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low rated
This is the audience here, clearly.

This makes perfect sense now.

Fanbois who live in their sheeple bubble need not apply.

GOG was afraid, period.
This is what happens when you make a game solely as a political message against the leftist, femenist, SJWs.

Making a game solely to convey a message is a good indictation that its gonna be a very shallow game.

Exactly like "Kill The Faggot"
Post edited May 30, 2015 by Elmofongo
Post edited May 30, 2015 by tinyE
tinyE: Evening Asshead. We missed you yesterday.
Fixed that for you
Tracido: This is the audience here, clearly.
You're posting here. It makes you part of the audience "here".

Just saying.
Tracido: This is the audience here, clearly.
Fenixp: You're posting here. It makes you part of the audience "here".

Just saying.
My guess is he isn't going to be part of it for long.
low rated
Tracido: This is the audience here, clearly.
Fenixp: You're posting here. It makes you part of the audience "here".

Just saying.
Yes, I really was being serious, like you, always. Read kids, then think.
This looks to be what will be the best level, can't wait. :)
Post edited May 30, 2015 by Tracido
Tracido: Yes, I really was being serious, like you, always. Read kids, then think.
Yes, another good general advice is "Think before you post". Nice set to post by ;-)
low rated
Tracido: Yes, I really was being serious, like you, always. Read kids, then think.
Fenixp: Yes, another good general advice is "Think before you post". Nice set to post by ;-)

Just watch the video unless you and your troll buddies only have one thing on your minds. You know after seeing all that I realized I should have not sent anything to that one guy, period.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by Tracido
Ah yez, hatred. Sad to see GOG not carrying it. Would've sent some offended loons over the edge. Either way, kinda disappointed they decided to refuse. There are much more violent games on GOG and I didn't think the quality testing team would reject a game based solely on controversy. BUT, I saw TB's video and its seems like a dumbed down offensive because it offends mechanically inferior, slow version of Hotline Miami.
low rated
Why do people antagonize each other like that:

ONE SIDE: This game is for deranged people its violence porn.
(after the reviews) it's not a very good game so even though there are many games that are not very good on GoG, it's good it's not here cause it's bad! I know because I am always right.

OTHER SIDE: YOU GOT PINK HAIR! YOU HIPSTERS! Agendas everywhere! I know because I am always right.

Meh... and I am just disappointed in GoG.
Shadowstalker16: Would've sent some offended loons over the edge.
You know what ? If that was the goal, I think they've achieved it way more than they'd have by publishing the game.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by Telika
StorkV88: Why do people antagonize each other like that:

ONE SIDE: This game is for deranged people its violence porn.
(after the reviews) it's not a very good game so even though there are many games that are not very good on GoG, it's good it's not here cause it's bad! I know because I am always right.

OTHER SIDE: YOU GOT PINK HAIR! YOU HIPSTERS! Agendas everywhere! I know because I am always right.

Meh... and I am just disappointed in GoG.
At least you are rational about it. :D Agree or disagree you seem like someone I could hang out with. Of course anyone who's ever hung out with me IRL will probably tell you that's not a good thing. :P
Post edited May 30, 2015 by tinyE
low rated
Shadowstalker16: Ah yez, hatred. Sad to see GOG not carrying it. Would've sent some offended loons over the edge. Either way, kinda disappointed they decided to refuse. There are much more violent games on GOG and I didn't think the quality testing team would reject a game based solely on controversy. BUT, I saw TB's video and its seems like a dumbed down offensive because it offends mechanically inferior, slow version of Hotline Miami.
TotalBiscuit isn't into this kind of thing to begin with. Never heard of him loving Postal or Manhunt 2, this is specifically for a niche audience, and the media madness only blew it up, that's all there is to it.
StorkV88: Meh... and I am just disappointed in GoG.
To be fair, it feels a bit silly to be disappointed by something GOG does on regular basis. You know they refuse games. Go and purchase Hatred elsewhere, it seems to me GOG has done the maths and won't miss the income.


Just watch the video unless you and your troll buddies only have one thing on your minds. You know after seeing all that I realized I should have not sent anything to that one guy, period.
I've seen a bunch of gameplay vids. As I said in another thread, the game just looks incredibly dull. It's precisey the same chaos escalation you get when you start killing people in a game like Saint's Row The Third, except Saint's Row The Third does it a lot better and has an entire game on top of that. Hatred doesn't have nearly the same variety of baddies, of weapons, killing doesn't seem to be particularily satisfying, vehicles seem to handle like ass, the only thing which looks good about it is fire and enviromental destruction physics, which is not nearly enough. I hope it at least has good scoring system and online ladders, but it doesn't seem to.