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Pretty deadly little thing.

Captain, I have some new information regarding "The Aristocrats". No, they're still laying low after their last heist, so low that we haven't seen Don or Freddie since the meeting with "The Boss". Someone might've hid them underground but we won't know for sure just now. Anyway, there's a new girl that was seen with Rick Fermione. She from outta town, don know exactly where. Seems a member of the borguise. It's bourgeoisie? Don't know sir, some fancy stuff I don't get--pearls, caviars, and champagnes, sir. Yes, one of my boys is following her. Yes, I know this is very delicate matter. Oh, the mayor... no, of course, no, I mean I'll talk to... Yes sir. No one seen. The report, yes. The last thing, sir--and this is a little bit unexpected--it looks like "The Aristocrats" are planning to move to a new district, any moment now. Can't tell for sure, but my bet is Connecticut Ave. We'll see. Will do, sir. Goodbye.

Omerta: City of Gangsters, an organized crime simulation you have been playing for the last couple of weeks just got bigger with The Con Artist DLC. There's a new henchman to recruit, new weapon, and a new district up for grabs. Experience "the greatest con of all time" in this action-packed expansion for only $4.99 on

Requires the base game Omerta: City of Gangsters on GOG in order to play.
dirtyharry50: I don't see why people need to get upset over DLC on GOG. It's everywhere else. Why not here for newer titles that offer it?

This is a really simple issue to deal with on a personal level. If it bothers you, don't buy it. While you are at it, play nice and don't sweat whether other people are glad to have it. Let them.

Honestly, the drama over this while predictable unfortunately is really silly. There are so many real problems in the world to be concerned with.
It's not very nice to belittle the concerns of others. Please try to read your three paragraphs above, replacing the word "DLC" with the word "DRM" and see if it feels right to you.

Some of the people on this forum feel DLC and DRM are similar evils (NOT IDENTICAL, just similar) and would rather have neither at the one website that has been free of them both until yesterday.

I fuly support everyone's right to buy DLC games, as well as DRM games. However, as a long-standing customer of GOG who has bought a sizeable amount of their catalogue, I feel I might be allowed to voice my concern over the nature of the website I frequent quite a few times a day.

And no, I do not want to vote with my wallet (although as my tagline asserts, I will do so in the case of Omerta and its DLC), I want to attempt to convince GOG to offer me a DLC-free game-buying environment. I know I will fail, because I am in a minority, and that is OK, but I would still like to try, if I may.

Have a great weekend you all, or whatever's left of it, depending on your time zone and weekend days.
I think world is watching closely to see how this argument will resolve (just for the sheer fact that GOG is the only unique place in Net with DRM-free policy and such).

Personally, I don´t like DLC´s but I understand GOG wants to sell them for new games.
I hope publishers won´t try to milk out money from this situation from now on with "hey, we´ll certainly let you sell our game, which is 9 years old, but you have to sell datadisk separately" kind of thing.

As long as GOG will uphold their core values + won´t allow selling old games divided in chunks, only the new ones (because content for them is still being developed), with vision to fuse them later into complete edition, I would have it.

I wouldn´t like it, but I would have it.
TrIp13G: *Cut out my comment*
If I were not flat broke as of right now, I'd buy both the base game AND the DLC, just so I could put up an honest review, after having played it. But alas, I have no petty cash, and this honest review concept is lost in the bullshit ether.
That is what I am looking for. I have nothing against people putting up reviews of a game without buying it as they may have played it elsewhere, but this game is reviewed by (at the moment) 37 people and voted on by 171 who have placed this as a one star game.
None that I saw give a review of the actual content, and I am a little wary of publisher material on any game.
I nearly always watch or read reviews / game play of a game before I buy, because people say what is interesting to them, and I can make a decision if a game then looks good to me and I want to play it myself.

I also want to know if the small size leads to the data already being placed in Omerta, or the last DLC. 4mb to me seems so small, though I know we use to have whole games that were maybe only three times as big in the old days.
Its really really tricky. DLC can be a great thing when created with the best intentions... but not only does it have to be fair value (and not content that they held back from the release)... but it also should add to a game's core experience and mechanics. (for example, standalone dlc like deus ex HR's will make you wonder why you had to buy the base game to even play it, since its completely disconnected from the core game). Ideally DLC would be a tool to allow devs only to improve a game in ways that they were unable to at first release. But its too easy to turn it into a business model, and more often than not its filler and/or "pay to win."
TheEnigmaticT: people are talking about the fact that has always sold the completest version of a game that we can, and they feel that offering DLC for sale means that we are no longer doing that.
I'd argue that this is the exact opposite: if we sell a game and *don't* offer DLC for it, we aren't offering the complete game for sale anymore. The simple fact is that new games don't always *have* complete collections available, because they're adding to the game after the release.
You said it!: " if we sell a game and *don't* offer DLC for it, we aren't offering the complete game for sale anymore"
You aknowledge that selling base Omerta was not offering a complete game, as its DLC was missing.

TheEnigmaticT: can't just demand that we get expanded content for free when it comes out. One, it's not fair to the developer to do so. Two, it would probably get us laughed right out of the office. It will never happen.
Make him laugh. It was not fair from the developers to release the game incomplete, missing the DLC.

TheEnigmaticT: If there's a "Platinum Edition" of a game, wil we get it? Yeah, if we can.
The reality of the situation is that new games are different than old ones. When we sold only older games, it's possible to sell complete collections of them--usually--and we're glad to do it. New games are more vital, more filled with life and changes and unpredictable developments.
So, don't sell brand new games, wait some years, or wait the release of a true expansion, to sell it.
Here GOG customers we are used to waiting for a decent release, without DRM, and with all DLCs.

TheEnigmaticT: some of the games to add to our catalog are talking about planning DLC. We decided that as part of providing you guys with the best gaming experience on the 'Net, we had to be able to offer DLC here as well.
Sure. Next time, set the price of the incomplete base game with the complete price including the price of the DLCs, so you can 'give' us the DLCs thereafter as we already have paid them. So we no longer have the surprise that we must pay more to have the game complete.
I think you even should reimburse us Omerta, if we don't want to buy following DLCs, as you didn't warned us.

TheEnigmaticT: the decisions that we made will make a better place for you--and many other gamers, too.
About DLCs, mainly for other gamers.
Post edited March 09, 2013 by ERISS
ERISS: Make him laugh. It was not fair from the developers to release the game incomplete, missing the DLC.
Haha, yes :D Command TET what GOG should do with their money, their business contacts, their corporate image and everything.

Let's risk GOG's business contacts and relations with publishers by making silly and absurd requests when negotiating contracts.

Seriously, this topic is the silliest and stupidest thing ever on this board. GOG community forums have reached its peak of sillyness.

So, don't sell brand new games, wait some years, or wait the release of a true expansion, to sell it.
Here GOG customers we are used to waiting for a decent release, without DRM, and with all DLCs.
What if... what if others want new games DRM free on GOG? They shouldn't have an opportunity to buy them, because... you don't want them? :D
So we no longer have the surprise that we must pay more to have the game complete.
This may be a surprise if you were born yesterday.

Also, I see some problems here. Once, you people say "this DLC is garbage, it brings completely nothing to the game!" and at the same time "now I have to buy this, because my game is incomplete!" Make up your minds, people - either the DLC is essential, or is not, and you can ignore it.
Post edited March 10, 2013 by keeveek
keeveek: GOG community forums have reached its peak of sillyness.
Now that's just silly. I will strive to prove you wrong!
Don't listen to them GoG.

I still never wear pants while browsing your site and hoarding your old games that I never play, I will never stop! never!

*wild turkey noises*
Post edited March 10, 2013 by SweatyGremlins
keeveek: GOG community forums have reached its peak of sillyness.
Adzeth: Now that's just silly. I will strive to prove you wrong!
Now I'm making this thread even more silly: :P
I just woke from the maze I created in my mind from the name of the DLC, and I'm clueless. How many degrees can irony take before ....melting ?
DLC killed the gee oh gee stooore...
Wait .... maybe iam an idiot, but when or where GoG force me to buy this dlc?

If you don't like DLc (like me) don't buy them... its simple...

Thos who trhow the stone to gog are simply some idiote, whos want argus when is dosent need, you d'ont like a gme on GoG d'ont buy it...

edit: sorry poor english...
Post edited March 10, 2013 by nansounet
Jesus. This place became even more retarded than when I left it. Impressive work, guys.
ERISS: You said it!: " if we sell a game and *don't* offer DLC for it, we aren't offering the complete game for sale anymore"
You aknowledge that selling base Omerta was not offering a complete game, as its DLC was missing.
When Omerta became available for sale here, all of its content was available. At some point later, more content became available, and GOG added it too (with 9 days delay). Then more content became available, for a price, and GOG added that one too.

And do you also consider v400 of Unreal Tournament to have been sold incomplete, since it didn't include the Bonus Packs, even if they came out 4 months after Unreal Tournament went on sale? I am talking about the physical version btw, not an online one.

1) the game is shit, you don't want it.
2) the dlc is shit, you don't want it.

So don't buy either and be on your merry way.

Gog is just a dd store with some fundamental differences to others, primarily the complete lack of DRM. Nowhere have they said they will not offer DLC products (which in this case suck but in other cases may be full expansions like we used to get in boxes) or that they will pay the developers/publishers of that DLC on your behalf in order to offer it to you for free. How entitled can you people get?

If you think this is a despicable practice take it to the developer/publisher of the game, not gog or any other store.
Post edited March 10, 2013 by Al3xand3r