Ugh, okay. I don't like the way this is going.
I am the 4th Terran.
Night 1, my character was not involved with, because IShoot4lolz was incommunicado. The other three members, Red_Baron, DarkoD13, and RWarehall, asked AFP if there was another member, and AFP comfirmed the 4th member was IShoot4lolz (aka me). For this reason, I am confident that Rwarehall and I are the last two remaining members of Terrans.
The Terrans have a group ability to investigate one person each night. We are essentially a group-cop. Each Night, one of us performs the investigation, and the moderator posts the results in the quicktopic
Night 1, Telika was investigated, and he was revealed as town (we also got his race, but I will keep that to myself, in his case). DarkoD13 performed the investigation.
Night 2, I was for Vitek (my first choice) or CSPVG (with TwilightBard as a distant 3rd). We decided on Vitek. I actually wanted someone different to perform the investigation, because I had a slight scum-vibe on DarkoD13, but he performed the investigation before I could ask for someone else to perform it. We got no result, because DarkoD13 was killed. ((This might enlighten you all a bit more to my reaction in my first post of Day 3))
Night 3, last Night, I was for investigating TwilightBard (my first choice) or Robbeasy, whom had both been quite lurky and scummy to me. I also mentioned that re-investigating Twlika, to check for Cult, might not be a bad idea (but this was a distant 3rd on my list). We decided on TwilightBard, after a bit of debate (Red_Baron wanted to try Vitek again), and RWarehall performed the investigation. TwilightBard was revealed as Gorak and evil.
Vote: TwilightBard
As for what flubbucket is driving at, I am not sure. However, I suppose one could suggest that I was 'pushing' for certain people to be investigated. I am very opinionated in these games (and elsewhere), as most of you know, and that would necessarily carry over to quicktopics. Regardless, I have presented what happened in that thread as best I could, since it seems as if the Terrans, and thus and investigative power, is being systematically targeted.