chadjenofsky: Well… maybe. But at least you aren't killing everyone else with second hand smoke!
No to rag on you personally, but as to what you said: Iirc I read somewhere that smog/car exhaust/etc cause more cancer/etc to others than secondhand smoke.
ScotchMonkey: Ive studied psychology and the mechanics of addiction in post secondary and even conducted classes in harm reduction in the area of youth gambling.
Unlike the finger waging propagandist media that the government disseminates we actually engaged and educated the audience with examples of risk vs rewards and tying it all into Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
I see vaping as an effective tool to get what you crave without harming yourself with smoking tobacco.
snowkatt: or haming others with second hand smoke for that matter
but there will always be finger wagging propagandists working on fear to further their own agenda
Where I live(US) the blokes who run the anti-smoking ads(Thetruth dot org, iirc) have also started to run fear/smear campaigns against vaping....even though it has been proven(with non-nicotine vapes especially) to be much safer than smoking and actually helps get some off of cigarettes...but they gotta have something new to demonise, sadly.
djdarko: Not a smoker, but I have noticed that these are banned in most places just as cigarettes are.
This is mostly due to cigarette company lobbyists funding such and those who are more fear driven.