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Deals so good, you won't want to fall asleep.
You remember back when you used to walk into a store, browse the shelves, pick out a game, and then buy it--all in the actual real world? We don't know about you, but most of us at have had our limbs atrophy to small vestigial nubbins since all of our shopping happens online these days. Of course, one thing that sometimes happens in real world stores with real world goods--particularly when they have a good sale--is that they run out of stock. Usually that means that the deal was so good that they couldn't keep up with demand.

Well, in the digital realm, this is usually pretty rare. How do you run out of stock on digital games, short of entropy devouring the universe? Well, we have gotten 101 games that will be on sale on the front page of, but the discounts are so high at the moment that we can't just sell an unlimited number of copies of these games: we are only able to sell a few at these discounts--up to 80% off--and once they're gone, they're gone.

So what games will be on sale in our Insomnia promo? Bestselling classics and new games alike. There will also occasionally be some free games in super limited numbers (like, 20 or 30 copies)--if you're fast enough on the trigger finger to pick 'em up, that is. The deal will run from now until we're out of "stock" of games for the sale, and games may show up more than once. So it's time to bathe in a tub of coffee*, dip some espresso**, snort an energy drink***, or do whatever else it takes to stay up so you don't miss out on the best deals on fantastic games on since summer.
*This is probably not a good idea
**This is definitely not a good idea
***This is totally safe, though****
Post edited November 13, 2013 by TheEnigmaticT
Darn, Reus was free but my rapid clicking was not fast enough!
Next page...
Post edited November 17, 2013 by Draggon
Daz12380: everyone ive spoken to here (in ireland) hasnt heard of ''Repo the genetic opera'' have many here heard of it?
Oofles: Zydrate comes in a little glass vial
and goes into the gun like a battery
Wow those freebies. I was silly trying to give Reus a try. LOL
Khalaq: I've been a GOG member since the days of beta. The community has pretty much been like this the entire time. That's one of the things about it that attracts new members.
Have you noticed, the harder the sale has gotten to endure, the less complaining there has been... ;)
Theme Hospital!!!! Hooray!

(interested to see how CorsixTH is as well)
low rated
GhostwriterDoF: And are you the product of government education?
GhostwriterDoF: Actually, I'm a Teddy Roosevelt Conservative.
Non sequitur.

GhostwriterDoF: I [...] consider those you say are stupid to be uninformed
So, they're not stupid, they are just (considering we are in the internet age) willfully ignorant? In a way that's even worse, because at least being stupid is not immoral, but being willfully ignorant and then enforcing your (willfully ignorant) views over other people at the point of a gun (aka via government) is immoral.

GhostwriterDoF: Still, you are missing the point, about finding a balance between Federal and State Authorities.
The only balance is between the evil of government and the evil government is used to prevent.

All rights originate with the individual, and powers should only move up the hierarchy (individual/local/state/federal) due to necessity. Government may be a necessary evil, but that does not change the fact that it is an evil. Minimizing the evil in the world means minimizing government power (but not going so far that other greater evils -- ones not regulated/limited by the people -- take its place).

Because corrupting the power of a single entity (the federal government) is much easier than corrupting the power of 50 states, power should not be relegated from the states to the federal government unless that is necessary. Likewise for individuals and localities and their relationship to the states.

GhostwriterDoF: Surely you must realize that Governments have an obligation to provide services to its population.
You're wording is presumptuous. You assume you are correct and it is up to me to "realize" it. Your statements are in fact rooted in nonsense. But I wish to ignore most of that paragraph so I can take aim at its worst part:

GhostwriterDoF: and to take care of the needs of the Citizenry through social programs and services.
This is exactly what I was talking about in post #27213. You've taken "Thou shalt not steal" and mutated it into "Thou shalt rob Peter to pay Paul". How in the hell am I supposed to "realize" that a government has an "obligation" to engage in theft from one private citizen at the benefit of another? I acknowledge no such obligation, and in fact state that any entity that performs such an act should be reformed or abolished to bring to an end such immoral acts.

And once you accept the principle that government can rob one private entity to pay another, how do you then put that genie back in the bottle when the government decides to "redistribute wealth" for reasons which you do not agree with? I mean, what's wrong with giving bankers all that TARP money, clearly they needed it! Yeah, they had to steal the money from taxpayers to do it, and yeah, maybe it was the bankers' own fault they got themselves into such a financial mess, but, IT'S FOR THE COMMON GOOD!!!

GhostwriterDoF: Personally, I'm not terrified by Socialism, or any other phantom menace conjured up by political and corporate propagandists.
It's pretty clear (to me at least) at this point that you are ignorant in terms of economics (or you are simply immoral and therefore do not care about the real-world ramifications, or are selfish/lazy so do not wish to invest in properly understanding the topic, or maybe you're stupid and just can't grok economics -- how am I supposed to know which it is? -- I just see what appears to be massive comprehension failure). Go read some Hazlitt, Hayek or Mises, maybe some Bastiat. I think Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" would be appropriate in this case (though you may want to start with something easier, like Hazlitt's "Economics in One Lesson"). I myself am always trying to improve my knowledge, and am currently reading Mises' book "Human Action", and so far it's really pretty brilliant. (I wish it was organized like a structured proof in formal-logic though -- it would make it much easier to consume in pieces rather than having to take it more as a whole work.)

And of course, these texts, like all texts about reality, should be read critically -- never accepting anything without understanding it yourself. (For example, Hazlitt's book is pretty good and is well worth reading, but back when I read it I did note a couple flaws in his logic, one of which meant that one of his conclusions was left completely unsupported, though all else in the book appeared to quite sound. Let's see if you can identify those problems as well, as that would indicate you really did understand the issues the book covers.)

GhostwriterDoF: The biggest of the threats we are facing is the cancer of Financialization and Privatization, where all our Country's assets are being divided up by the Politicians and their billionaire donors, Private Equity groups and Hedge Fund managers, or being sold off to other foreign interests, like everyone else in the World.
If you want to get to the root of the financialization problem, you need to look back to 1913... (Hint: We used to have sound, Constitutional money in this country, which if not abandoned would have made much of this financialization crap impossible -- which is why the bankers got together in secret and plotted to end it.)

And "billionaire donors" would have ZERO influence if it were not for the fact that voters are overwhelmingly immoral/ignorant/stupid/whatever, and are therefore easily influenced by things like vacuous/misleading advertisements and empty (even contradictory) promises. If voters did their research and voted responsibly and morally, rent-seeking donors would see their ROI drop like a rock and their donations would dry up. (I would also be open to the idea of making lies made during political campaigns and while in office punishable by jail time. Of course, the politicians are not likely to go for such a thing.)

What's Left?!?

Brutal Legend $3.74
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller $10.09
Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Ed $1.49
Expeditions: Conquistador $4.99
Heroes of Might & Magic 3: Complete Ed $2.49
I have No Mouth And I Must Scream $1.93
Jade Empire: Special Ed $2.99
King of Dragon Pass $1.49
King's Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY $4.99
La Mulana $2.99
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver $1.49
Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded $7.99
Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Ed. $1.99
Psychonauts $2.49
Puddle $1.99
Spellforce Platinum $2.49
Sword of the Stars: The Pit $2.09
Thief Gold $1.99
Thief 2: Metal Age $1.99
Thief 3: Deadly Shadows $1.99
Tomb Raider 1+2+3 $2.49
Tropico 3 Gold Ed. $2.99
Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings $5.99

What's Been Sold?!? (and in What Order?) (and for How Much?)

The Insomnia Sale is done with these games.*

*GoG confirmed that "FREE" listings don't count against the Final Round

Rise of the Triad $7.49
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator $1.49
System Shock 2 FREE
Blood (One Unit Whole Blood) $1.49
Master of Magic $1.19
Jack Keane 2: The Fire Within $11.99
Lords of Midnight $1.93
Myst: Masterpiece Ed $1.49
Miasmata FREE
Eador: Masters of the Broken World $5.99
Sniper Elite $1.99
Baldur's Gate 2
Might and Magic 1-6
Sniper Elite: Berlin FREE
Book of Unwritten Tales
Divinity: Dragon Commander $22.49
Aquanox FREE
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum $5.99
Rogue Legacy $4.99
Populous: The Beginning $1.49
Syberia $1.99
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms + Expansion $1.49
Don't Starve FREE
AquaNox 2: Revelation $1.49
Two Worlds 2: Epic Ed. $3.99
Chaos Engine $3.29
Space Colony HD FREE
Reus $2.49
Megabyte Punch $4.99
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon $2.49
Deus Ex GOTY $1.99
Torchlight $2.99
Total Annihilation: Commander Pack FREE
Master of Orion 1+2 $1.49
Blackwell Bundle $2.99
System Shock 2 $1.99
Anodyne $2.49
Startopia $1.49
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon FREE
Magrunner: Dark Pulse $9.99
Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete $3.99
Total Annihilation: Commander Pack $1.49
Don't Starve $4.99
Shadow Man $2.39
AquaNox 2: Revelation FREE
Retro City Rampage $3.74
Anvil of Dawn $1.49
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena $2.99
Ultima 7 The Complete Ed. $1.49
Defender's Quest $2.99
Book of Unwritten Tales FREE
Leisure Suit Larry $2.49
The Real Texas $2.99
Tales of Monkey Island $5.24
Inquisitor $3.74
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams FREE
Evoland $2.49
Geneforge 1-5 $2.99
Wing Commander 4 $1.49
Heroes of Might & Magic 5 bundle $4.99
Hotline Miami $2.49
Blackwell Bundle FREE
Sacred Gold $1.99
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav $3.99
Shelter $3.99
Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings FREE
Ultima Underworld 1+2 $1.49
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams $2.99
Rayman Origins $4.99
FEZ $2.99
Strike Suit Zero $4.99
The Chaos Engine FREE
Aquanox $1.49
Wing Commander: Privateer $1.49
Wargame: European Escalation $6.69
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident $1.99
Lords of Midnight FREE
Resonance $2.49
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic $2.49
Planescape: Torment $1.99
Space Colony HD $2.49
Beyond Good and Evil $2.49
Inquisitor FREE
Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga $1.99
Omerta: City of Gangsters + all DLC $7.99
Icewind Dale Complete $1.99
Primordia $2.49
Lucius $3.99
Myst: Masterpiece Ed FREE
Postal 2 Complete $2.49
Alpha Centauri $1.49
Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut $4.99
Miasmata $2.99
Theme Hospital $1.49
Post edited November 17, 2013 by Draggon
'thejadedone', you are rather abrasive - but worse, wrong and immoral on quite a bit, it sounds like blind libertarian ideology that has no idea how to have effective policies.

You can blame the citizens all day for being misled by well funded propaganda paid for by billionares, but given that's how things work, the solution is to restrict the corruption of politics by money, not just wag your finger at citizens.
Buenro-games: Wow those freebies. I was silly trying to give Reus a try. LOL
Yeah.See it popup. Freeze. Then hit button and its gone LOL
Theme Hospital! Huzzah! The game I waited days for! I got home just in time, it appears.
Wow, after all that time...I ended up getting it :) Funny how 1500 copies might be too much right now lol
Back (if anyone remembers me) to report that those freebies really aren't rigged, I snagged the Chaos Engine a while back.
I have a meeting with my supervisor at 2pm tomorrow. I swear to god if Thief 2 or NWN Diamond come up I will flip 50 tables into the Sun.
Oh this sale. I don't normally get involved in any of this posting stuff, but I was driven to it and glad for that.
I was clicking like crazy, but alas my trigger finger is much too slow.