Posted November 14, 2010
high rated
Updated 24th April 2018
With massive thanks to The Amethyst Dragon, a legend in NWN, for doing all the work. An updated link list:
NathanBruha: Just posting updated links for some of the things listed in this thread, since most things have changed locations in the last 6 years.
--- Neverwinter Vault --- This community-created and maintained site is the central repository for new and old custom content. Adventure modules, new art assets, graphical overrides, you name it.
The IGN NWVault was shut down, but before that happened the vast majority of the content was rescued and can now be found at this new Vault. If you are looking for something that was on the old Vault, you can search for the title or ID number of that content on the new Vault.
The Neverwinter Vault is also home to the NWN and NWN2 community forums, where most people moved when EA/BioWare shut down their 2nd set of NWN forums.
--- Neverwinter Nights Community Site --- This site contains and links to a wealth of knowledge collected by the community since the game was released in 2002. If you are new to the game, or returning, this is a central place to start for players, DMs, module builders, and custom content makers.
--- Community Expansion Pack (CEP) --- The CEP is a massive collection of community-made content that builders can use to make modules and that players use to enjoy countless single-player and multi-player modules/servers.
I have been working on fixes and updates to the CEP since 2014, with the new versions remaining backward compatible (players with the newest version can play modules/servers made with previous versions back to CEP 2.1).
--- Project Q --- Project Q is another collection of community-made content that builders can use to make modules and that players use to enjoy more modules/servers. Some of the newer content in this package can be used to update modules that use default NWN art assets.
--- Hall of Fame Modules --- The community has created countless adventures, many vastly outshining the Original Campaign. This list links to some of the best produced over the years.
--- NWN Patches --- Some people are still having glitches with NWN Diamond downloaded from If you are, be sure to go to this site to get and run the English 1.69 Critical Rebuild (NWN + SoU + HotU).
--- Beamdog NWN:EE Forums --- Beamdog has been working on updating NWN (working with several community members) and they recently set up forums for broader community input and beta testing.
Well, I think this pretty much covers the biggest links for now. Enjoy.
-The Amethyst Dragon .............................................................
Updated 30th Oct 2011.
New info is highlighted by a keyword (in bold) to help you see what has changed.
NWN has been going a long long time and there is a huge knowledge base of articles and dedicated fans at the two (One now, but hopefully only a temprary thing) nwn Bioware site[s], NWNWiki, NWVault and the bioware guilds. I thought I could share a few of the more important links with everyone here at GOG. :)
Bioware NWN legacy forums are currently closed after a hacking attempt. Apparently they are still being worked on and hopefully they will be back in the future as there is a ton of information there. In the meantime, you can find an archive here. However the NWN community has new forums populated by many knowledgeable players, custom content creators, module builders and PW admins at the new bioware site tho. Bioware Soical Site:NWN
The hacked server was also the Master server so when going online you will see a error message about authentication. Don't worry about it. Let the message pass and continue as normal. :)
Potential server hosts who wish to know more about how to protect your players while the master server is down should go tp Securing Your Server Without Master Server Authentication
A new community site is underway with lots of useful info for players and builders alike.
NWNwiki has the most accurate information about the mechanics of the game and is maintained by a core group of dedicated fans so the info remains accurate. NWN wiki
This thread lists a wide variety of links to favourite overrides, console commands, useful tools and trciks and knowledge as suggested by the community. Many of these dramatically improve the appearance or graphics of the game so are well worth trying out. DO try some of these out! Add ons and tips from the NWN community (See what your fellow GOG players have to say about a few of them here
This guide, recently updated to include the GOG release, is tested and retested guide to installation. (The advice is relevant for Vista too, but the thread title is pretty long anyway now so I missed that bit out :) Guide to installing NWN1 for Win7 . The guide has been updated to include patch links to correct corrupt installs.
This guild offers discussion, advice and pre-built characters (with a power aspect) for lvl40, 30, 20 or anything you want really.They have also moved to NEW FORUMS with no game key registration required. Epic character builders guild
Search engine for character builds NWN Character Build Search and also at [url=]NWN Character Build Search[/url]. I believe the 2nd link has a larger database of builds at this time.
NWVault hosts over 4000 modules made by the community as well as thousands upon thousands of modifications, custom content, script changes... anything and everything basically.
NWVault front page
Modules that won Reviewer Awards
Links to all reviews by the NWVault Reviewers Guild
Hall of Fame modules
Top rated modules
The Academy for Modding Excellence gives out Oscar style awards for the best of the best. AME
Neverwinter connections is a fantastic matchmaking service for DMs and players to find each other for some DM led adventuring.
I hope you guys and girls find some of these useful.
have fun :)
p.s. Keep reading! Some great people here have posted other very useful links in this thread. :)
With massive thanks to The Amethyst Dragon, a legend in NWN, for doing all the work. An updated link list:

--- Neverwinter Vault --- This community-created and maintained site is the central repository for new and old custom content. Adventure modules, new art assets, graphical overrides, you name it.
The IGN NWVault was shut down, but before that happened the vast majority of the content was rescued and can now be found at this new Vault. If you are looking for something that was on the old Vault, you can search for the title or ID number of that content on the new Vault.
The Neverwinter Vault is also home to the NWN and NWN2 community forums, where most people moved when EA/BioWare shut down their 2nd set of NWN forums.
--- Neverwinter Nights Community Site --- This site contains and links to a wealth of knowledge collected by the community since the game was released in 2002. If you are new to the game, or returning, this is a central place to start for players, DMs, module builders, and custom content makers.
--- Community Expansion Pack (CEP) --- The CEP is a massive collection of community-made content that builders can use to make modules and that players use to enjoy countless single-player and multi-player modules/servers.
I have been working on fixes and updates to the CEP since 2014, with the new versions remaining backward compatible (players with the newest version can play modules/servers made with previous versions back to CEP 2.1).
--- Project Q --- Project Q is another collection of community-made content that builders can use to make modules and that players use to enjoy more modules/servers. Some of the newer content in this package can be used to update modules that use default NWN art assets.
--- Hall of Fame Modules --- The community has created countless adventures, many vastly outshining the Original Campaign. This list links to some of the best produced over the years.
--- NWN Patches --- Some people are still having glitches with NWN Diamond downloaded from If you are, be sure to go to this site to get and run the English 1.69 Critical Rebuild (NWN + SoU + HotU).
--- Beamdog NWN:EE Forums --- Beamdog has been working on updating NWN (working with several community members) and they recently set up forums for broader community input and beta testing.
Well, I think this pretty much covers the biggest links for now. Enjoy.
-The Amethyst Dragon
Updated 30th Oct 2011.
New info is highlighted by a keyword (in bold) to help you see what has changed.
NWN has been going a long long time and there is a huge knowledge base of articles and dedicated fans at the two (One now, but hopefully only a temprary thing) nwn Bioware site[s], NWNWiki, NWVault and the bioware guilds. I thought I could share a few of the more important links with everyone here at GOG. :)
Bioware NWN legacy forums are currently closed after a hacking attempt. Apparently they are still being worked on and hopefully they will be back in the future as there is a ton of information there. In the meantime, you can find an archive here. However the NWN community has new forums populated by many knowledgeable players, custom content creators, module builders and PW admins at the new bioware site tho. Bioware Soical Site:NWN
The hacked server was also the Master server so when going online you will see a error message about authentication. Don't worry about it. Let the message pass and continue as normal. :)
Potential server hosts who wish to know more about how to protect your players while the master server is down should go tp Securing Your Server Without Master Server Authentication
A new community site is underway with lots of useful info for players and builders alike.
NWNwiki has the most accurate information about the mechanics of the game and is maintained by a core group of dedicated fans so the info remains accurate. NWN wiki
This thread lists a wide variety of links to favourite overrides, console commands, useful tools and trciks and knowledge as suggested by the community. Many of these dramatically improve the appearance or graphics of the game so are well worth trying out. DO try some of these out! Add ons and tips from the NWN community (See what your fellow GOG players have to say about a few of them here
This guide, recently updated to include the GOG release, is tested and retested guide to installation. (The advice is relevant for Vista too, but the thread title is pretty long anyway now so I missed that bit out :) Guide to installing NWN1 for Win7 . The guide has been updated to include patch links to correct corrupt installs.
This guild offers discussion, advice and pre-built characters (with a power aspect) for lvl40, 30, 20 or anything you want really.They have also moved to NEW FORUMS with no game key registration required. Epic character builders guild
Search engine for character builds NWN Character Build Search and also at [url=]NWN Character Build Search[/url]. I believe the 2nd link has a larger database of builds at this time.
NWVault hosts over 4000 modules made by the community as well as thousands upon thousands of modifications, custom content, script changes... anything and everything basically.
NWVault front page
Modules that won Reviewer Awards
Links to all reviews by the NWVault Reviewers Guild
Hall of Fame modules
Top rated modules
The Academy for Modding Excellence gives out Oscar style awards for the best of the best. AME
Neverwinter connections is a fantastic matchmaking service for DMs and players to find each other for some DM led adventuring.
I hope you guys and girls find some of these useful.
have fun :)
p.s. Keep reading! Some great people here have posted other very useful links in this thread. :)
Post edited April 25, 2018 by shia_luck