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tinyE: No offense Lester because I for one don't mind you one bit, but most people hit themselves in the head with a hammer one time, realize it hurts, and stop doing it. You on the other hand just keep whacking away seemingly convinced that eventually it's going to feel good. Mind you I've been there before, MANY TIMES, so I'm not judging you or criticizing you, merely pointing out a facet of you postings.
Oh, ok.
tinyE: No offense Lester because I for one don't mind you one bit, but most people hit themselves in the head with a hammer one time, realize it hurts, and stop doing it. You on the other hand just keep whacking away seemingly convinced that eventually it's going to start to feel good. Mind you I've been there before, MANY TIMES, so I'm not judging you or criticizing you, merely pointing out a facet of you postings.
What was the definition of insanity again? :D
That apology for the wall of text wasn't meant for you but not surprised that its the only thing you replied to.

First, we had been talking in pm's months ago but you got angry, called me a coward and blocked me from pm'ing you so I have no desire or ability to pm you anymore so no need to keep asking me to. Probably the same reason Sachys has not commented either - his anger really gets the best of him when he starts swearing and threatening but I'm sure he doesn't want to show that side of him publicly too often because it does ruin his rep and ability to add to his collection. I'm guessing he's more true to himself in those moments than the front he puts up for the GOG community to see. I mean, when you threaten to bash people's skulls in over free games or whatever happens on an internet forum, there's some issues there. And its not the first time its happened with that guy here.

As for the GOG 5 year contests, when you were pm'ing people to get answers, please explain to me how your pm to me at the time was you trying to share answers. "could you give me a tip on 16 with the anagram?" I see no sharing being offered there, do you? Nice interpretation of your story.

As for the link you provided, its quite ironic and funny that the very first giveaway you linked to says "Anyway thanks to jdsiege i won 1 copy sort of by mistake but was allowed to regift it. "
That kind of made my whole point for me, thank you. It seems you enter giveaways for games you have, games you don't have, games you don't know that you already have and also games you don't want but mistakenly get. The fact you take all that time to document your *cough* "generosity" shows how desperate you really are for free games when in actuality, your generosity should speak for itself. You try way too hard to prove how awesome you think you are, much like the other couple people I've pointed out.

Its good that you do make giveaways like what you linked but let me ask you, how many of those were actually you getting a game on your own, with your own money and gifting out of simple goodwill like our "absent friends" did? I can bet just about every game you gifted here was a game you won here or elsewhere, a free key you got off facebook or some developer site or tremorgames where you spend hours doing surveys or whatever.
Nothing wrong with that in the big picture really but when your main purpose of doing that is to falsify your rep and pretending to be a pillar of this GOG community, I take exception to that. As do others who've also noticed this.

The true pillars of GOG and the truly generous ones who made GOG what it is rarely, if ever, come about any more. Hmm, wonder why that is?

When you and the others enter giveaways for the sole purpose of re-gifting to make them your own, you have an alternate agenda of trying to increase your rep thru false means. Not to mention, taking a gift away from someone in that moment.
That's my whole problem with you lugum and people like you. Everytime you see a free game, you want it, whether its for your collection or to give away next Christmas or whenever to make others think better of you. Branjohello made a thread trying to do this same thing and you took him to task for it. Yes, his idea was wrong but its no different than what you do or what Sachys and some others do with their re-gifting of games. Hypocritical much?

Greed is so easy to see in human behavior. And its rampant on GOG these days. So freaking rampant.
Its gone beyond what I can take anymore and so I'm speaking out. Its beyond the point to be fixed and who knows how much longer I will care but I can't stand to be idle and watch it become a cesspool before my eyes. And another year that ends up being like this last year and it will be.
Post edited February 01, 2014 by teshra
I know that apology wasn't for me, nor do i even want one from you. I said the apology you gave to the forum doesnt mean anything because you keep wanting to continue with your ranting and slanter, and not take this to pm.

Its not being selective or surprising because i just get too distracted with it all with what you are trying to say.
You take 10-15 sentences for 1 point. It's still surprising i even still bother with even some of your replies.
Okay so it was about the anagrams, there has been several contests you know. And again yeah so what if i asked for a tip? noone forced you to answer or give a tip, wasnt asking for a full solution right. I asked for a tip on a contest, naughty me.

Dont you ever go start on me now about my contests like you did with sachys too, everywhere i asked for donations i always clearly stated where the donations came from. And i always told everyone to thank the donators, in the contests or in pms like Thespian does. But always, always in my contests i even put in games from myself too, be it through Tremor, gifts i won, spare steam keys (i dont use steam). I even got friends outside GOG who donated me keys who dont even have a GOG account or name, and i wish i could buy more GOG games myself to giveaway but a bit hard without a job isnt it? but why am i even trying to explain that to you? it's not your business.

The difference with branjo you know fully well is he asked for donations for his giveaway (yes like i did too) but he blatantly said he wanted to use some of those donations for himself. That's a big no go for many and i never done and will never do.
And then to judge me that i would do it for rep? The minute i get over 5 points either by a giveaway or a solved question there are a certain group or one person who is abusing a bug to take it down immediately. But again with this point you are wrong.

I am done with this.
Post edited January 31, 2014 by lugum
If anyone is feeling generous would to have from current promo

Fantasy wars

been gifted this game from (anonymous) and thanks :)
Post edited February 02, 2014 by blitsfire
Stooner: wtf...
Yep, this. ;p
Post edited February 01, 2014 by Stooner
Would love any games from this list if anyone is feeling generous . Thank you .

SiN Gold
Etherlords 2
Fantasy Wars
UFO: Aftermath
UFO: Aftershock
UFO: Afterlight
Deadlock: Planetary Conquest
Deadlock 2: Shrine Wars
ne_zavarj: Would love any games from this list if anyone is feeling generous . Thank you .

SiN Gold
Etherlords 2
Fantasy Wars
UFO: Aftermath
UFO: Aftershock
UFO: Afterlight
Deadlock: Planetary Conquest
Deadlock 2: Shrine Wars
I have a copy of UFO: Afterlight from the last Humble Bundle if the Steam version is ok with you.
It's been awhile since I posted in here, but with the release of SiN Gold, I can't resist the urge to ask for a copy from a friendly gifter. I never got a chance to play its expansion and would love to give it a shot after all this time.

Many thanks in advance!
I´d appreciate a copy of Flatout II or Long Live The Queen, both are games I´m really looking forward to play!
Sin Gold? Hell why not :)

Or maybe the Battle Isle bundle. Thank you :)
Post edited February 06, 2014 by rong44
I would like any game playable in my old sad mini laptop (I think the best game this can play is Warcraft 3 and slightly better games). Since my best laptop died I had to give up on PC Gaming.

Thanks and sorry for bothering.
I would really appreciate a copy of Space Quest 1-3, Tomb Raider 1-3 and/or Gothic 1 from the promo, if somebody has a spare copy of any of them that they don't want.
I would appreciate any of the following:

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition