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anzial: Nothing according to GOG but modders say that GOTY is not the same as base+expansion pass (or 2 expansions). Apparently, some lines of code in GOTY make mods made for the non-goty game incompatible with the former.
Hickory: Where is the evidence for this... fairy tale?
Instead of being smartass, try to be smart at least once in a while. A simple google yields this informative webpage:
anzial: Not gonna happen. GOG in this regard follows the time honored tradition of overpricing DLCs, like Steam, Origin, Uplay and so on. Everyone and their grandmothers sell GOTYs cheaper than the DLC packs. Nothing new here, just buy GOTY and enjoy the expansion pack. "sell" the original game to someone lol ;)
tanek: The was an exception to this. Shadow of Mordor had a fairly decent price on an upgrade to their GOTY edition. Granted, they still have the DLC out there sold individually and the pricing on those makes no sense at all (buying the DLC individually costs more than twice the price of the GOTY edition, and some of the DLC costs exactly as much as the upgrade anyway), but at least there are options.
This is why I'm probably willing to get Shadow of Mordor 2 when it comes out, but I'm not going anywhere near Dishonored 2 until they release a full edition.
Keyword is exception. GOG so far is trying to make money out of DLCs just like any other retailer. The fact the expansion pass never goes on sale here (even though individual expansions do) speaks volumes.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by anzial
Hickory: Where is the evidence for this... fairy tale?
anzial: Instead of being smartass, try to be smart at least once in a while. A simple google yields this informative webpage:
An amateur Nexus modder saying scripts have changed is no evidence, fool.
anzial: Nothing according to GOG but modders say that GOTY is not the same as base+expansion pass (or 2 expansions). Apparently, some lines of code in GOTY make mods made for the non-goty game incompatible with the former.
There's much more likely a difference in how content is loaded between GOTY and non-GOTY editions more than anything actually worthwhile, cosidering GOTY version has access to all content guaranteed whereas non-GOTY version... Well, doesn't. Which could easily screw up some mods. I mean, it would be sloppy on part of CDP to leave in an oversight like that, but it does just seem like a bug.
anzial: Nothing according to GOG but modders say that GOTY is not the same as base+expansion pass (or 2 expansions). Apparently, some lines of code in GOTY make mods made for the non-goty game incompatible with the former.
Fenixp: There's much more likely a difference in how content is loaded between GOTY and non-GOTY editions more than anything actually worthwhile, cosidering GOTY version has access to all content guaranteed whereas non-GOTY version... Well, doesn't. Which could easily screw up some mods. I mean, it would be sloppy on part of CDP to leave in an oversight like that, but it does just seem like a bug.
well, that's just another explanation but the point stands that goty and non-goty W3 are different. Hopefully developer will get off their asses and fix it finally, and maybe then non-goty owners of expansions will automatically get goty (or at least it'll be easier)
anzial: the point stands that goty and non-goty W3 are different.
Damn, how stupid can one person get!?
This is rather frustrating. I enjoyed The Witcher 3 and would like to buy the DLC. However I refuse to buy them at full price so long after release. It really is a kick in the teeth that I would have been far better off not supporting The Witcher 3 on release and waiting for GOTY edition instead.

However it is the same issue for pretty much every game with DLC. It is the reason why I often just don't end up buying the DLC for games I enjoy, unless I happen to be late to the party and buying the GOTY version.

Oh well, I guess I just won't be getting the DLC for this game either.
Nil_By_Mouth: This is rather frustrating. I enjoyed The Witcher 3 and would like to buy the DLC. However I refuse to buy them at full price so long after release. It really is a kick in the teeth that I would have been far better off not supporting The Witcher 3 on release and waiting for GOTY edition instead.
You're far better off not supporting -any- game on release and buying it years down the line. You get a fully patched experience for fraction of the price, even if there's no DLC whatsoever. However, the GOTY currently costs 30 eur for us Europeans (apparently 44 NZD?) you get about 10 hours of Hearts of Stone + 20 hours of Blood and Wine minimum. That's a pretty damn sweet deal for what essentially accounts to two full-fledged game using the same engine.
Nil_By_Mouth: This is rather frustrating. I enjoyed The Witcher 3 and would like to buy the DLC. However I refuse to buy them at full price so long after release. It really is a kick in the teeth that I would have been far better off not supporting The Witcher 3 on release and waiting for GOTY edition instead.
Fenixp: You're far better off not supporting -any- game on release and buying it years down the line. You get a fully patched experience for fraction of the price, even if there's no DLC whatsoever. However, the GOTY currently costs 30 eur for us Europeans (apparently 44 NZD?) you get about 10 hours of Hearts of Stone + 20 hours of Blood and Wine minimum. That's a pretty damn sweet deal for what essentially accounts to two full-fledged game using the same engine.
It is a great deal for the GOTY yea. But if you like some us already have the base game, it feels extremely punishing to early customers as the expansion pass is only about 4-5$ less than the GOTY
darthwise: if you like some us already have the base game, it feels extremely punishing to early customers
I am "some us (sic)", and it does not feel that way one iota. Some people are never happy.
darthwise: if you like some us already have the base game, it feels extremely punishing to early customers
Hickory: I am "some us (sic)", and it does not feel that way one iota. Some people are never happy.
That kind of argument only works when the person is claiming "everyone" feels like that. You don't get to say you are part of the group that feels a certain way when you are not.

Here is what I'd posted in another thread about the numbers. Whether or not you think the way DLC pricing is done is correct or whether the price is worth it, jumping in like you have done and/or just insulting people is not the way to make your case.

With the current sale, I took another look at the relative prices for the Witcher 3 DLC (or Expansion Pass) and the GOTY for people who currently only have the base game.

Witcher 3: $19.99
HoS DLC: $7.49
B&W DLC: $14.99
TOTAL: $42.47

Expansion Pass: $24.99
TOTAL w/ Expansion Pass: $44.98

GOTY Edition: $29.99

For anyone who has just the base game, there seem to be no good options, especially during sales. this has nothing to do with how much I paid for the game when it launched. It does not matter if that price was more than all the possible totals above. It only matters that the discrepancy in pricing now seems wrong.

If there were a way to upgrade to the GOTY for ~$15 during the sale (40% off the Expansion Pass), I'd jump on it. As it stands, though, I have a hard time looking at the numbers and seeing where it makes sense.
Hickory: I am "some us (sic)", and it does not feel that way one iota. Some people are never happy.
tanek: That kind of argument only works when the person is claiming "everyone" feels like that. You don't get to say you are part of the group that feels a certain way when you are not.
You need some lessons in comprehension. The poster said (edited to make sense): "If you, like some of us, already have the base game..." Well I *do* have the base game, so I 'do' get to say I am part of the group stated, so STFU.
darthwise: It is a great deal for the GOTY yea. But if you like some us already have the base game, it feels extremely punishing to early customers as the expansion pass is only about 4-5$ less than the GOTY
tanek: Here is what I'd posted in another thread about the numbers. Whether or not you think the way DLC pricing is done is correct or whether the price is worth it, jumping in like you have done and/or just insulting people is not the way to make your case.
That's not really how any of this works tho. When you're purchasing a game early, you should always know what you're buying into, and CDP has always been very clear about their pricing, from day 1 there was Season Pass for this very same price. You knew exactly what you're getting and that doesn't change in any way. This is all rather simple: If you want a game cheap, wait. If you want the game quickly, you won't get it cheap. Is it now possible to get GOTY edition for only marginal increase of price over season pass? Yes, it is. This is not exactly unexpected tho, considering about 90% of games with DLC or expansions get similar treatment.
tanek: That kind of argument only works when the person is claiming "everyone" feels like that. You don't get to say you are part of the group that feels a certain way when you are not.
Hickory: You need some lessons in comprehension. The poster said (edited to make sense): "If you, like some of us, already have the base game..." Well I *do* have the base game, so I 'do' get to say I am part of the group stated, so STFU.
You are correct, I misread and I apologize. Does not change that your attitude and your treatment of others is horrible, though. Have a nice day.

Fenixp: That's not really how any of this works tho. When you're purchasing a game early, you should always know what you're buying into, and CDP has always been very clear about their pricing, from day 1 there was Season Pass for this very same price. You knew exactly what you're getting and that doesn't change in any way. This is all rather simple: If you want a game cheap, wait. If you want the game quickly, you won't get it cheap. Is it now possible to get GOTY edition for only marginal increase of price over season pass? Yes, it is. This is not exactly unexpected tho, considering about 90% of games with DLC or expansions get similar treatment.
While it might be true that 90% of games treat DLC this way, maybe that should be seen as the problem and not the excuse to keep doing it. ;)

I agree with you that people who buy a game early should expect the price to drop over time. While there may be people out there who will complain that they paid so much more than the GOTY, that is not what I am doing. The GOTY being available for half the price of the base game at launch is fine. I am only looking at the case of buying the base game at launch, then getting the DLC later on. That will always be pricier than buying the full GOTY and I expect that. I just expected the difference to be a bit less than it is.

As for the developer being clear about prices from the start, the base game was $60. If it still sold for that amount when not on sale, I'd agree with you on the DLC pricing. But it doesn't.
Post edited November 09, 2016 by tanek
tanek: As for the developer being clear about prices from the start, the base game was $60. If it still sold for that amount when not on sale, I'd agree with you on the DLC pricing. But it doesn't.
Technically, DLCs are free for this title :) But yeah, I agree that publishers and retailers in general (and not just CDP/GOG) are quite greedy as far as DLCs/expansions are concerned, and which leads to such nonsense as GOTY/ultimate/complete etc editions cost close to price of expansions themselves (frequently less!), basically nullifying the cost of the base game, and essentially punishing early adopters of the game. So the best cost-saving strategy is to forgo buying the game at launch and wait for complete editions. Personally, the only reason I went for the base W3 was only because I got a terrific deal but waiting out for the GOTY would've made a lot more sense financially in pretty much any case.
Post edited November 09, 2016 by anzial
tanek: You are correct, I misread and I apologize.
Apology accepted.

Does not change that your attitude and your treatment of others is horrible, though. Have a nice day.
Stop bleating like a little baby. I say what I think; I call a spade a spade; I don't suffer fools lightly. If that upsets your (or anybody else's) tender sensibilities, that's your problem, not mine.