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It’s a holiday tradition! We’ve decorated a Christmas Tree in the office. Random people are running around in holiday hats and singing along the winners of the Holiday Songs Contest.

We think that our website deserves some holiday touch of its own and we will deliver that! During our 50% off Xmas Sale we already had four big publishers join forces with us. EA helped us with the the EA Crossword Puzzle, Interplay in the Interplay Caption Contest, thanks to Activision for the Activision Holiday Song Contest and last but not least Ubisoft motivated you guys to write some Ubisoft themed New Year’s Eve Resolutions.

So it’s finally time for the Third Annual Screenshot Scavenger Hunt to start! Here are the rules: From now until Friday the 30th of December 2011 we’re going to have some Holiday themed screenshots up on our website for you to find. ;) They will be hidden in our game cards, surrounded by all of the regular screenshots. The trick is (as you can see below) that some of them will be “spiced up” with some holiday themed devices:

When you find a holiday themed screenshot (there are 20 of them in total), be sure to write down the name of the game. When you’ve got them all, list them all in an email to "[ 2011 Scavenger Screenshot Hunt][/url]" with the subject line being "[ 2011 Scavenger Screenshot Hunt] 2011 Scavenger Screenshot Hunt[/url]". From every valid application we will pick 10 winners who got all the games right and gift them two games from the entire catalogue (excluding The Witcher 2). The contest ends on Friday December 30th 2011 11:59 GMT
Post edited December 27, 2011 by Galimatias
Time to click through 300+ games i guess.
Found one! 19 left to go...
And here I thought I would be clever and try to figure out which games the GOG team would be most likely to put these holiday decorations in... and not a single one of them had one :(
Are ALL of those 20 pictures already on the page or GOG team will add some of them in coming days?
I don't like this kind of contests, I don't find'em so fun to spend the big amount of time they need. Good luck to everyone else!
I did win in this contest last year and it was fun and thrill. Good luck to all participants
Post edited December 27, 2011 by Adam23
Are you really expecting me to dig through all the screenshots of the entire GoG catalogue in hope to get 2 games for free?

That would take hours! It would be much easier and cheaper to just buy the games for money.
tburger: Are ALL of those 20 pictures already on the page or GOG team will add some of them in coming days?
All screenshots are LIVE :)
The red nazis in Bloodrayne look kind of christmassy. Do they count? ;)
Thanks for the contest, but have you really thought this through? There are about 340 games here, most of which have about 12 screenshots each. That's over 4,000 (!) screenshots to look at for a chance to win two games. I don't think a lot of people have that much free time to waste.
Post edited December 27, 2011 by spindown
Some of them are already christmas themed :p

EDIT: well, i've found six so far, and exhausted, kudos if you get them all by yourself
Post edited December 27, 2011 by Suits
... and done! There was one there that I thought was more difficult than the rest.

Always fun to look through the screenshots and see if there are any more games you don't have that interest you. Thanks! :)
For those complaining of how many games there are to go through, that's why we've got until Friday - you can spread the search out over the next few days. I thought I could power through easily, but I'm only up to G and I'm giving up for now.
Post edited December 27, 2011 by ABH20