It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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MysterD: Okay, let's say the FTC basically ran Epic down for the MTX's, so Epic has to take MP aspects out of their games and/or pull the servers.

So, Unreal 1, 2, UT, and UT 2004 really ain't laced w/ MTX', maybe they should just sell single-player only version of these games? Will FTC allow the games then?

Granted, that probably removes 1/2 of the point of many of these games (i.e. the Multiplayer) - that's if anyone's even playing them anymore in this era - but at least these games have solo offline components.

Unreal: Gold and Unreal 2 actually have legit single-player campaigns with no MTX's.
UT99 and UT2004 now have community servers to replace the ones that Epic is shutting down.

See to configure them for those two games.
MysterD: Okay, let's say the FTC basically ran Epic down for the MTX's, so Epic has to take MP aspects out of their games and/or pull the servers.

So, Unreal 1, 2, UT, and UT 2004 really ain't laced w/ MTX', maybe they should just sell single-player only version of these games? Will FTC allow the games then?

Granted, that probably removes 1/2 of the point of many of these games (i.e. the Multiplayer) - that's if anyone's even playing them anymore in this era - but at least these games have solo offline components.

Unreal: Gold and Unreal 2 actually have legit single-player campaigns with no MTX's.
The Unreal franchise does not have any microtransactions, of course, but the heavy handed clause which the FTC are invoking with COPPA is the notion that an age rating won't prevent underage users from playing them. This is infact not legal use of COPPA, but as Epic were recently found guilty of the 'dark pattern' MTX designs in Fortnite, I don't think they feel in a strong position to challenge that part of the FTC's punishment that involves either 'update or comply' these games without parental controls.

It sets a very scary precedent that apparently an age rating may not be enough anymore, meaning there is a chance that they could attempt to go after other titles next just by having mature ratings.
So what now? We're going to have to show ID to get UT or similar games?
Wait, this is actually horrendous. If this sets a precedent....

"Hey, that 25 year old game has no safeguards other than age rating to stop minors from playing it. Either spend millions to fix that or pull them from sale."

If other publishers see a threat in this, we might potentially be looking at a mass purge of old games.
I'm happy I bought these here and on disc too but this entire situation is crazy. We'll just have to wait and see what happens honestly.
TheBigCore: So if I understand this correctly, Epic needs to add COPPA-compliant parental controls on the Unreal games and that would allow Epic to reinstate those games on GOG, Steam, etc?
EnforcerSentinel: From what I understand yes, or it may be that OldUnreal will have to do it for them, communications between Epic and OldUnreal are still open anyway.

But the other problem is that this sets a very bad precedent. They're essentially making an example out of Epic in this case, but one could wonder if they may attempt to go after other mature titles too in the name of COPPA, which by itself can be over arching even without the non legal way which the FTC used it.
So because a completely unrelated game breaks some idiotic government regulation, Unreal players have to suffer?
Post edited January 22, 2023 by TheBigCore
There's at a solution now, through the use of the OpenSpy project.
And games are still not back.
But than again. Now and than you hear about big companies winning or losing a trial that you had forgotten about because it all started 5+ years ago.
It may take some time before the games are back if at all.
high rated
heads up, folks!
from OldUnreal's Discord:

A message from OldUnreal:

@everyone With Epic's permission, we have an important message for everyone who is having trouble locating the installation files for Unreal or Unreal Tournament or wants to try the games for the first time.

We recommend that you download the games as follows:
- Download an image of the **original** game disc from That means for Unreal Tournament or for Unreal.
ℹ️ For technically adept people who wish to verify the authenticity of the disc images. The hashes for the UT iso are e5127537f44086f5ed36a9d29f992c00 (MD5) and 3f13d8a88620324f1cbf0a33029fc1d76c912821 (SHA1). The hashes for the Unreal iso are 84d6b80125ab745644c269bb44e5ae39 (MD5) and 1957ece469b32bcdcd3ec9079407907e6b4b88cb (SHA1) ℹ️
⚠️ **Please do not instruct people to download other game disc images or distributions. The ones listed in this post are the only ones we approve!** ⚠️

<:BCLight:230408246941319168> Then, to install the games on **Windows** systems: <:BCLight:230408246941319168>
- Download the latest OldUnreal patch for Windows systems from GitHub. That means for Unreal Tournament and for Unreal. We will update these links when the new patches are out.
- Mount the disc and run the installer
- Extract the patch into your game folder (if you downloaded the zip version of the patch) or run the patch executable (if you downloaded the exe version)

<:BCLight:230408246941319168> To install the games on **Linux** systems: <:BCLight:230408246941319168> :
- Install Lutris
- Run the Lutris install script for the game you downloaded. We recommend using the "Play 'Unreal' CD edition on Linux!" installer for Unreal ( and the "Play 'Unreal Tournament (1999)' CD edition on Linux!" installer for Unreal Tournament (

<:BCLight:230408246941319168>To install the games on **macOS** systems (this is too complicated right now. We are working on a more elegant solution!): <:BCLight:230408246941319168>
- Open a new Finder window
- Press ⇧⌘G to bring up the "Go to folder:" dialog
- Enter "~/Library/Application Support/" (without the quotes!) in the edit box and click ok
- Within the ~/Library/Application Support/ folder, create a new folder called "Unreal Tournament" (without the quotes!) if you want to install Unreal Tournament or "Unreal" (without the quotes!) if you want to install Unreal
- Mount the game disc by double-clicking the iso
- Copy the Maps, Sounds, Textures, and Music folders from the game disc into the folder you just created. Do not copy the System folder!
- If you are installing Unreal Tournament, then open the Textures folder and delete the "LadderFonts.utx" and "UWindowFonts.utx files.
- Download our latest patch from GitHub. That means for Unreal Tournament and for Unreal.
- Double-click the patch dmg file and drag the application bundle into the application folder
- Finally, if you are installing Unreal Tournament, open a terminal window and run the following commands:
for file in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/Maps/*.uz; do /Applications/ decompress $file; done
mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/System/*.unr ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/Maps/
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/System/*.uz
- All Done!
LynXsh: heads up, folks!
from OldUnreal's Discord:

A message from OldUnreal:

@everyone With Epic's permission, we have an important message for everyone who is having trouble locating the installation files for Unreal or Unreal Tournament or wants to try the games for the first time.

We recommend that you download the games as follows:
- Download an image of the **original** game disc from That means for Unreal Tournament or for Unreal.
ℹ️ For technically adept people who wish to verify the authenticity of the disc images. The hashes for the UT iso are e5127537f44086f5ed36a9d29f992c00 (MD5) and 3f13d8a88620324f1cbf0a33029fc1d76c912821 (SHA1). The hashes for the Unreal iso are 84d6b80125ab745644c269bb44e5ae39 (MD5) and 1957ece469b32bcdcd3ec9079407907e6b4b88cb (SHA1) ℹ️
⚠️ **Please do not instruct people to download other game disc images or distributions. The ones listed in this post are the only ones we approve!** ⚠️

<:BCLight:230408246941319168> Then, to install the games on **Windows** systems: <:BCLight:230408246941319168>
- Download the latest OldUnreal patch for Windows systems from GitHub. That means for Unreal Tournament and for Unreal. We will update these links when the new patches are out.
- Mount the disc and run the installer
- Extract the patch into your game folder (if you downloaded the zip version of the patch) or run the patch executable (if you downloaded the exe version)

<:BCLight:230408246941319168> To install the games on **Linux** systems: <:BCLight:230408246941319168> :
- Install Lutris
- Run the Lutris install script for the game you downloaded. We recommend using the "Play 'Unreal' CD edition on Linux!" installer for Unreal ( and the "Play 'Unreal Tournament (1999)' CD edition on Linux!" installer for Unreal Tournament (

<:BCLight:230408246941319168>To install the games on **macOS** systems (this is too complicated right now. We are working on a more elegant solution!): <:BCLight:230408246941319168>
- Open a new Finder window
- Press ⇧⌘G to bring up the "Go to folder:" dialog
- Enter "~/Library/Application Support/" (without the quotes!) in the edit box and click ok
- Within the ~/Library/Application Support/ folder, create a new folder called "Unreal Tournament" (without the quotes!) if you want to install Unreal Tournament or "Unreal" (without the quotes!) if you want to install Unreal
- Mount the game disc by double-clicking the iso
- Copy the Maps, Sounds, Textures, and Music folders from the game disc into the folder you just created. Do not copy the System folder!
- If you are installing Unreal Tournament, then open the Textures folder and delete the "LadderFonts.utx" and "UWindowFonts.utx files.
- Download our latest patch from GitHub. That means for Unreal Tournament and for Unreal.
- Double-click the patch dmg file and drag the application bundle into the application folder
- Finally, if you are installing Unreal Tournament, open a terminal window and run the following commands:
for file in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/Maps/*.uz; do /Applications/ decompress $file; done
mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/System/*.unr ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/Maps/
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/System/*.uz
- All Done!
ппц ёпт
osm: ппц ёпт
м? щито такои?
hmmm? what's wrong?
osm: ппц ёпт
LynXsh: м? щито такои?
hmmm? what's wrong?
лутрисы дичь для дебилов
а так ничо

//идешь на гитхаб олданриал берёшь дистриб играешь. Зачем ЭТА портянка тем более лутрисы хз
Post edited November 03, 2024 by osm
мде. культура из всех щелей, канеш...

just a copy\paste of the official announcement. as is. for everyone. even those using Lutris.
LynXsh: мде. культура из всех щелей, канеш...

just a copy\paste of the official announcement. as is. for everyone. even those using Lutris.
чувак, это Интернет - тут могут и на *** послать.

я же бесплатно сказал как надо играть на Линуксах. Хауту на их странице гитхаб кстати я пейсал. Всего.

ЗЫ в твоей портянке есть и плюс - ссыль на раздачу дисков на архиве. Это полезное. Оставь только это.

PPS а этот **аный лутрис (я не поленился пройти по ссылке) предлагает ставить говно 25 летней свежести замешивая с какими-то ещё либами рендеров по пути, тоже давно протухшими. Что впрочем совершенно типично для этих "удобных" сервисов от васянов.
СПАСИБО ЧТО ТЫ ЗАПОСТИЛ ЭТО каэш. Но разочарую, в мире информация о игре на Линукс в старые/апдейтнутые игры и так состоит из подобных "советов". Так шо ты не уникален, хнык.
Post edited November 03, 2024 by osm
Apparently Epic just let Old Unreal host an installer for Unreal Gold and UT for free on

While it's good news, I don't think I'll be accepting it as an apology, they should have done this immediately, instead of take about 2 years to reach a solution.

In pretty hilarious irony, Half Life had it's 25th anniversary, and Valve embraced it better, and everyone was hyped over a game from 1998 again.

What did Unreal get? Nothing, just swept under the rug.

And of course there's still the issue of Unreal, UT 2k4 and UT 3 still being gone.