....) capitalize on the awesomeness of the first game.
Thanks for the detailed information!
Indtabought both!! Waited for so long hoping these would come here! Now if we could get Area 51 and Psi-Ops!