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I think they just forgot about it. It all depends on the date that note was posted.
Choice quote, the very first sentence in the very first review: "It's easy to pass this off as something like Slender: The Arrival"

Indeed, I'm getting heavy Slender vibes here! Especially as far as getting the game on par with Steam is concerned.

ElTerprise: It's interesting though, that the game page of Surgeon Simulator has this note:

Please note: 'The Heavy' and 'Donald J Trump' surgeries will be available at a later date.
ElTerprise: Either the devs changed their minds or that note was merely an assumption by GOG
Wow, just wow...

That whole game card looks like a bunch of bollocks to me. "Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack." Updated for 2017? From the looks of it this game hasn't received any updates in years! I can't roll back to an earlier version and neither the game's forum nor the "What did just update?" thread reveal any sort of content updates whatsoever (only an overlay update and a merging of the Anniversary Edition DLC with the main game).

Considering the dev's reply, If that's the case, the description in the game card would be massively misleading. In a "I'm sure there are laws against this" sort of way.
Post edited June 04, 2018 by fronzelneekburm
fronzelneekburm: Choice quote, the very first sentence in the very first review: "It's easy to pass this off as something like Slender: The Arrival"

Indeed, I'm getting heavy Slender vibes here! Especially as far as getting the game on par with Steam is concerned.

ElTerprise: It's interesting though, that the game page of Surgeon Simulator has this note:

Either the devs changed their minds or that note was merely an assumption by GOG
fronzelneekburm: Wow, just wow...

That whole game card looks like a bunch of bollocks to me. "Updated for 2017, Surgeon Simulator now includes the A&E expansion pack. We’re talking slicker (and often stickier!) graphics, additional procedures, all-new environments, and a (heart) pumping soundtrack." Updated for 2017? From the looks of it this game hasn't received any updates in years! I can't roll back to an earlier version and neither the game's forum nor the "What did just update?" thread reveal any sort of content updates whatsoever (only an overlay update and a merging of the Anniversary Edition DLC with the main game).

Considering the dev's reply, If that's the case, the description in the game card would be massively misleading. In a "I'm sure there are laws against this" sort of way.
Thank you very much for keeping the list up-to-date!
simonm197: Thank you very much for keeping the list up-to-date!
Thanks for the kind words! Much appreciated! By extension I'd like to thank everyone who contributed in this thread! I see this mix as a community effort and it wouldn't have been possible without everyone's continued feedback and input,
simonm197: Thank you very much for keeping the list up-to-date!
fronzelneekburm: Thanks for the kind words! Much appreciated! By extension I'd like to thank everyone who contributed in this thread! I see this mix as a community effort and it wouldn't have been possible without everyone's continued feedback and input,
Did some digging and I think we might have another entry for the list:
Caravan has been on par with Steam since last January:

EDIT: Funnily, the DRM-free version on Humble is actually out of date. At least they could have updated it for the new bundle...
Post edited June 06, 2018 by muntdefems
Removed Caravan from the list.

Lucian_Galca: Did some digging and I think we might have another entry for the list:
Let's keep an eye on it. So far, the patch is barely a few weeks old. Until then, I'd recommend this game for Marioface5's missing patches mix. I usually only add games when the patches are more than 3 months out of date, more than 6 months is a definite entry to the list.
Post edited June 06, 2018 by fronzelneekburm
fronzelneekburm: Removed Caravan from the list.

Lucian_Galca: Did some digging and I think we might have another entry for the list:
fronzelneekburm: Let's keep an eye on it. So far, the patch is barely a few weeks old. Until then, I'd recommend this game for Marioface5's missing patches mix. I usually only add games when the patches are more than 3 months out of date, more than 6 months is a definite entry to the list.
Will do. *thumbs up*
high rated
88 Heroes has never been updated here ever since its release back in March 2017. As a result, it's missing both the free DLC RSG Champions and the paid DLC H8 Mode Activated.
Looks like gog is starting to delist games that aren't getting equal treatment to their Steam counterparts. So far, Everything and Human Fall Flat have been removed.

The scary thing: those weren't even on the list.
fronzelneekburm: The scary thing: those weren't even on the list.
It just means that the "no-up-to-date" issue is much more pervasive than we thought, I'm glad that they're finally doing something about it. I'd have preferred to have the updates, but if the developers refuse to do that, it's ok to remove the games from the store. We're not just wallets and we deserve some form of respect as customers.
high rated
They (the devs) should give refunds to everyone asking and compensate GOG for both lost sales and bad publicity.

Edit: imo.
Post edited June 08, 2018 by Enebias
fronzelneekburm: The scary thing: those weren't even on the list.
Human: Fall Flat was in the list.
fronzelneekburm: The scary thing: those weren't even on the list.
Desmight: It just means that the "no-up-to-date" issue is much more pervasive than we thought, I'm glad that they're finally doing something about it.
This seems a bit odd case, as the GOG version of Everything did get updates, and apparently it was pretty up to date:

So the last update GOG got was 1.06... which is apparently the same version that is currently on Steam?

This case might not be directly about the publisher not updating the GOG version, but possibly being in the process of making some big Steam-only update or extension that would be pretty hard to bring to GOG (or other DRM-free versions like and humblebundle). The publisher mentions on Steam forums about some side-project related to this game.

I hope it is not about the GOG version lacking achievements or some other Galaxy-features, and GOG aborting the game because of that. I guess some GOG customers care for those, I don't. Oh well, can't please all I guess.
Post edited June 08, 2018 by timppu
Enebias: They (the devs) should give refunds to everyone asking and compensate GOG for both lost sales and bad publicity.

Edit: imo.
Broforce might need to be added to the list:

Edit: Why on Earth did I reply to post that? Excuse me being a bit addled this morning lol. :P
Post edited June 08, 2018 by Lucian_Galca