Posted June 01, 2015
Atlantico: I mean, I'm all open to ideas, I just don't see it. The liquid can't make anything dangerous, even when heated, nicotine is nicotine, and that's about it for contents of e-cigs.
Well, some studies and quite terrifying stories keep popping up. Considering how much the tobacco lobby hates e-cigarettes the small amount of often not particularly convincing news about health risks related to e-cigs suggests that none have been discovered so far (that horror story about the Texan teenager who died of super rapidly spreading lung cancer less than a year after picking up vaping sounds almost absurd). Also the fact that more than 90% of the stories I've read about the risks were about drinking the liquid or exploding batteries suggests that they haven't actually got any basis for accusing vaping itself of health risks. Still, fact is that even if the ingredients are all known to be harmless and used in tons of other products, nobody knows the potential long-term effects related to inhaling this stuff in this form on a regular basis. The other thing is that the lack of regulations so far means that you don't actually know what's really inside the liquids. So do I.