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Meteor shower. Stop. People are dying. Stop. Send help. Stop.

The 2001 first-person 3D shooter Venom. Codename: Outbreak, a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. spiritual predecessor by GSC Game World, is now available DRM-free on for Windows.

You are sent to investigate the site of a meteor shower that left no survivors - after the scientists, followed by a military squad, disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Could it be aliens, or just a form of mass psychosis? That’s for you to find out.

In Venom. Codename: Outbreak your squad will be a very candid affair - just you and another soldier to watch your back. Fortunately, everyone on base is the best of the best and the AI of the game’s NPCs got many a word of praise, so you shouldn’t have to worry too much about them not doing their job. Should something start to go wrong, you can easily switch characters and take control of your partner - or play through the missions with a friend in 2-player LAN co-op mode. Sometimes, this will be one of the keys to getting through a mission alive.

Try to solve the mystery of the valley showered with meteors in Venom. Codename: Outbreak DRM-free at - and most of all, try to get back alive.

What does the press say?

“Crawling across the forest floor to tag a one-shot kill on a guard whose head was barely visible in a tower at 186 meters is a thrill unlike any other.” -- GameSpy

“Outbreak seems almost surreally whimsical in its treatment of a special forces vs. alien conflict.” -- Game Over Online

“Codename: Outbreak is a fun game. Especially the later missions in the campaign which are particularly atmospheric and intense, requiring careful picking of character skills and meticulous execution of strategies.” --
avatar snip....
Quite an unexpected release.... Is this the game that Megapieman will stream later today? I'm curious to see the gameplay (as the trailer is useless)
There's an old demo here:

I just spotted this again on the wishlist last night, already voted for it ages ago. Glad it's here now!
No idea what this is, but I want it .
Wow, I actually thought about this game recently. I remeber the gameplay quite well. One of it's kind. I might even still have a copy of 'Codename: Outbreak' (it was released in Poland without 'Venom' prefix) from a PC magazine from 2000's.
Post edited June 24, 2015 by zeffyr
might have to grad this for historical sake.... need to find some reviews.
Outbreak doesn't sound like a codename at all. I think it would make more sense if the words Venom and Outbreak were swapped around.
Sounds and looks freakin' awesome.

I always wanted to play a tactical shooter with a more fantastical scenario.
Post edited June 24, 2015 by InfraSuperman
lol I thought noone outside like Poland and Czech republic and such didn't even know the game :D
The screenshots aren't bad.. but I've never heard of this game.
Did this used to be just "Outbreak" (ie. no venom in the name)?

Or is this a new/different game?
Post edited June 24, 2015 by Riotact
Always wanted to try this game, which looked like a computee version of "the puppet masters". But i'm a bit anxious about how it may have aged, technically, now...
Very interesting. I am a fan of everything Special-Operations and Alien related, and considering who is the developer behind it...
Post edited June 24, 2015 by Enebias
Riotact: Did this used to be just "Outbreak" (ie. no venom in the name)?

Though i think the "codename" was always there, even if tiny...
Enebias: Very interesting. I am a fan of everything Special-Operations and Alien related, and considering who id the developer behind it...
They're guys who made STALKER games, but it was their first game.