EnforcerSentinel: Epic = Gross
While Unreal Gold and Ut99 run on community masterservers so will be unaffected in that aspect, as an Unreal 1 player it's difficult to ignore Epic's disdain for the community over the years in so many instances one after another, this being the biggest middle finger so far. We've been modding, curating, mapping, supporting and playing their debut Unreal (and engine) title that basically helped put them on the map since 1998 with no thanks, appreciation or recognition (and will continue to keep the community an experience we love alive).
Even though i'm not so much of a fan of UT2004, I do hope those guys are able to find some means to keep playing multiplayer through community masterservers (if i recall i think they might have).
If they have any decency or respect, Epic would at the very least make the game's they're delisting free and hosted elsewhere since the publishing costs are obviously too much for a multi-billion dollar company.
for Unreal Gold, UT99, and UT2004 to make those games much easier for the community to support.