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Three pillars of Electronic Arts now DRM-free

No matter your personal take on the gaming giant – the many people, teams, and studios behind Electronic Arts brought us some of the most unforgettable experiences, marvelous worlds, and exceptional titles in gaming.
Each of today's three classic releases from Electronic Arts represents a pillar of game design: exceptional world building, mastery in storytelling, an admirable understanding of the balance between scope and focus. Straight from the EA Games vault, making their DRM-free debut on, are:

Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition — the birth of a universe. A complex, extensive universe of raw fantasy and imperfection which spawned countless works reaching far beyond gaming - from graphic novels and novelizations through tabletop games and more. The Dragon Age universe is among the most ambitious fantasy settings ever created, and if you'd like to get more acquainted with the universe, turn up the fantastic soundtrack and take a look at the comprehensive guide to Dragon Age by Kotaku.

Dead Space is a glance at a gritty, hard sci-fi world in a state of irreversible disrepair. This is a game where the horrors lurking around the corner are just as disturbing as ghosts of the past. The glimpses are few, but they meticulously paint a vivid world of dark, scientific wonders and despair – a world you barely know, but a world nonetheless worth saving. A world you will remember. Check out the animated comic prologue available here, as well as the OST on Spotify.

SimCity 3000™ Unlimited is more than the sum of its parts. It's neither the biggest nor the most elaborate in the series, but it's success lies in balancing complexity and accessibility to deliver truly exceptional and welcoming gameplay. It doesn't hurt that you'll spend countless hours listening to a wonderfully jazzy soundtrack (also on Spotify!). Whether you succeed or stumble, one thing is certain: your stay in SimCity 3000 will be… nice.

Experience three pillars of game design by Electronic Arts – the marvelous worlds, unforgettable storytelling, exceptional gameplay – <span class="bold">Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition</span>, <span class="bold">Dead Space</span>, and <span class="bold">SimCity 3000&trade; Unlimited</span> are now available, DRM-free on!
Post edited July 14, 2016 by Konrad
low rated
way too late, GOG, way too late
Accatone: Excellent additions! Thank you GOG and EA.
joppo: Off-topic but every time I take a distracted glance at your avatar I see Earthworm Jim. Only with a second look I realize those are Snoopy and Woodstock. Is that intentional? Also, am I the only one to fall to this "illusion"?
Well, this is the first time I hear that my avatar looks like Earthworm Jim. I like both Snoopy and Woodstock, and that's why I wanted an avatar to include both characters. I didn't form any intended reference whatsoever to Earthworm Jim. Please don't take distracted glances at my avatar! :)
Accatone: Well, this is the first time I hear that my avatar looks like Earthworm Jim.
Let's make this your second time; only now I realised it isn't Jim. :P
Accatone: Well, this is the first time I hear that my avatar looks like Earthworm Jim.
Vythonaut: Let's make this your second time; only now I realised it isn't Jim. :P
I just did the same thing. O_o
Wow, just... Wow.
tfishell: I remain disappointed that there's been no evidence of Mass Effect 1 (and to a lesser extent ME2) because those have thousands of votes and are already on Steam.
Vythonaut: Don't be; I believe ME will come here eventually. Dragon Age Origins & Dead Space will sell well here because they are great games and by the way, the price offered right now is great for the quality of these games, especially DA:O. I don't see why EA wouldn't want to sell Mass Effect and get some more cash.

Still disappointed? Dragon Age Origins includes some Mass Effect easter eggs. *Mass Effect Confirmed!!!* :P
The thing about the Mass Effects is they're designed to be one story played across a trilogy, so bringing here the first 2 DRMfree and then say "Sorry, 3 will always be exclusive to Origin, in case you want to get to the end" wouldn't be acceptable. As I see it, they have to bring the trio, or none at all. Dead Space and others are a different case, as they were designed as single games but got successful enough to guarantee sequels, still remaining OK as stand alone stories.
Vythonaut: Don't be; I believe ME will come here eventually. Dragon Age Origins & Dead Space will sell well here because they are great games and by the way, the price offered right now is great for the quality of these games, especially DA:O. I don't see why EA wouldn't want to sell Mass Effect and get some more cash.

Still disappointed? Dragon Age Origins includes some Mass Effect easter eggs. *Mass Effect Confirmed!!!* :P
rodrolliv: The thing about the Mass Effects is they're designed to be one story played across a trilogy, so bringing here the first 2 DRMfree and then say "Sorry, 3 will always be exclusive to Origin, in case you want to get to the end" wouldn't be acceptable. As I see it, they have to bring the trio, or none at all. Dead Space and others are a different case, as they were designed as single games but got successful enough to guarantee sequels, still remaining OK as stand alone stories.
GOG getting only ME 1 and 2 would be just fine by me. 3 crapped the bed, anyway. Some things are better in twos.
gozer: way too late, GOG, way too late
Are you saying they shouldn't carry good old games?
acute71: According to GOG support it is not a bug :( . I hope these titles do well in the end. Otherwise I fear we will not get many EA blockbusters anymore.
Vitek: So does that mean DA:O sells worse than unreleased games? o_O
I do think it was a bug and they fixed it. Now DAO, Dead Space and Simcity 3000 are topping the popularity list. Yay for more EA/Activision/Parasox/etc. AAA titles.
Vitek: So does that mean DA:O sells worse than unreleased games? o_O
acute71: I do think it was a bug and they fixed it. Now DAO, Dead Space and Simcity 3000 are topping the popularity list. Yay for more EA/Activision/Parasox/etc. AAA titles.
Sweet. Yeah, DA:O is on page 21 of 32.;page=21
Vitek: So does that mean DA:O sells worse than unreleased games? o_O
acute71: I do think it was a bug and they fixed it. Now DAO, Dead Space and Simcity 3000 are topping the popularity list. Yay for more EA/Activision/Parasox/etc. AAA titles.
Why would you think that it was a bug? Depending on the metric/algorithm used to determine popularity (number of sales over so-and-so-many days; no, mean, median, whatever averaging, etc...) and on when an update of the list of popular items is being triggered (every 24 hours, every 1h, for each page request, etc...) it might just have taken this much time for these new sales item to bubble to the top of the list. But it seems to me that you have much better knowledge of how the GOG back-end works than me... :b

Anyway, it is good to see that GOG expands its catalogue not only with indie's but also with more big-budget high-profile AAA titles which are not just bland visual showpieces but actually good games. Delicious!
This is fantastic news! I never thought EA would agree to DRM free distribution in a million years; well done, GOG!

I've never played Dead Space or Dragon Age. Stoked.
acute71: I do think it was a bug and they fixed it. Now DAO, Dead Space and Simcity 3000 are topping the popularity list. Yay for more EA/Activision/Parasox/etc. AAA titles.
Yeah, it seemed really odd, especially since there were a lot of comments praising these additions. Good to see that it has indeed been a successful launch!
amund: Got very excited when I saw Dragon Age on GOG, there hasn't been a good RPG since this game so should play it again soon. Curious about Dead Space, not really into horror games but might play it since I'm running out of games to play.
haydenaurion: If you liked the older Resident Evil games you'll like Dead Space, though it has better controls than the older RE games. Could care less for Dead Space 2 & 3 though, they pretty much turned those into your average third-person shooter, the sense of horror wasn't as strong in those.
Never played Resident Evil but Dead Space kinda look like the new Doom game, only seen the trailer though. I wouldn't mind if it had some kind of loot system and a decent story.
rodrolliv: The thing about the Mass Effects is they're designed to be one story played across a trilogy,
I feel that Mass Effect can stand on it's own rather easily due to the ending (can't say more). Of course, that doesn't apply to ME2 which ends in a - otherwise great - cliffhanger. Personally, I would definitely buy ME when it comes to GOG. As for ME2, I won't rebuy it unless they release ME3 too (which I haven't played it due to not wanting the Origin client). Even better would be to release the whole trilogy, no doubt it will be a massive addition to GOG and I believe it will sell many copies.

In any case, Dragon Age Origins is enough to keep everyone glued on their screen for now. :)