fronzelneekburm: ...
And to tell you the perfect, honest truth, I'm hitting that sweet spot right now where I'm thinking "Why the fuck should I even bother?"
Gog sure as shit don't bother. They don't bother about getting all their games up to scratch. Hell, they don't bother to even check their releases properly enough before release to keep their advertisements consistent with the actual content of the game.
mm324: I don't think anyone would hold it against you if you did quit doing all of this work. And I agree that this, and many other things that forum members do, should be taken care of by GOG. Whether you decide to keep doing this or not, know that there are many of us who are thankful for all of your efforts.
Thanks for the kind words! And don't worry, I still got some life left in me. :P
The Armello disaster hasn't caused any change for the better at all, instead gimped builds are becoming more and more frequent. I'll keep updating the mix as long as issues are reported, now more than ever it's important to let the customers know what they're getting themselves into.