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You could just imagine how excited I was when I opened my email today and finally saw a subject line that addressed my queries to a discount for the expansion pass on par with those who waited for the GOTY.
But then certain red flags started to show immediately.

First off, why is it for a limited time only? This is a rhetorical question, it's so that they can squeeze the money out of people on the fence by creating a false immediacy...first bad move GOG.

Secondly, a paltry 35% off single dlc packages and still no overall discount on the expansion pass..strike two.

Wow GOG, just wow! So your company's answer was to set an upgrade price at 19.48?!
A whopping 35%! That would still bring the grand total for all of us original purchasers to:
Those who got early discounts for pre-ordering:

Those who paid full price after the early discount:


Thanks so much for another sign you just don't care about keeping loyal customers!
Never buying early release from this company again!
Post edited December 02, 2016 by Gogmandala
Well, to be fair, the value of base W3 game did diminish with time, like with anything in tech world. Newer and arguably better games came out. So buying the 2 expansions at 35% discount works nicely, or you can wait for deeper discounts that will sure to come later. And as a wise man said: never pre-order games, just wait for goty/complete etc edition of the game to get the best bang for the buck.

Don't expect the pass to go on sale, I think GOG will just slash it's price permanently at some point when it'll become irrelevant. At least W3 DLCs go on sale, unlike a certain Bioware franchise whose DLCs sell for special points that practically never go on sale.
Post edited November 30, 2016 by anzial
19.88$ for both expansions is a good price i think. And as i currently only own the witcher 3 base game, i'm probably gonna take advantage of this offer. I do however fully agree with you that it's really weird that the expansion pass still isn't on sale and only the individual expansions.
Fenixp: This is all rather simple: If you want a game cheap, wait. If you want the game quickly, you won't get it cheap.
It's not just a case of being impatient and wanting the DLC quick and cheap though is it? Hearts of Stone has been out for over a year and it's only 25% off...
Fenixp: Is it now possible to get GOTY edition for only marginal increase of price over season pass? Yes, it is. This is not exactly unexpected tho, considering about 90% of games with DLC or expansions get similar treatment.
True, Star Wars Battlefront is a great example on Origin. Bizarely, the 'season pass' was almost twice the price of the 'ultimate edition' in the last sale.

DLC is obviously always a cash grab and tends to be punitive to early adopters, that is how the games industry maximises their profit. Enthusiasts will buy early no matter what, and probably won't kick up a fuss when they are offered a poor upgrade deal.

Still, CDPR has been lauded by doing things differently, but their pricing strategy on TW3 DLC has lumped them right in with the status quo.
Post edited December 02, 2016 by quarksoup
Complaints about the weird (present) pricing of the Expansion Pass are, in my view, valid. (This weirdness is temporarily somewhat set right by the offer to upgrade to the GOTY version for $20 for another 17 hours.)
Complaints about the game industry for overpricing DLCs are valid, too.

However, complaints about GOG/CDPR not honoring their "early buyers" are absolutely ridiculous and angry posts regarding this are childish, because they do not take the TIME factor into consideration - as it's been said before.

You buy a game at its launch = you start playing early = you pay a higher price.
You buy a game later = you don't get to play early = you pay a lower price.

There is nothing wrong with this. I bought the Witcher for $1 at a sale about 2 years ago some 8 years after its original release. I got all the goodies, the Enhanced Edition, everything for 1 buck - yay! - and I only had to "wait" 7-8 years. Now, would potential complaints of customers who bought it at the original price in late 2007 be valid? I hardly think so. Is CDPR to be criticized for this pricing? Hardly think so. Is it unfair treatment of their early customers? Nope.

Similarly, why would GOG be responsible for other distributors' pricing? What if the game is cheaper on Steam or Amazon? If you don't mind the DRM, go ahead and buy it there. I personally rather pay a higher price here at GOG than elsewhere if I know that the game is DRM-free.
Post edited December 02, 2016 by ahora
MrFob9138: As owner of the base game, do I get anything from the GOTY or the expension pass that I do not get by simply buying the two DLCs individually?
(because if not, I might as well do the latter.)
anzial: Nothing according to GOG but modders say that GOTY is not the same as base+expansion pass (or 2 expansions). Apparently, some lines of code in GOTY make mods made for the non-goty game incompatible with the former.
Well GOG is now offering a free upgrade to GOTY if you own the base + 2 DLCs which is good news if you had any reservations :)
Gogmandala: You could just imagine how excited I was when I opened my email today and finally saw a subject line that addressed my queries to a discount for the expansion pass on par with those who waited for the GOTY.
But then certain red flags started to show immediately.

First off, why is it for a limited time only? This is a rhetorical question, it's so that they can squeeze the money out of people on the fence by creating a false immediacy...first bad move GOG.

Secondly, a paltry 35% off single dlc packages and still no overall discount on the expansion pass..strike two.
When was the discount? It must have been really limited time because I never saw it and received no emails about it.
I guess Gogmandala refers to the 2 day limited promotion discount for both expansions.
Post edited December 04, 2016 by Unkalibriert
Unkalibriert: I guess Gogmandala refers to the 2 day limited promotion discount for both expansions.
Ah, yeah, I see where it is mentioned in there. It is a start, but when it is more limited in time and still significantly less of a discount than is given to people who had never purchased the base game at all...well, I guess we have a little way to go yet. :)

Still, I do like that GOG is listening at all. The fact peolpe get the GOTY added to their accounts when they have all the DLC is a very good move.
Post edited December 04, 2016 by tanek
Unkalibriert: I guess Gogmandala refers to the 2 day limited promotion discount for both expansions.
Damn, annoyed I missed that. Anyway I'm just going to bite the bullet get both of the DLC at 25% off. It's not a great discount but Shadow Warrior and Shadwrun Dragonfall sweeten the deal.

Good news for everyone else though because I can 100% guarantee that soon after I buy them the expansion pass will receive a nice drop to the base price!
Finally a really good discount. Thanks GOG!
quarksoup: Damn, annoyed I missed that. Anyway I'm just going to bite the bullet get both of the DLC at 25% off. It's not a great discount but Shadow Warrior and Shadwrun Dragonfall sweeten the deal.

Good news for everyone else though because I can 100% guarantee that soon after I buy them the expansion pass will receive a nice drop to the base price!
You were right, Expansion Pass is now on discount on GOG Store
Post edited December 23, 2016 by monterrey4ever
quarksoup: Damn, annoyed I missed that. Anyway I'm just going to bite the bullet get both of the DLC at 25% off. It's not a great discount but Shadow Warrior and Shadwrun Dragonfall sweeten the deal.

Good news for everyone else though because I can 100% guarantee that soon after I buy them the expansion pass will receive a nice drop to the base price!
monterrey4ever: You were right, Expansion Pass is now on discount on GOG Store
A nice discount too! Completely inevitable.. you're welcome guys. ;)

Have to admit it came sooner than I anticipated (who'd have thought another sale in 2016 after the winter sale?!)
Post edited December 24, 2016 by quarksoup
Better late than never I guess.
monterrey4ever: You were right, Expansion Pass is now on discount on GOG Store
quarksoup: A nice discount too! Completely inevitable.. you're welcome guys. ;)

Have to admit it came sooner than I anticipated (who'd have thought another sale in 2016 after the winter sale?!)
Well, I guess I managed to miss it again. >.<
Just to punish myself a bit more, can I ask what the sale price was?