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genkicolleen: The catch with giveawayoftheday is that what you download MUST be installed today. If you get a new computer, you'd have to buy the game elsewhere to get the game again.

Here's a tip on those GAOD games, based on a friend's experience.

Most of the games come in a self-extract file format, which means that after the (online, argh) registration process completes, one can just move the folder to any other PC that meets the requirements or even backup the folder. My friend does it with every single game they get from there.

Today's offer is no exception - it may appear that the game installs, but if you look closer you'll see that it only extracts the files into the folder you specify.

If one is ok with the installation and registration process, it's another source of free, usually casual games.
genkicolleen: The catch with giveawayoftheday is that what you download MUST be installed today. If you get a new computer, you'd have to buy the game elsewhere to get the game again.

HypersomniacLive: Here's a tip on those GAOD games, based on a friend's experience.

Most of the games come in a self-extract file format, which means that after the (online, argh) registration process completes, one can just move the folder to any other PC that meets the requirements or even backup the folder. My friend does it with every single game they get from there.

Today's offer is no exception - it may appear that the game installs, but if you look closer you'll see that it only extracts the files into the folder you specify.

If one is ok with the installation and registration process, it's another source of free, usually casual games.
Thanks for the tip! Looked into it, and this one just seems to be a Unity game wrapped up into an installer. Game executes fine regardless of folder location. =D
Vitek: It is also of note that Harry Potter LEGO games are very easy and offer very little challenge. None of those games are meant to be challenging but others have quite high number of enemies while mainly in the first half of HP series you only "compete" with environment and hardly meet any enemy at all.

As for DLC, before LEGO Marvel there are none AFAIK.
Also, the games before LEGO Batman 2 (DC Super Heroes) are not voiced at all and are only narrated by voiceless cut scenes. I wouldn't say it hurts them, though.
I personally like the games but a lot of enjoyement is from playing co-op and it wasn't as much fun when I played solo. But still good games.
Precisely! My bros played through and the only thing that's challenging is jumping onto a high platform. CASUAL FTW. But fun!
MadalinStroe: Last night was the first time I bought a game from the Humble Bundle Store and I noticed that unlike the Bundles, which I have always bought using US Dollars, I could only purchase using Euros. Apparently this is an intentional difference between the Store and Bundles.

As expected I was charged more due to Paypal's exchange rate. Is there a work around to this? I remember Paypal having the option to change the default currency, would that work?

Note: I purchased Stealth Bastard.
Does nobody have any input on this?
New GamersGate deals.

Wizardry 8 Daily -80%/€2 (Steam)

Cognition: Game of the Year Edition Midweek -80%/€3 (Steam)

2K Week begins with Bioshock discounts for 48 hours. Everything is Steam-only, with the exception of the 1st Bioshock, which carries SecuROM.

Nosgoth Early Access Midweek -50% (Steam)

Torchlight Midweek -75%
Torchlight is DRM-Free, while Torchlight II is Steam-only.

Tropico Mac Week. Keep in mind that GamersGate doesn't carry the Steam version of the game, so buying the Mac version will only net you, well, the Mac version.
Post edited September 15, 2014 by Grargar
MadalinStroe: Does nobody have any input on this?
You can change the PayPal payment to using your credit card's own exchange rate, which can be better.
There should be a button beside the payment details to change "conversion rates".
I personally use my credit card's conversion rate as it is better. And Humble Store does seem to be locked currency wise. I pay in GBP, but I sometimes see a price discrepancy between the reported sale prices in USD and GBP.
Hope that helps.
Getcomposted: I sometimes see a price discrepancy between the reported sale prices in USD and GBP.
That's because Humble Store has regional pricing. Crusader Kings II Collection, for example, costs $80 or €80, depending on your location.
genkicolleen: Game Giveaway of the Day is giving away the Dreamscapes: The Sandman CE today! O_o This is a fantastic adventure-lite, one of my absolute favorites! You can get it here:
Aww, I missed it. Oh well, thanks anyway for the site link! Looks like I might have to check that more often. :)

And thanks to HypersomniacLive for the backup instructions. Sounds like it's simple enough to bypass the DRM after the first install.
Another deal that I didn't notice on GamersGate:

Anuman Week 2 -50%. Another week of DRM-Free and Android games from Anuman.
A new GMG Weekly Bundle:
$4.26 for six Steam games:

- Gun Metal
- Corporate Lifestyle Simulator
- Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves
- Super Panda Adventures
- RIP Trilogy
- Nikopol : Secrets of the Immortals
Post edited September 15, 2014 by madth3
Worms games (for Steam) up to 75% at BundleStars.
New Monday Bundle at IndieGala

$1.89 (first 24 hours) for:

- Vlad The Impaler (Steam)
- Motte Island (Steam)
- The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss (Steam)
- The Witch's Yarn (Steam)
- Hero Siege (Steam)
- Words For Evil (Desura, Steam Greenligh)
genkicolleen: I've never played a Lego adventure, but the Harry Potter games look like a blast for the HP fans. Has anyone tried them? Are they as fun as they look? 5 bucks each is a bit steep for my budget, but it would be awesome to play these with my HP-fanatic Sis (I like the stories; just not as wild about HP as she is.) ;)
Well, I took the plunge and bought HP Years 1-4. 6 GIGS! Yikes!

Thanks for the input, all! :D

EDIT: Damn it! I went back and looked at the video for years 5-7 and had to buy it, too >_< Gah! (Yes, I have trouble spending money on myself -- I know I'm worth it, it's just hard :p )
Post edited September 15, 2014 by genkicolleen
madth3: New Monday Bundle at IndieGala

$1.89 (first 24 hours) for:

- Vlad The Impaler (Steam)
- Motte Island (Steam)
- The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss (Steam)
- The Witch's Yarn (Steam)
- Hero Siege (Steam)
- Words For Evil (Desura, Steam Greenligh)
Cant even load IndieGala thse days.
madth3: New Monday Bundle at IndieGala

$1.89 (first 24 hours) for:

- Vlad The Impaler (Steam)
- Motte Island (Steam)
- The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss (Steam)
- The Witch's Yarn (Steam)
- Hero Siege (Steam)
- Words For Evil (Desura, Steam Greenligh)
Motte Island and Hero Siege worth it !