LynXsh: heads up, folks!
from OldUnreal's Discord:
A message from OldUnreal:
@everyone With Epic's permission, we have an important message for everyone who is having trouble locating the installation files for Unreal or Unreal Tournament or wants to try the games for the first time.
We recommend that you download the games as follows:
- Download an image of the **original** game disc from That means for Unreal Tournament or for Unreal.
ℹ️ For technically adept people who wish to verify the authenticity of the disc images. The hashes for the UT iso are e5127537f44086f5ed36a9d29f992c00 (MD5) and 3f13d8a88620324f1cbf0a33029fc1d76c912821 (SHA1). The hashes for the Unreal iso are 84d6b80125ab745644c269bb44e5ae39 (MD5) and 1957ece469b32bcdcd3ec9079407907e6b4b88cb (SHA1) ℹ️
⚠️ **Please do not instruct people to download other game disc images or distributions. The ones listed in this post are the only ones we approve!** ⚠️
<:BCLight:230408246941319168> Then, to install the games on **Windows** systems: <:BCLight:230408246941319168>
- Download the latest OldUnreal patch for Windows systems from GitHub. That means for Unreal Tournament and for Unreal. We will update these links when the new patches are out.
- Mount the disc and run the installer
- Extract the patch into your game folder (if you downloaded the zip version of the patch) or run the patch executable (if you downloaded the exe version)
<:BCLight:230408246941319168> To install the games on **Linux** systems: <:BCLight:230408246941319168> :
- Install Lutris
- Run the Lutris install script for the game you downloaded. We recommend using the "Play 'Unreal' CD edition on Linux!" installer for Unreal ( and the "Play 'Unreal Tournament (1999)' CD edition on Linux!" installer for Unreal Tournament (
<:BCLight:230408246941319168>To install the games on **macOS** systems (this is too complicated right now. We are working on a more elegant solution!): <:BCLight:230408246941319168>
- Open a new Finder window
- Press ⇧⌘G to bring up the "Go to folder:" dialog
- Enter "~/Library/Application Support/" (without the quotes!) in the edit box and click ok
- Within the ~/Library/Application Support/ folder, create a new folder called "Unreal Tournament" (without the quotes!) if you want to install Unreal Tournament or "Unreal" (without the quotes!) if you want to install Unreal
- Mount the game disc by double-clicking the iso
- Copy the Maps, Sounds, Textures, and Music folders from the game disc into the folder you just created. Do not copy the System folder!
- If you are installing Unreal Tournament, then open the Textures folder and delete the "LadderFonts.utx" and "UWindowFonts.utx files.
- Download our latest patch from GitHub. That means for Unreal Tournament and for Unreal.
- Double-click the patch dmg file and drag the application bundle into the application folder
- Finally, if you are installing Unreal Tournament, open a terminal window and run the following commands:
for file in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/Maps/*.uz; do /Applications/ decompress $file; done
mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/System/*.unr ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/Maps/
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/System/*.uz
- All Done!