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It’s a holiday tradition! We’ve decorated a Christmas Tree in the office. Random people are running around in holiday hats and singing along the winners of the Holiday Songs Contest.

We think that our website deserves some holiday touch of its own and we will deliver that! During our 50% off Xmas Sale we already had four big publishers join forces with us. EA helped us with the the EA Crossword Puzzle, Interplay in the Interplay Caption Contest, thanks to Activision for the Activision Holiday Song Contest and last but not least Ubisoft motivated you guys to write some Ubisoft themed New Year’s Eve Resolutions.

So it’s finally time for the Third Annual Screenshot Scavenger Hunt to start! Here are the rules: From now until Friday the 30th of December 2011 we’re going to have some Holiday themed screenshots up on our website for you to find. ;) They will be hidden in our game cards, surrounded by all of the regular screenshots. The trick is (as you can see below) that some of them will be “spiced up” with some holiday themed devices:

When you find a holiday themed screenshot (there are 20 of them in total), be sure to write down the name of the game. When you’ve got them all, list them all in an email to "[ 2011 Scavenger Screenshot Hunt][/url]" with the subject line being "[ 2011 Scavenger Screenshot Hunt] 2011 Scavenger Screenshot Hunt[/url]". From every valid application we will pick 10 winners who got all the games right and gift them two games from the entire catalogue (excluding The Witcher 2). The contest ends on Friday December 30th 2011 11:59 GMT
Post edited December 27, 2011 by Galimatias
And now that Thiev is in blue, this might actually be harder than ever.:>
I found a vulnerability in the contest =)
Email with explanation and exploit sent to
CSXbot: I found a vulnerability in the contest =)
Email with explanation and exploit sent to
Vulnerability in a picture finding game? You a wizard, or something?
time to go through all of the games I guess

off I go
CSXbot: I found a vulnerability in the contest =)
Email with explanation and exploit sent to
Profanity: Vulnerability in a picture finding game? You a wizard, or something?
It's IT magic ;)
Profanity: Vulnerability in a picture finding game? You a wizard, or something?
CSXbot: It's IT magic ;)
I agree. There is a vulnerability. I assume it's OK to exploit it (but I, for one, will tell GOG that I did)).
Post edited December 27, 2011 by mrkgnao
I found 16 so far by using the old tried and true method of searching. But there is one that seems like insanely hard. OR the christmass decoration is part of the game.
There were a few tricky ones, but I've found them all. Good luck to everyone.
Profanity: Vulnerability in a picture finding game? You a wizard, or something?
CSXbot: It's IT magic ;)

If I don't know its cheating then I can still do it.

Actually I am kinda looking forward to looking at all those screen shots. I've found a few games I nevr knew about and one that I had completely forgotten untill I recognized the image.
Let me guess, CSXbot, you think Gog should give you a free game because you told them about it, and you think we should shower you with kudos because you revealed to us you found a hole.
TedNugent: Let me guess, CSXbot, you think Gog should give you a free game because you told them about it, and you think we should shower you with kudos because you revealed to us you found a hole.
BEEEEP! Wrong answer.
Dilemma - looking at the first screenshot of Still Life, wanted to put it down on the list, but googled just in case. It seems that the out of places festivities should be there, and were not inserted by GoG.... now how should we know that?
Phew, my eyes hurt and I'd only found five. I'd thought there'd be at least thirteen or something by now. What is this witchery? But Seriously, this is gonna take ages. My head hurts and it's sheer havoc in there, gonna have to continue later.
Wow this is really munching through my spare time. I've only got 6
HiPhish: Are you really expecting me to dig through all the screenshots of the entire GoG catalogue in hope to get 2 games for free?

That would take hours! It would be much easier and cheaper to just buy the games for money.
Of course, paying money would be much much cheaper than winning them without having to pay money...