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I also think it's a little strange the base game, dlc's and complete edition are on sale all the time but the expansion pass never is.
Simple math: (currency included since the last poster called it bs)

I orignally paid $47.99 US Dollars for the base game with it's dlc program (now included in the GOTY version, so that doesn't really provide any extra value or benefits at this point).

The cheapest price on GOG of the exapnsion pass has ever been $24.99; however inexplicably Steam sold it for less during one of their sales last year (as noted above).

Total I would pay for the base game and all dlc is $72.98!!!

The GOTY with all base game and dlc is $39.99

The total price ALL customers who originally supported this game is a whopping $32.99 more!!!


Yeah go ahead and argue it's the base game being sold at such a steep discount, but the bundled rate shows an obscene savings and an obvious bias to those who waited.

I am done arguing my point, I will never ever never prepurchase a game here for any promised bells and whistles and crap I don't need because the bottom line is I got ripped off by not waiting.

Until GOG decides to do what they should know is right, I'm done making any future purchases.

I could have went to other vendors, but no I decided to support GOG directly and now feel very burnt for trying to support a company that produced the game, how does this teach anyone to support your company and not go elsewhere for their purchasing needs?!

Also, to those of you thinking about posting that you would gladly overspend again because this game is so amazingly great, this is not what the discussion is about. Goody gumdrops for you for wanting to give GOG all your money but this is not what many of us wish to do.
Post edited October 24, 2016 by Gogmandala
Gogmandala: Simple math:

I orignally paid 47.99 for the base game with it's dlc program (now included in the GOTY version, so that doesn't really provide any extra value or benefits at this point).

The cheapest price on GOG of the exapnsion pass has ever been 24.99; however inexplicably Steam sold it for less during one of their sales last year (as noted above).

Total I would pay for the base game and all dlc is 72.98!!!

The GOTY with all base game and dlc is 39.99

The total price ALL customers who originally supported this game is a whopping $32.99 more!!!
Don't talk utter bullshit. The prices are (Pounds Sterling):

W3 - £16.69
Expansion Pack - £19.99
Total: £36.68

W3 - £16.69
HoS - £6.79
B&W - £13.59
Total: £37.07

W3 GOTY - £27.99

Differences from GOTY: £8.69 (via Expansion Pack) and £9.08 (via Individual DLCs)

Edit: Oh, and for your information, the W3 base game is dearer on Steam, and the expansion pass and GOTY are exactly the same price as GOG.
Post edited October 24, 2016 by Hickory
I still fail to see how pre-purchasing the game entitles you to a discount. GOG made it clear what you would get by pre-ordering the game on this platform, which, at the time, included a free game and a steep discount for owning the previous Witcher titles.

As for paying more for buying it early: That's usually how that works. Pay more and play on day 1 or wait for the prices to come down while avoiding spoilers left and right.
Post edited October 24, 2016 by k4ZE106
k4ZE106: I still fail to see how pre-purchasing the game entitles you to a discount. GOG made it clear what you would get by pre-ordering the game on this platform, which, at the time, included a free game and a steep discount for owning the previous Witcher titles.

As for paying more for buying it early: That's usually how that works. Pay more and play on day 1 or wait for the prices to come down while avoiding spoilers left and right.
Dosen't matter, it's more a point of loyalty of the customer and the sense of consideration that gog give to them, or not

gog/cd project red fucked up on Witcher 3 dlc and goty edition, while other company give things for free like larian studio with divinity original sin free upgrade to enchanded edition, plus both past witcher games got upgraded for free

Now they refuse to give the upgrade even to people who brought the full game + expansions, despite many attempt to ask why, they diden't even asnwered, apparently customer care is irrelevant to them

As i said before, it's of no matter, they lost customers and continue to do so, while platform like steam despite their bull, actually discounted even the expansion separately, here on gog we don't even get answer

This is bad marketing no matter how you look at it, because, within reason, the customer is always right, remember that phrase?

There a a reason to it, a perfectly logical one, and talking about who get what first an later will not help any in this case. The facts remain

- Steam discounted the expansion pass while gog not

- GOG/Cd project refused to answer why we could not get upgrade to goty edition despite having already purchased the expansion pass

- Any request of clarification was outright ignored, making any supporting customer feel like a bloody idiot

This make any customer in such condition say "Fuck gog, i will not buy from them again*"

Add this mess plus nonfunctional galaxy, and you have a recipe for a marketing disaster, entitlement has nothing to do with it, it's just plain old marketing, and gog is sucking at it, badly

*Or at least till the goty edition come out, of course this means that less people will buy the game first and less money for the developer
Yet another amazing GOTY sale and yet again at 29.99, a crappy sale on dlc! Oooo wow, the invidual dlc adds up to $2.51!!

Thanks for listening GOG!

Never again buying prerelease hype from you again.

Do what's right and give us a fair deal!
Post edited November 04, 2016 by Gogmandala
Wow, another sale, and still no expansion pass discount. It's currently cheaper to buy the D:C separately which begs the question, why even bother having an expansion pass?

In the fall sale, the price of GOTY edition is now only £1 (in my region, UK) more than the expansion pass on it's own.

Yep, somebody walking into the the franchise who never supported the game can get the base game + all DLC for about the same price as somebody who just wants to upgrade the DLC having already paid full price.

This amounts to nothing short of contempt towards existing fans.
quarksoup: Wow, another sale, and still no expansion pass discount. It's currently cheaper to buy the D:C separately which begs the question, why even bother having an expansion pass?

In the fall sale, the price of GOTY edition is now only £1 (in my region, UK) more than the expansion pass on it's own.

Yep, somebody walking into the the franchise who never supported the game can get the base game + all DLC for about the same price as somebody who just wants to upgrade the DLC having already paid full price.

This amounts to nothing short of contempt towards existing fans.

Please provide a discount to the expansion pass to make viable for us base game owners.

I tweeted GoG account.. maybe if enough people tweeted this.. we may get enough attention from them.
In Russia Witcher 3 GOTY is 899 rubles and Witcher 3 expansion pass is 999 rubles (that's a lot - Shadow Warrior 2 is 699 rubles). Why are we early adopters who preordered Witcher 3 long before release are punished with such prohibitive price on expansion pass? Do you really want us to never preorder games from CDP again, and to wait for GOTY sale?
Fix the damn price on expansion pass, it's ridiculous!
abr_alex: In Russia Witcher 3 GOTY is 899 rubles and Witcher 3 expansion pass is 999 rubles (that's a lot - Shadow Warrior 2 is 699 rubles). Why are we early adopters who preordered Witcher 3 long before release are punished with such prohibitive price on expansion pass? Do you really want us to never preorder games from CDP again, and to wait for GOTY sale?
Fix the damn price on expansion pass, it's ridiculous!
That is scandalous! Cheaper to effectively buy the game twice just to get the expansion.
abr_alex: In Russia Witcher 3 GOTY is 899 rubles and Witcher 3 expansion pass is 999 rubles (that's a lot - Shadow Warrior 2 is 699 rubles). Why are we early adopters who preordered Witcher 3 long before release are punished with such prohibitive price on expansion pass? Do you really want us to never preorder games from CDP again, and to wait for GOTY sale?
Fix the damn price on expansion pass, it's ridiculous!
quarksoup: That is scandalous! Cheaper to effectively buy the game twice just to get the expansion.
Not gonna happen. GOG in this regard follows the time honored tradition of overpricing DLCs, like Steam, Origin, Uplay and so on. Everyone and their grandmothers sell GOTYs cheaper than the DLC packs. Nothing new here, just buy GOTY and enjoy the expansion pack. "sell" the original game to someone lol ;)
Well,at least here in the US during the current sale it's like this:
GOTY is $29.99
Expension Pass: $24.99

Heart of Stone: $7.49
Blood & Wine: $14.99
Meaning both DLCs together: $22.48

Now here is my question: As owner of the base game, do I get anything from the GOTY or the expension pass that I do not get by simply buying the two DLCs individually?
(because if not, I might as well do the latter.)
MrFob9138: As owner of the base game, do I get anything from the GOTY or the expension pass that I do not get by simply buying the two DLCs individually?
(because if not, I might as well do the latter.)
Nothing according to GOG but modders say that GOTY is not the same as base+expansion pass (or 2 expansions). Apparently, some lines of code in GOTY make mods made for the non-goty game incompatible with the former.
MrFob9138: As owner of the base game, do I get anything from the GOTY or the expension pass that I do not get by simply buying the two DLCs individually?
(because if not, I might as well do the latter.)
anzial: Nothing according to GOG but modders say that GOTY is not the same as base+expansion pass (or 2 expansions). Apparently, some lines of code in GOTY make mods made for the non-goty game incompatible with the former.
Where is the evidence for this... fairy tale?
quarksoup: That is scandalous! Cheaper to effectively buy the game twice just to get the expansion.
anzial: Not gonna happen. GOG in this regard follows the time honored tradition of overpricing DLCs, like Steam, Origin, Uplay and so on. Everyone and their grandmothers sell GOTYs cheaper than the DLC packs. Nothing new here, just buy GOTY and enjoy the expansion pack. "sell" the original game to someone lol ;)
The was an exception to this. Shadow of Mordor had a fairly decent price on an upgrade to their GOTY edition. Granted, they still have the DLC out there sold individually and the pricing on those makes no sense at all (buying the DLC individually costs more than twice the price of the GOTY edition, and some of the DLC costs exactly as much as the upgrade anyway), but at least there are options.
This is why I'm probably willing to get Shadow of Mordor 2 when it comes out, but I'm not going anywhere near Dishonored 2 until they release a full edition.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by tanek