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Dude, I totally missed you.

Paradise Lost, the unhinged expansion pack for the unsavory cult hit POSTAL 2 is finally available DRM-free on

Post(al)-apocalypse has never been so wack! The Dude ventures back into his former hometown looking for his lost dog but instead finds trouble in all shapes, sizes, and heartbeats. The citizens have gone nuclearly insane, gotten themselves zombified, joined freaky factions (sort of the same thing, really), and pretty much given the Dude plenty of reasons to turn them into radioactive pulp as he free-roams this loco land.
omega64: Ok, now I'm sure, currently 82% off on Steam *sigh*
Power that be have already been notified about the hickup.
How much is the price for the expansion in Europe? It may be regionblocked here, but I could ask someone else to buy it. But not if it is too overpriced...
An add-on for a game, that wasn't that great to begin with, now region-locked for Germany. Should I even care...
Anime-BlackWolf: How much is the price for the expansion in Europe? It may be regionblocked here, but I could ask someone else to buy it. But not if it is too overpriced...
Post edited July 17, 2018 by Lobuno
Anime-BlackWolf: How much is the price for the expansion in Europe? It may be regionblocked here, but I could ask someone else to buy it. But not if it is too overpriced...
Lobuno: 5.99€
Thanks a lot! :)

Not sooo expensive, well we will see...
Is that supposed to be a joke?
Post edited July 17, 2018 by DoomSooth
omega64: Ok, now I'm sure, currently 82% off on Steam *sigh*
Yes, not the first time either, mentioned it on the Drakkhen release also, (several games for 0.85cents versus £5 here), unfortunately there are those that vehemently defend anything and everything. Sad, but this is improvement for you.
low rated
Wow, the turd's still alive?!
Can anyone confirm if the late Gary Coleman is in this?
Oh, it's finally here... and of course RWS takes the piss by launching it while it's on heavy discount on Steam.
About god damn time. Hopefully we'll get the updates as well.
high rated
Great, but I don't trust RWS anymore to be able to update the GOG version as soon as the Steam version... or once every 2 years !!!
Paradise Lost should be free for owners of the base game, after so many years. Sorry, RWS, your game is fun, but you won't have my money.
Post edited July 17, 2018 by MaxFulvus
MaxFulvus: Great, but I don't trust RWS anymore to be able to update the GOG version as soon as the Steam version... or once every 2 years !!!
Yep, very disappointing. Still, Postal 2 is one of my favourite games, so I bought it anyway.
So...Postal Redux or is that a few more years down the line?
I can still not believe that this finally happened. I would have never guessed that RWS would get their s*** together and release the DLC here. Good to have it here now but also a big f*** you for letting us all wait so many years.
Post edited July 17, 2018 by Berzerk2002