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That's cool to hear, but I have a request: could you pack the artwork by resolution so that we would need to download those files we really need? Even better yet would be a package in which only the files which have been altered are distributed -- it's both less problematic legally (probably no one's keen on suing anyone, but ...), more convenient to the end user, and would make it easier to provide mirrors. In fact, I began writing a PAK utility because I wanted to redistribute the patch in a more space-efficient manner, but now that you've announced the next version I guess I'll put that on hold.
zenger2.2: Hi, I'm _Zenger_ (I can't enter with my user right now)
Don't worry, I'll upload a new version soon, this new version will:
- support two new resolutions: 960x600 (if available), 1280x800
- The "visor/ no visor" option is now integrated as an option of the patch itself, so, there is no need anymore to download two different kind of files
- I think I caught (and fixed) that little slippery crash that was driving me crazy, I hope that there are no more crash problems, but I can't say that for sure, so, if It crashes, don't blame me :P

Brilliant! A +rep to you, sir!
I just got the game yesterday and I had to use "the other" 640x480 patch to get rid of the black bars around the screen. I have some other issues with it, so I'd really prefer your patch, especially as my machine can certainly handle the higher resolutions.
Post edited September 01, 2010 by Lehti
Hi, It's _Zenger_ again
GrondrKalir, funny that you say that because precisely in this new version of the patch I did just what you are saying, now the patch recreates the paks files in real time when installing the patch, so, the patch has only a custom file with the parts that have been altered.
The patch is now smaller in the internet, well, in theory, because since I've added two new resolutions It ended up with a size of 270 MB or so
Sadly, the files for each resolution are 99% new inside, and that files are the ones that raise the size of the patch so much, and there is nothing that I can't do about that, so the patch still is quite big
About what you say of packing the artwork by resolution, well, I also thought about that, there is one problem though, there are some files that are common to varios resolutions, so maybe It would be easier to make groups of resolutions, or, like I did with this patch, a group of common files and then groups of files for each resolution, I don't know, I have to think about that, well not only that, I've to decide what to do now, I'm going to write about that in a next message, so this one is not so big
Well, It's me (_Zenger_) again, I'd like to mumble a little XD, so, please feel free to ignore me XD
With this new patch I've readjusted the patch all over again, so I can now have access to higher resolutions than 1280x768 (up to 1920x1200), also, I've made some utilities that help me with the chores of adding new resolutions, so now, although there is still a lot of work to do each time I want to add a resolution, it's a little less horrible XD
By the way, there is a screenshot in 1920x1200 if you have curiosity (In my pc at 1 FPS XD)
BUT as always happens, with resolutions higher than 1280x800, new problems arise, and now they aren't crash problems (I hope that problems are solved, although I can't be sure of course), they are problems .. well... even deeper problems.
In fact I was going to put an end to this patch once and for all XD, because I had a problem that I wasn't able to fix, and honestly (I know, I know, I'm always saying the same thing) this is taking me too much time. But then yesterday I think I may found the solution to that new problem.
I've to test it more beacuse I may be wrong , but maybe I was able to fix it, but to fix this problem I've to do some things that I was trying to avoid and, making the game work well at resolutions higher than 1280x800 is going to need a lot of work (a lot lot XD) if I'm able to do it at all
This is a video of the problem if you have curiosity XD, First I thought it was some kind of clipping problem, but no
So, I've doubts, because I don't know if there is much point in doing this, I will test this problem more beacuse if it doesn't work well or another problem like this arise... well.. I give up XD. Then, if all seems to work well I'll think about it a little more.
If I'm writting this is to ask, what do yo think?, do you think this is worth it?, also, I don't know if there will be much people (if any) able to run the game in resolutions higher than 1280x800
By example, DreadMoth with an Intel QX9650 3GHz, overclocked to 3.6GHz, is able to run the game in 1280x768 at 30FPS, so I don't know in higher resolutions, with luck maybe in 1280x960 or 1280X1024.. but more than that...
For those that tried the patch (if any XD)... how does it work?, what is the perfomance?
Sorry for this long boring message XD, it was kind of talking to myself out loud, well, at least, if I finally give up this madness patch, You know why XD
zenger2.2: If I'm writting this is to ask, what do yo think?, do you think this is worth it?, also, I don't know if there will be much people (if any) able to run the game in resolutions higher than 1280x800
For those that tried the patch (if any XD)... how does it work?, what is the perfomance?

Personally I think 1024x768 is enough. I tried the higher resolutions of your original patch and didn't have any performance problems (couldn't get 1280x768 to work though) but it seemed as if the non-4:3-aspect resolutions had the top and bottom clipped (as opposed to widening the field of view). A working 16:10 patch with corrected aspect would be gorgeous but it's probably not worth the hassle -- judging by your comments it's already a lot of tedious work.

Personally I think 1024x768 is enough. I tried the higher resolutions of your original patch and didn't have any performance problems (couldn't get 1280x768 to work though) but it seemed as if the non-4:3-aspect resolutions had the top and bottom clipped (as opposed to widening the field of view). A working 16:10 patch with corrected aspect would be gorgeous but it's probably not worth the hassle -- judging by your comments it's already a lot of tedious work.

Thank You very much for your opinion GrondrKalir.
About what you say... I don't know if I understand You correctly sorry, correct me if I'm wrong.
You have a 16/10 monitor then?, and does it support 1280x768?, if it does, it is odd that the patch doesn't work
What do you mean with "clipped"?, that the image has black borders?. if I try to change the resolution in my 16/10 monitor to 1280x720 (16/9), my monitor try to adjust the image to that resolution and it puts a smaller image in the center of the monitor, so black borders also appear, but I can play at 1280x768 in full screen with no borders
Anyway, the patch I'm uploading now supports 1280x800, so You could try it to see how it looks
Oh, I almost forgot GrondrKalir, if you are having problems with the music you can try this instead of lowering down the hardware sound acceleration each time You want to play the game.
It's not a patch, It's more like a trick, you may try it to see how it works for you:
A new version of the patch is available to download
- Support two new resolutions: 960x600 (if available), 1280x800. The patch now asks the graphic card for the available resolutions, so if one or more resolutions don't appear in the list to choose, is because those resolutions aren't reported as available by the graphic card
- The "visor/ no visor" option is now integrated as an option of the patch itself, so, there is no need anymore to download two different kind of files
- I think I caught (and fixed) that little slippery crash that was driving me crazy, I hope that there are no more crash problems, but I can't say that for sure, so, if It crashes, don't blame me :P
Sometimes the link is unavailable for short periods of time. Sorry about that, I don't know why. Maybe that happens when the file has been downloaded a certain number of times. It it says temporarily unavailable please try again later:
You need to download both files, KERNEL and DATA, then extract them to the game directory and run the patch from there (There is a readme file that explains this)
Post edited September 01, 2010 by _Zenger_
_Zenger_: A new version of the patch is available to download

Thanks! Downloading now...
This is awesome, downloading now! Cant believe how good that screenshot looked!
Awesome. I have it downloaded and installed here at work. Just waiting to get off work so I can pack up my laptop and open up outcast. :D
Amazing... Thank you so much, _Zenger_! 1280x800 works perfectly and the game is beautiful!
GOG should really include this patch in their official package...
Zenger, I appreciate all the hard work you've put into the graphic and music patches! Your efforts have enabled me to play "Outcast" in full-screen mode and without garbled music. Thank you.
Thank you _Zenger_ for all that you have done for this game.
I recompressed the files using 7z compression and reuploaded them to my rapidshare premium account.
They should not be deleted unless it expires (but I always renew it).
Thanks again.
DATAV1.7z ≈ 130 MB
KERNELV2.7z ≈ 40 KB
Many thanks. Great work.
Post edited September 02, 2010 by dochtor