rtpoe1: OK, so if I like MOO2, I'll like this one.
But how does it compare to Stellaris?
RainbowDragon: As already answered in the two posts before it is probably very hard - and given the number of developers and companies behind both games maybe somewhat unfair - to compare ISG to Stellaris. I like both games for their own characteristics. While - compared to the original MOO2 - ISG has been expanded with a number of features and somewhat increased complexity, compared to Stellaris it is still a 'simple', easy going game and very much depends on your expectations and the mood you are in before starting a game.
I like Stellaris when I want to play a very complex game for a long time with a huge galaxy and tons of possible micro management options, e. g. the possibility to slow down technology development and many other options...
This is a very fair and accurate assessment, though I do the same in ISG, meaning I slow down tech and production across the board and it tends to make the game a bit more epic. Obviously it can not reach Stallaris levels of epic, lol, but by manually adjusting the difficulty levels, I get more mileage out of it.
True you can play a session in a single afternoon... but you may also need a week depending on how you set the parameters at start.